Status: Complete.




Aiden fell asleep in my arms. Still lying in between my legs. I’ve just been sitting here staring at him for the past 4 hours. It’s only 2 in the morning. He hasn’t moved a muscle except when he shivered at 12:41 and I covered him with a blanket. Then he buried his face further in my chest. I’m glad I have night vision so I can still see him even though to a human the room is pitch black. I was startled when one of his hands came up to rest on where my heart should be. He sighed in his sleep. It didn’t seem to be a sigh of frustration but a sigh of contentment.

‘Wow now I’m analyzing every little move he makes. Everything he does. What is wrong with me?Oh now come on this is just a part of true love. I just can’t believe I’ve found my soul mate. There’s no denying it. When I look at him. When we touch. We’re meant to be. Am I being too overbearing? What if he doesn’t want to be with me? Well then you just let him go. Wow I can’t believe I told him I wanted to run away together. Cliché or what? I just don’t know. What is happening to me?’

Just as those last thoughts leaked into my brain tears began to spill from my eyes. One single tear landed on Aiden’s cheek. He seemed startled.“Mmm…W-what’s wrong?” he said looking to my face.

I struggled to wipe my face and sniffle “N-Nothing!” I said.

“Yes there is. Why are you crying? Baby I don’t want you to be sad.” Aiden cooed.

“Ha ha. No I’m happy. Do you believe we‘re meant to be?” I asked.

“Sure. We’re soul mates. Right? Why?” Aiden said suddenly lifting my mood.

“Yes. Yes we are. I was just wondering. Aiden? Am I coming on to strong? You can tell me if I am.” I said.

“No you aren’t. You’re great. Kayden? Have you ever been in love before? You said you’ve been with lots of people before.” Aiden asked. Wow I did not want to talk about my sex life. I’m what most would call a whore.

“Umm…not exactly. Not love but like. You’re my first and only love. But I did…have sex with a lot of people before. Can you blame me? 200 years is a long time.” I stated.

“No I don’t. 17 years isn’t long compared to 200 and I’m not exactly innocent here.” Aiden said.

“H-How many?”

“Hmm?” Aiden asked.

“How many people have you been with? If you don’t mind my asking.” I said.

“Umm…wow that’s a hard question. Well Trixy was the first person I ever had sex with. We were best friends, still are. That’s when I realized I was gay. My parents found out before I ever even had a boyfriend. They did everything they could to keep me away from men. So I rebelled and had sex with pretty much anything that had a dick. I’d go to a party and fuck three or four different guys. And I partied every night.” Aiden seemed to be amused by this. How can my sweetheart be so tainted?

“R-rough number. You know…like umm…ball park it for me?”

“Umm…ok. About…20? Maybe more. I’m not sure.” OMG! 20? 20 different people and he may have had sex with one person more than once.

“I mean penetration here.” I stated hoping the number would go down just a little.

“Yeah.” he said non-chalantly.

I had slept with 20 people but I‘m 200 years old. I’m 10 times older than him. I don’t do it with random people though. I make love, not fuck. What can I say. I’m old school.

“Aiden? Do you cheat?” I asked.

“Well I’ve never been in a relationship too cheat.” He said.

“Oh well you wouldn’t cheat on me would you? I mean I’m sorry. Relationships aren’t your thing. Maybe this is a bad idea.” now I’m sad.

“No I wouldn’t. I promise. We’re soul mates.” Aiden said.

His words made me feel so much better. Like our love has changed him as much as it changed me.

“Oh ok. Hey go back to sleep. I wasn’t done staring at you. Plus it’s 3 in the morning. Big day tomorrow. We’re actually leaving the hotel.”

“Yes Sir! Hey you don’t look so comfortable. Here” he moved from in between my legs and laid down next to me facing my direction. I slid my body down so our faces were level and wrapped my arm around his waist pulling him as close as possible.

“I love you. Go to sleep.” I kissed his forehead and he closed his eyes falling into a fast deep sleep.