Status: Complete.




After I finished my shower I dressed in an Underoath tee and black skinnies. I spiked my hair in the back and combed my bangs back over my left eye. I applied eyeliner and tah dah!I walked into the room to see Kayden lying on the bed staring intently at the ceiling. I walked over to the bed and lay down on top of him with my head in the crook of his neck.

“Good morning Kayden. You’re looking dapper. ” I purred.

“Good morning. You seem chipper. I like it.” Kayden said. I smiled into his neck.

“Thank you. So what do you have planned for today?” I asked excited.

“Well I planned to go site seeing, but I kinda wanna stay here and cuddle with you. I don’t think I can leave.” Kayden said kinda sad. I’m guessing he had to go somewhere other then site seeing.

“Well we could order room service, lounge in our boxers, watch TV, and cuddle. How about that as a plan? Personally I like it, I mean I don’t know about you but that’s my kind of vacation.” I suggested hoping that he would say yes.

“Wait so you’re saying that if I stay here that I get to cuddle with your almost naked body. Hmm…I think I like this plan of yours.” then he laughed. I thought he was serious so I stripped and was clad only in my Spongebob boxers then jumped back on top of his fully dress body straddling his hips.

“Yes Sir. Are these good are do you want a different character.” I said referring to my boxers. “I have Scooby Doo. Or Batman.”

He just laughed at this. “No I think Spongebob is good. So I take it we’re going with your plan?” I just nodded at him with a smile plastered on my face. “Well I think I should undress as well. It’s only fair.” I gave him a devilish smile as I stripped him of his shirt. I took of his belt and threw it to the floor. I bent down and kissed his happy trail while I unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. He giggled.

‘Should I give him a blow job or is it to early? God I sure would like to take a peak. It’s only fair he walked in on me in the shower right? No I’ll hold off.’ I thought.

I threw his pants in a pile with his shirt and belt. Nice Spiderman boxers.

“Hmm…you know you can look if you want.” Kayden said reading my mind.

“W-what? I-I-I wasn’t. Uhh…” should I take him up on his offer? Hell yes! I grinned evilly as I slid my hands into his boxers pulling them down to his knees. OMG wow that’s nice. Holy hell. I bite my lip hard to keep myself from touching him in an inappropriate way.“Ha ha the look on your face. Why are you so shocked? You’ve seen bigger. I mean you’ve had to have seen yourself before.” that was true. But he’s just so beautiful that if my penis was a million inches he would still be better.He leaned up so that our faces were an inch apart. “Aiden? Can I ask you to do something?”


“Do you believe in love at first site? I don’t know what’s happening but I really feel like I’m in love every time I look at you. Do you love me? Or am I just crazy? No I’m most def crazy. That was stupid to ask of you. Seriously forget it. I mean we barely even know anything about each other.” he was now pacing across the room. “Only what Damien said about you last night and that wasn’t much and you really don’t know anything about me. I just think we should get to know each other a little. All I know is that this is extremely weird. I mean we just met yesterday and we’re already a ‘couple?’ and I’m already in love with you.” Love? But I think I love him too.

“From the moment I saw you and I’ve never felt anything like this in my whole 200 years of existence.” WHAT?!?! “I’ve been with plenty of guys and girls but none of that was anything compared to watching you sleep last night.”

“HUH?” I screeched.

“Oops. Don’t run away just let me explain.” my jaw was on the floor and all I could do was nod. He took my arm and led me to the edge of the bed and sat me down. All I could do was stare at him in shock.

“Ok I guess this is where the getting to know each other starts. Ok. Just listen until I’m done then you can scream and run away. Ok?” I nodded. “Ok. I’m a vampire. My full name is Kayden Julian Belmont. I was born on July 10, 1789 in Romania. Making me 20 at the time. I was turned on July 10, 1809. Making me almost 200 years old. I don’t include my human years. I had a mother, father, and two sisters. Until I killed one of them. Emma. It was an accident. I had just been turned and I couldn’t control myself. My family disowned me and I was left to live on the streets. Soon after an older vampire male found me living in an alley way and he took me in. He changed me from a vampire to an immortal. Don’t ask me how. And he also taught me how to use my powers. That’s how I’m so rich. I have super speed, strength, I can read auras, and I can pick up a taste of your thoughts. Like not full thoughts just the subject that you’re thinking about. But I don’t use it. It’s mean. and nosey. I usually break into banks or use mind control. Oh yes that’s another of my powers. You seem to be resistant to that one though. I moved to Mexico 10 years ago. It’s a big place so every 2 years or so I move to a different part. My time here is almost up. And I think I should leave Mexico. Maybe I’ll go to Ohio. It’s nice in the states from what I hear.”

