Status: Complete.




I woke up to the sound of the shower starting. I’m guessing it was Kayden. I wanted to go in there so bad. Gosh that dream last night. I think I was moaning in my sleep. I really hope Kayden didn’t hear it. He looked completely out. That was the best dream I’ve had in… ever.

You know I should just go in there and get in that shower! I’m gonna do it.
I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom door. As I reached for the handle the door came flying open.

“Hello Aiden. Good morning.”

“Oh hi. Good morning. 7:30 in the morning to be exact. Why are we up so early?” I wondered.

“Well because we have a lot to see and not a lot of time to see it in.” he stated.

“Dude, I’m gonna be here for 3 months. I think we have time.”

“Yeah yeah just get in the shower. Hey did you sleep well last night? Any…bad dreams?” he questioned. Maybe he was awake last night. Shit.

“N-no” I lied.

“Oh ok.” That was close.

I got into the shower and tried to calm down. That would be so fucking embarrassing.


He’s such a liar. That’s got to be embarrassing. I should go in there right now and confront him. Tell him that I like him. And if he returns the feelings then great, if not I could always stalk him. Ok that came out weird but I just couldn’t let go of him. I’d just be keeping tabs on him.
I’ve made up my mind. I’m going in.
I walked to the bathroom door placing my hand on the handle. If I had a working heart it would be beating 200 beats a minute. I opened the door quietly and walked to the shower curtain. I ripped it open exposing a naked Aiden.

“Look I don’t know if you like me but I know that I like you, I may even be falling in love with you and that means a lot coming from me. Trust me. I was awake and I heard you last night and I just wanted to let you know that I do have feelings for you and that a little wet dream is nothing to fret over. But I want to know if you do because if you don‘t then I‘ll just get out of your hair now.” I breathed in a deep gulp of air after saying all of that.

He just looked shocked. Then I remembered that he was in the shower. My view traveled down his body. Memorizing his pale skin and an amazing six pack. Then it went even further. I saw it. Very VERY decent size. I felt like an idiot staring, but I couldn’t stop. He screamed a little and pulled the curtain in front of himself.

“Oh my god. Umm…can we not talk about this right now?”

“No because now you can’t avoid the question.” I stated still wanting to see his naked body.

“Uhh…I don’t know how to respond.” he said looking at the ground. “But I will say that I like you too. And I didn’t tell you about the dream because I was embarrassed. I’m sorry I hurt your feelings.”

“It’s ok. Umm…I want to do something really quick.” I said as I approached him. Now he was about the same height as me then I leaned up and our bodies were almost touching.

Our lips brushed each other’s until Aiden grabbed the back of my head deepening the kiss. I ran my toung across his bottom lip. He opened his mouth letting me in and I explored every crevice of his mouth. I finally released him a few minutes later because of the lack of air.“Umm…I need to finish up here.” he smiled.

“Oh Yeah. Right. I’ll just be out there.” I said turning to walk out the door. ‘I think today is gonna be a good day’ I thought with a smile on my face.