Status: Complete.

Seasons Change



It’s amazing how one week apart from one person can drive you crazy when you’ve spent the last five years with them.


“Winny! What am I gonna do for a whole week without you?” I wined.

We were sitting on our bed with his back to my chest, and him in between my legs.

“Well I just you’re gonna have to give yourself a lot of hand jobs.” I smacked him.

“Be serious. I’m gonna miss you babe.”

“I’m gonna miss you too. Maui is gonna be sooo boring!”


“Dude snap out of it.” my best friend, Robin said.

“Hmm…yea, yea. I’m here.”

“then pay attention, cause I’m kicking your ass at this game.”

“Hey you try playing Halo with the love of your life on your mind. It doesn’t work.” I smacked him with the controller.

“Dude. Just call him and have some nice phone sex. Then maybe you’ll actually be able to function.” that’s not a bad idea.

“Too bad he isn’t getting reception. Trust me I tried calling him. Millions of times. Summer too.”

“I bet Abby is freaking.” oh I didn’t tell you? Abby and Summer got together too. About a year after me and Winter. Copy cats.

“What cha talking bout?” Abby asked. I jumped and spun around in my spot on the couch to see her hovering over the back of it.

“Oh just me missing Winter.” I sighed and turned my attention back to the game.

“Oh. Ok. At least I’m not alone. Hey have you tried calling?” Robin and I exchanged glances before busting out laughing.

“What? Was it something I said?”

“No no. and yes I tried calling. A lot!” I freaked. “I gotta get out of here. Do something to get my mind off Winter.”

“SHOPPING!” Abby squealed.

“No.” robin and I said.

“Mini-golf? Dinner? Movie?”

“OH GOD! Those were the first things Winter and I ever did together. When he first agreed to be my friend.” I sighed. Man I must love this boy cause I just can’t get him off my mind.

“Hey! Let’s go to the strip club! I do believe there’s a bisexual one in town somewhere.” Robin suggested.

“Are you crazy?! That’s like cheating.” Abby and I said together.

“Umm…no. a lap dance is not cheating. Sex, or making out. That’s cheating.” Robin said matter-of-factly. “I’m forcing you.”


And he did. A half an hour later Robin, Summer, and I were sitting in Club Head getting lap dances. Who the fuck names a strip club Club Head. That’s so dumb and cheesy.

“So what’s your name stud?” the stripper asked me.

“Umm…Alex.” it’s sad how I wasn’t getting the slightest bit turned on.

“Oh that’s a rad name. I’m Autumn. I think you’re pretty hot. I get off at 10. Let’s get dinner.”

She was grinding into me and hard as any one person can, and still not getting results.

Why would they give me a female stripper if I’m gay? That’s dumb!

“I have a boyfriend. So no thanks.” I replied coldly.

“Oh what’s his name?”


“Oh like the season?” yea you idiot!

I nodded and she whispered in my ear, “Well seasons change now, don’t they?”

I glared and pushed her off of me.

“Don’t ever say anything like that to me!” I growled.

She rolled her eyes and walked away. Robin and Abby gave me strange glances.

I highly doubt Abby was enjoying it either.

“Here sweetie. This is for you.” a waitress said as she handed me a blue drink in a martini glass.

“um…who’s it from?” I looked around the club to see if anyone was looking in my direction. No one.

“I don’t know. I didn’t get a good look.”

“Ok. Thanks.” I looked at it a figured ’what the hell? I need to take the edge off.’ and downed it.

A few minutes later I was laughing uncontrollably at my kaleidoscope vision.

“Abby Abby! Look look. There’s a leprechaun!”

“Dude how much have you had to drink?” Robin asked.

“Just one. Oh hey. I have to pee.” I got up and stumbled to the bathroom.

I was standing at the urinal trying to keep myself standing when I heard “Hey cutie. I’ve been waiting for you.”

I turned to see Autumn, and then…darkness.