“Ohio? That’s where-”

“I know. I read your mind, well what little I could read. And your passport.” Kayden interrupted.

“Oh. That makes sense.” that’s all I could say. I was stunned speechless. For some odd reason I believed everything he just said. “Hey are you controlling my mind to believe what you say?! Stop!” I became enraged and stood up clenching my fists.

“NO! NO! I said I couldn’t control your mind.” oh yeah he did say that. I calmed myself and sat back down.

He placed his hand on my cheek and turned my head to look him in the eyes. “I’m really sorry. I know you probably don’t believe me but I can prove it.”

“How?” I asked.

“Lay down.” Kayden said pushing me back onto the bed. I laid down in the center of the bed and he crawled underneath it. Before I knew what was going on my nose was touching the ceiling.

“AHH!!! What are you doing?! Put me down!” I screamed.

“Ok ok I’m sorry.” the bed slowly dropped to the ground.

“I think I’m gonna puke” within two seconds Kayden ran to the bathroom and was back with the wastebasket.“Oh boy. You are really fast. Ok I think I believe you now.”

“Are you ok? I didn’t mean to make you sick.” he said apologetically. “I guess I just wanted to tell you the truth. I’m so sorry.” the he started crying. Oh no. I made him feel bad.

“hey hey hey. Shh…it’s ok. I’m glad you told me.” I said as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and held his head to my chest.

“You don’t hate me?” he asked still sobbing.

“No not at all.” I said and I honestly believed it. I didn’t hate him. I wasn’t afraid of him. “I love you. As odd as that sounds I love you. Even though we’ve only known each other for a day I can say that because no one makes me feel the way you do. Nervous and jittery. Happy and safe. Calm and content all at the same time. I love you Kayden Julian Belmont.” I had started to cry when he lifted his head up to look me in the eyes and wipe away my tears with his thumb.

Upon regaining our composure Kayden asked “So why don’t you tell me about yourself? Anything interesting?”

“No. My full name is Aiden Scott Mills. Rather boring name. I’ve lived in Ohio my whole life. I was born on October 8, 1991. I’m young compared to you.” we both laughed. “My mother and step-father hate me. My real dad left when I was 4. But my real grandfather kicked the bucket a few months ago leaving me millions. That’s the only reason my parents want me around. They control the money till I’m 18. Only a few more months and they’ll never see me again. I’m an only child. I like vegetables? Umm…I don’t know what else.”

“Well why do your mom and dad hate you?” he ask genuinely curious.

“Because I stick out like a sore thumb. I mean look at me. I’m any Christian’s worst nightmare. Plus the fact that I’m gay. It’s so dumb because I’m a good student I get good grades. I don’t act out. Like drinking, smoking, I just happen to have a lot of sex and that‘s only because they tried to change the fact that I‘m gay. But never in their house. I just don’t get it. Please don’t think I’m a whore.”

“I don’t. Hey you know what. To hell with the millions your grandfather gave you. I have more money than ever imaginable. I could give you anything your heart desires.” he said

“Even you?” I said shyly.

“Especially me. Come run away with me. I can make you immortal. We could be together forever. No more stupid parents.” His hand was caressing my cheek. I placed my hands on top of his leaning my head into his palm. "If you feel, by the time you leave, that you trust and love me enough then you can always stay with me.

“It sounds like a plan to me.” I asked.

“Can I at least stay with you now?” to this I nodded.

“Yes please. Hey let’s watch a movie!” I decided to change the topic and start flipping through the channels.

“Anything for my love.” Kayden said. He sat with his back straight against the headboard and his spread legs propped up. I crawled back to him and situated myself in between his legs.
We sat like that for hours watching scary movies until finally it was dark outside. But that gives him an excuse to cuddle me tonight.
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