Status: ahhhh screw it. I'll get around to updating this sometime soon.

She's Searching for No One But Herself

She's Just Like Him

Damien sighed as he saw her stormy green eyes open again. They were a little hazy from sleep, but it didn't take away from her beauty.

"What was that?" she asked sleepily.

"Are you alright?" he questioned, avoiding her inquiry.

".....Yes. Why am I here?" she asked while sitting up slowly. He watched her look around at his enormous room and silently patted himself on the back for choosing her favorite colors after he sifted through her mind a little. She frowned and itched the back of her head when he pulled out of her mind. He'd have to be more careful with that next time.

"I wanted to talk to you about...some things. But you fainted from my influence outside. I'm sorry. I should probably watch my emotions around you." he rambled, looking at his hands. She tilted her head cutely and her eyes softened. "It's alright, I guess. As long as you tell me whats going on right now. Something you." she said. He frowned sadly and stared at his lap. "No! Not like that! Just...different, you know?" she assured him quickly. He met her eyes again and offered a weak smile.

"I'll tell you everything, but after you eat." he stated, right before her stomach growled loudly. She turned a bright red color and giggled daintily. " long have I been asleep?" she asked.

"About a day or two. Uncle Tom...convinced your father that you were at a friends house." he said with a smirk. He stood and offered his hand to her. She smiled shyly and took it, allowing him to guide her to the spiral staircase down the hall from what she assumed was his room. His hand was almost as warm as it was the last time she took his hand, and he looked back at her with a small smile playing across his lips.

"It's a...side-effect from what I am." he said mysteriously. She nodded and sat on a chair in the kitchen. "How about we make a deal." he said while pulling out iced tea and a cup. "You eat your food while I explain to you why you feel so strange, and what I...we are."

She nodded quickly and dug into the cereal he whipped up for her. She ate a few bites and looked up at him expectantly with a mouth full of food. Damien let out a whole-hearted laugh and shook his head.

"You are too cute!" he got out. He cleared his throat and looked at her with a grin. "Well, it all started in about 1770, where we first met..." he began.
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