Status: Complete.



10 minutes until Damien picks me up. I’m excited. I keep fixing my tie. Why am I so nervous? I don’t know. It’s not like this is a date. We’re just friends.

Knock knock.

I ran to the door and swung it open.

“Hello!” I shouted.

“Hi. Well don’t I have amazing style?” he said referring to my outfit.

“Hey I added the shoes. And the spray in hair color.”

“Oh yes. Incredible.” sarcasm dripping from his voice. I pouted and he just laughed at me. “It is nice being red though.”

“So Aiden, are you ready?” Damien asked.

“Why yes I am Damien.” I gave him a coy look.



“Hello my name is Mia. I’ll be your server for this evening. Would you like to order drinks?”

“Why yes we would. Coke please” Damien asked looking at me for my answer.

“Uhh…Mountain Dew. Yes.” I said somewhat childishly.

“Ha ha ok. I’ll be back with your drinks in a few minutes.”

“So Aiden, how do you like Mexico so far?” Damien asked.

“It’s the shiz nit. I didn’t think I was gonna like it here but it’s grown on me.” I said honestly.

“And would that be because of anyone in particular?” he asked trying to be coy.

“Umm…I don’t think so. Just the scenery. You know that kind of stuff.” I said trying to get a reaction and I did. He made a sad face which made me feel bad.

“Oh yeah it’s beautiful around here.” Damien said trying not to sound upset.

“I was kidding. Jeez. Trust me no scenery would make me wanna stay here. Ever. I mean it’s nice here and all but I just miss my friends. I had the whole summer planned out but my stupid parents decided to drag me here. No offense.”

“No no. None taken. Why don’t your parents agree with your decision? To like men that is.” it’s so cute how he was being all serious when just an hour ago he was all nervous and…and…childlike? Idk. But it’s cute.

“Umm…they’re devout Christians. Yeah whatever. They drag me to church and tell me that I’m sinning all the time. Grr…”

“I’m guessing you’re not very religious? Well I’m not either. Obviously, I was gonna have sex with you earlier.”

“No I’m not. At all. Ok this is depressing. Let’s change the subject.” I suggested.

“OK what’s your favorite type of music? Mine’s Rock. Preferably screamo.” he questioned.

“I like anything really. Rock, Emo, Screamo, Country, Rap, Pop, Punk, you name it.” I listed.

“Wow very diverse. I like it.” he said.

Then a man about 21 walked up to the table. He wore the waiters’ attire. Black slacks, red collared short sleeve shirt, and a green apron.

“Hello My name is Kayden. Mia had to leave I’ll be your waiter for the rest of the evening. Here are your drinks. Now would you like to order?” He said. I felt him staring at me. I looked up to meet the most amazing electric blue eyes I’d ever seen. I couldn’t help but stare. Oh no I couldn’t speak.

“-with parmesan cheese. Aiden what do you want? It’s on me, kay?”

I was finally snapped out of my daze. I quickly looked away.

“What? Umm…you know I’m suddenly not hungry. I don’t know why.”

He was still staring at me. Oh my God. What do I do? Do you believe in love at first site? Well now I do. Now I could feel all the life drain out of my face.

“Well you have to eat something. You aren’t looking so good anymore. At least eat a salad. Or something.” he pleaded.

“Yeah yeah ok. I’ll have the Wildfire Ranch Salad. Please.” (You know from Bob Evan’s)

Damn it. I looked into his eyes again. I was stunned speechless for the second time tonight.

“Will do.” the man said. With that he left the table and walked into the back.

“Aiden are you ok? You do not look so good.” he asked sounding very worried.

“N-No no I’m fine. Yeah.” I could feel my face getting very warm now.

“Are you su- Oh My God! You think he’s cute don’t you? Aww…that’s so sweet. Well he is pretty hot. Damn.” he made fun.

“Are you just figured out that you like men today?” I questioned him. He shut up then and his face turned into a tomato.

“You know I just realized what his name is. Kayden. Just like Aiden. Hmm…that’s weird.”

Wow that was weird. Kayden…Aiden. Strange.

“Here you go boys. One Chicken Parmesan” Kayden said setting the plate down in front of Damien. “And one Wildfire Ranch Salad. Are you feeling any better?” He said directed towards me. He then he placed his hand on my shoulder. I tensed. All of my muscles freezing in place.

