Status: Complete.




Kayden and I have spent the last two whole weeks together. Everyday we go out and he spends every night at the hotel with me. This has made me realize that if he ever left I’d probably die. Sometimes I wonder why I’ve never been to his home. Hmm…

We were currently on a hiking trip. Up the side of a mountain. Damn it Kayden use that super speed and take me home!!!

Whatever back to my wondering.

“Hey Kayden? Where do you live? I mean you’ve got to have a home. Right?” I asked

“Mhmm. At the top of that hill.” he turned me to the left and pointed to a mountain about a mile away. My vision scanned it until it reached the top of the ‘hill’. then my jaw dropped. It was HUGE! Probably twice the size of the hotel I was staying in.

“OMG! That’s where you live? Don’t even tell me you live alone! There’s no way.” he just shrugged. “What the fuck can one person do in a house that big?” I asked.

“I don’t know. lots of stuff. Honestly this is the most I’ve ever been out of the house since I got here. All because of you.” wait was he blaming me? You’re the one that had to come play babysitter when you could have said no.

“Sorry.” I said.

“I’m not blaming you for anything. I’m thanking you.” oh ok.

“hey can I come inside? your house I mean.” hehe Imma perv.

Kayden’s face flushed tomato red. “Yeah sure.”

10 minutes later we arrived…I forgot about his super speed. He picked me up bridal style and took off. Bad idea. I ended up puking in the bushes outside his house. Oops.

“Sorry baby. I should have warned you.” Kayden apologized.

“No no. it’s ok.” then he opened the door.

It was amazing. Everything was in a Victorian Gothic style.Blacks, reds, and purples everywhere. He led me down a dark corridor that led to a flight of stairs. The floor was a deep purple. The walls red. All along the corridor were black candle holders. A gothic dream come true. The staircase wrapped around in a circle taking us to the second floor. He opened the third door on the left.

It was amazing. Everything was a cream or tan color. The bed posters were gold and shiny. The bed spread a bronze color. With a door, I assumed it was the bathroom door, across from the entrance. The bed to the right of the door and an armoire opposite.

“Wow. This is very nice. Is this your room? It doesn’t seem very fitting though. If I may say so myself.” I rambled.

“No. this is your room.” he stated.

“WHAT?!?! How do I have my own room? I don’t live here. Oh boy.” I said.

“Well you know how much I want to be with you so I figured that you’d eventually have to come around and when, at the end of the summer, you have the choice to either stay with me or go back home with your horrid parents and to that crappy town that you’ll stay.” Kayden stated. That was a valid reason.

I looked at him apologetically. “Kayden. Sweetie. I would love more than anything to stay here with you forever and ever. But I have a life. Friends, family, a school. Things like that.”Now he looked mad.

He grabbed a hold of arms shaking me back and forth. “AIDEN! How many real friends do you have? Most of them just talk to you because they get a free fuck. The only friends you’re really losing are Trixy and April. What are two when you can make three lifetime’s more? Family? You hate your family! You hate school. I can teach you all you need to know. I’m so old that I’ve been to school for a ton of things. Teaching, Physical Therapy, Psychology, Everything. You could have so much more with me. Does ‘I love you’ mean nothing.”

“OK…you make a point.” I said stubbornly.

“Good. I’m glad you see things my way. So will you stay now or later.” he asked.

"Well i need my things. but how about i stay the night and see how i like the place. Or you could just make me immortal now and get it out of the way....then i guess I would have to stay..." i said slyly.

"iguess we could do that." Kayden smirked

“So how do I become immortal?” I asked.

"First i think you need to prove your love. Well that's what usually happens before vamps turn their lovers."Kayden wrapped his arms around my waist.

“So pretty much I tell you I love you then we fuck?” I asked.

“What?! No. we share our feeling then we make love. Don’t ever use fuck in that terminology again. Geez”

“Who’s the softy now? I thought immortals were mean and ruthless.” I said. Am I a cynic or what?

“Not all of them. When my vampire status was stripped that evil side of me was taken.” he smiled.

“Oh ok. Well I love you, you love me. Let’s get it on."

"Aiden. Look, here sit.” he led me to the bed sitting on the edge. “Ok. Let me explain some things. We are soul mates. When we first saw each other it just clicked right?” I nodded. “ok well that’s what is gonna make this process easier. But that also means we can’t ever leave each other without causing a lot of emotional suffering. But I still have to change you like a vampire does. By biting you. But it won’t be as painful. I promise.”

‘Why would I ever want to leave him’ I thought.

“Ok. Am I supposed to be nervous. Normally I’m good at this. The fucking I mean.” I said.

“Aiden! So calling it that. Maybe what you did in the past was fucking” he whispered that word as if ashamed to be saying it. “but this is different.”

“Ok. Well I love you and I want to ‘make love’ to you.” I said using air quotes.

“I love you too Aiden.” he leaned in to kiss me on the cheek and whispered “It won’t hurt. I promise.”

I took him stripped myself of all clothing all while keeping eye contact with Kayden. I was standing in front of him completely naked.

“Well usually, don’t the clothes come of in the heat of passion? Not you taking them off at the beginning?” Kayden asked.

“Well better to get it out of the way.” I said. He followed suit by taking off all his clothes as well. “Makes sense.” he said.

Then he wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up. I weaved my arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

He started biting and sucking at my neck earning him moans of pleasure.“Mmm…Kayden I thought it was sex first bite later?” I giggled.

“Mmm…I can’t help it.” he walked to the door, still carrying me and opened it walking to the hallway and into the next door on the right.“Where…we… going?” I asked panting.

“My room.”It was all black with red walls and red pillows on the bed.

“oh god Kayden. Mhmm.” I moaned. He threw me on my back on top of the bed.“Feisty.” I said. I bit my lip and gave him a come-hither look.