Status: Complete.



“Come on Aiden. This is gonna be fun.” My mother said as we walked into the lobby of the Hilton hotel. Wow I didn’t realize they had such nice hotels down here. I thought we would be staying in a hostel. I here horror stories about those things. Ok so this was getting a little better.

“Your room is right next to ours. So if you need anything just come tell us.” My father said. He obviously was hoping that I wouldn’t need anything. Yup. He hates me. What ever I hate him too. He pretty much disowned me when told him I’m gay.

“Yeah ok.” I said.

“Hello My name is Damien, can I show you to your rooms?” said a lovely voice. I turned around to see a man maybe in his very early twenties. He was tan skinned with short black hair. His green eyes were staring right at me. All I could do was nod. Wow this just got WAY better.

“Good come with me. Luggage please.” he said as we placed our bags on the trolley (idk what it’s called but in Harry Potter when he was going to Hogwarts that’s what they were called. But then again I’m from Ohio they’re in England. So yeah.)

“So where are you from?” Damien asked my parents. They were all walking in from of me as I lagged behind. And for a good reason. His ass was to die for. Noticeable but not huge. Just right. They way it moved back and forth in those black slacks when he walks. I started to get a little happy in my skin tight jeans. Oh boy.

“Here we are.” he said as he opened the door to my parents room, taking the trolley with him. I leaned up against the wall next to a door, which I supposed was mine. It’s not like I could go into the room without him. He had my bags…and my key. Damn.

Finally he walked out of the room with the trolley behind him. He opened my door ushering me in. I couldn’t stop staring at him. I mean he wasn’t the best looking thing I’d ever see but he was pretty hot. And this is where my mission begins. Now how to seduce him. Hmm…

“Ok sir is there anything else you need? It would be my pleasure to get it for you.” He said while placing my bags on the bed and handing me my key card.

“Oh it will be pleasurable all right.” I said biting my lip seductively.

“Excuse me? Umm…is that a no? Cause if so I should get back to work.”

“Oh no there is something you can do. But how to approach the situation at hand. I suppose you don’t get asked this everyday.”

“Asked what sir?” Very polite. I don’t like it.

“Well see…oh have a seat please….my parents have forced me to stay down here for three months because I told them I’m gay. Now I need to piss them off. So I think you can help.”

I could hear him swallow the lump in his throat. “Umm…well…uh…”

“All you have to do is fuck me. As noisily as possible please. Or I could fuck you. Either way I don’t care.”

“Umm….I don’t know what to say.”

“Say yes. Look here’s fifty bucks.” I said while I reached into my bag pulling out a fifty dollar bill.

“No no don’t pay me. I’m not a prostitute. But I guess I could. Umm….” he looked like he was gonna puke.

“Great!” I squealed.

“So how should we do this?”

I sighed and walked over to him. Damien stood up as I walked to him. He looked afraid. He was about an inch shorter than I. I leaned down so that my mouth was level with his ear.

“Don’t be afraid. I’ll be gentle.” I whispered.