“Uhh….y-yeah. I-I’m fine” I said shakily.

“So Kayden. Are you, by any chance, into men?” Damien asked. I gave him the meanest glare possible.

“Ha ha. Well that’s kinda personal but if you must know yes I am.” he giggled a little. The most angelic giggle I’ve ever heard.

“Oh that’s great you see my friend here is too. Say hi Aiden. That’s still tripping me out. Aiden Kayden.” he laughed then. I was still glaring.

“Oh that is cool your name is in my name. Ha ha.” Kayden started to laugh also. I still didn’t see what was so funny.

‘Oh my god he’s sitting down next to me. Now he’s looking at me. Now he’s smiling at me. No no stop it! He’s just so gorgeous. His muscles. The way his shirt is clinging to his abs. I think I’m drooling. AHH!!!! And he’s emo. Good God help me. Bad penis Bad penis!’ I thought. My pants were growing tighter and tighter. Especially when his strong tan arm brushed against mine and stayed there. ’Oh god now he’s leaning towards me. I wonder if he knows what he’s doing. Just look at your hands. Don’t look at his eyes. His lovely lovely blue eyes. Oh just one peek. One. NO!’

A hand began waving in front of my face. “Aiden? Aiden? Are you alive in there?” Kayden said.

“Uh ya ya. What’s up?” I asked him. It was so hard to talk to him. He swept his blue bangs out of this view. Yup he’s emo. Blue emo bang, black hair. Hell yes.

“I was asking if you would want to join Damien and I at a party tonight?” he asked his eyes prodding me.

“Umm…you know I-I don’t th-think so. I’m r-really beat but thanks for the offer.” I stuttered. Oh my God I stuttered. I never stutter. Why am I so nervous? I’m never this nervous. I mean seriously just two hours ago I asked Damien, who I’d never met before, to have sex with me.

“Come on Aiden. You need to learn the city. This vacation won’t do you any good if you stay in that hotel the whole time.” Damien stated.

“No I’m really tired. Maybe some other time.”

“Oh ok. Well I hope you get a good night’s sleep. You know if you ever wanna hang out then you can call me.” He took a pen out of his apron and grabbed my arm. I gasped. I instantly felt an explosion in my veins. Kayden then wrote his phone number on my hand. “There you go. That’s my cell so I’ll always answer it. Well 95% of the time.”

“OK cool.” I said.

“So Kayden, when are we leaving?” Damien asked.

“When ever you want. My shift is over.” Kayden answered.

“Hey you know what I’m gonna head back to the hotel. Get a shower and crash.” I said getting up to leave.

“Ok if you’re sure.” I just nodded and walked out of the door and back to the hotel.

Once I arrived I decided to lie down and watch TV. While flipping through the channels. Ooo…a Halloween marathon. I made it through two movies before I was scared shitless. Oh no. maybe having my own room was a bad idea. But hey it’s like being in my own house only it’s much bigger and there’s more security. No I was still scared.

Maybe if I called Kayden he would still be with Damien and he could just stay the night with me. I have severe paranoia. I am scared of everything. I don’t know why but I’ve always been like that. So I decided to call him.

Ring ring.

“Hello? Who is this?” said Kayden’s sweet voice.

“Oh umm…hi this is Aiden. Umm…sorry to call you so late but I was wondering if you were still with Damien. Umm…if so can I speak with him?” I asked.

“Umm…no he went home with some guy. Sorry. What did you need? Maybe I can help.” he replied.

“Oh no it’s ok. I was just watching scary movies and I got a little scared, that’s all. But I figured since he lives in the hotel that he could stay with me but apparently he’s busy. I’m just being stupid. I’m a wimp. Sorry to have bothered you. Good night” I was about to hang up when…

“WAIT!! Don’t hang up. I can stay with you if you like. I mean I have nothing to do.” oh shit. I really do want someone with me though.

“Umm…I guess. I’m staying at the Hilton room 605. 6th floor obviously.” I laughed a little.

“Ok I’ll be there in about ten minutes. Just hang on tight. Nothing’s gonna get you.” he cooed.

“Promise?” I whimpered.

“I promise. Goodbye”

“Bye” and with that he hung up the phone and so did I.
♠ ♠ ♠
WTF :(