Two Is Better Than One


Juliet's fingers gripped a dirty, crippling sink at the club. Her heart beat pounded like a hammer. Tears threatened to spill out but she squeezed her eyes shut. While taking deep breathes, she remember what happened five years ago.

Five Years Earlier

Juliet let her long healthy blonde hair blow in the wind of the jeep. Maxwell was on her right, grinning like a fool. Maxwell was her brother who was driving her home to a loving husband and their comfy home. Juliet was away wiht Maxwell on tour for four months and couldn't wait to be in her husband's arms again.

Her smile widened as her big white house with blue shudders came into view. The perfect beach as their back yard was calling her to it's warm embrace. She was finally home.

Grabbing her suitcases, she waved her brother off and walked up the curb to her house. She noticed a red convertible in her driveway. Could this be a present from Brian?! With twinkling eyes, she admired the beauty in front of her. The cherry red paint and tan apolstry, but she didn't like the lincense plate though. It was too tacky, not her style at all. 'CRZYBTCH' wasn't really her fortay. Maybe Brian will let her change the liscense plate later on.

Sighing, she dragged her feet up the doorway. Expecting the door to be open, she tried turning the knob. It didn't open and she scrunched her nose. Bending down, she took out the spare key out from under the cute gnome drinking from a mug. Opening the door, she let her suitcase down with a thud.

Hearing a cladder from up stairs, Juliet grins from ear to ear. Is her husband trying to get a surprise ready? Skipping, up the stairs she heard more bangs, more insync. Furrowing her eyebrows she starts jogging to the master bed room door. Her hand turned the knob and pushed the door open with such a force she almost fell onto the floor.

She saw her husband over another woman. The woman's hair was fake blonde and in a horrible hair cut. The woman looked like she hasn't eaten in weeks while her bony legs were wrapped around her husband's tone body. She moaned Brian's name louder and louder not bothering to open her eyes. Brian's movements were as if he was making love to Juliet. He was touching her like he would touch Juliet.

Juliet's heart tore into a million pieces. Her heart wasn't a heart anymore, it was just another organ. Tears spilled out of her eyes as she slammed the door shut. The two people on the bed stopped with wide eyes.

"Please," Juliet sniffed, "Don't stop on my account,"

Brian turned around when he heard his wife's musical voice strained and hoarse. "Babe-"

"Save it," Juliet breathed. The woman on the bed smirked and wrapped her legs around Brian tighter.

"She told you not to stop," The woman purred, kissing his chest.

Brian pushed the woman away and stood up, while pulling up his boxers. "Jewls, please-"

"I love you," She cried and gave him the ring. "But I guess you don't love me enough,"

Brian's eyes filled with regret and sadness. Juliet stumbled out of the room with Brian on her heels. She felt numb. All the love and compassion she had was gone. It slowly melted away with each breath.

"Please, it was a mistake...please! Juliet!" He yelled and gripped her soft arm so she was facing him. "I would take it back i I was a mistake!"

"It was a mistake you can't erase." She said bitterly. Brian was taken back a bit, he had never heard no emotion in her voice before. He had always heard her happiness or sadness that appeared.

Her husband blinked and she was gone. All he had was the imprint of the ring in his palm.

Blue eyes wondered to the brown stained mirror. They scanned over the pale face of the woman in front of it. Her chubby cheeks now clinging to her cheek bones, her pink lips now a bit purple, and her blue eyes now dull. Taking a shakey breath, Juliet combed her fingers through her new black hair. She thought changing the once so soft, honey blonde hair that Brian loved; to a dark color that he will hate.

Her mouth became dry as she saw her brother Maxwell step into the bathroom. His goofy smile is now into a frown and his bright brown eyes now matching her dull blue pools.

Maxwell had been there for her since the hour she called him those five years ago. His attitude matches hers. He hates seeing his little sister upset. The sad thing was, he thought he could protect her from anything or anyone. But he was wrong, he couldn't be her hero at love. At times he wished he could just hug his sister and tell her it would be ok, but really anything like this isn't ok. Maxwell didn't want to feed her lies or fals hopes. He wanted her to witness the real world, the real people.

"Jewls, were going on," He spoke hoarsely.

Juliet sighed, "Let's go then,"

The two siblings walked into the crowd dance floor, weaving in and out of the girls and guys dry humping. Five years ago that would have been Juliet and Brian. They loved going out to clubs and bars with friends. They always made the party and always loved to dance. But that was years ago, people change.

Maxwell and Juliet stepped on stage along with the rest of the band. Juliet saw the lights flash and blind her for a moment. She gulped down her nervousness and did a small smile towards the crowd.

"Hello," Maxwell spoke into the microphone, "We are Sins for Mary. Thank you for having us tonight. We really wanna rock out but to start things off we wanna do a nice slow song."

Juliet cringed. Maxwell wanted her to sing the song. She doesn't know why, but it gives her that feeling of Brian.

The music began to play and Juliet stepped up to the microphone.

"I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life and I thought
"Hey, you know, this could be something"
'Cause everything you do and words you say
You know that it all takes my breath away
And now I'm left with nothing."

Juliet smiled as sixteen year old Brian pulled up in his black comaro. She fixed her dress one more time as she opened the door for him. His black hair was slicked back a bit while his blue muscle shirt hugged his torso perfectly. Brian's jeans were loose yet taut in the right places. His outfit made her feel a bit over dressed in her white sun baby doll dress and black converses. Juliet loved how he could make any outfit look designer.

Brian's eyes twinkled as he saw her honey blonde curls fall into the right places. He took a deep breath while admiring her outfit. She looked like an angel sent down from above. She was truly breath taking.

Right then and there, the couple knew they were in love.

Maxwell joined her in singing, "So maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
There's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you thought that it got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two is better than one,"

Juliet noticed the crowd pairing up and dancing. They all looked happy and in love, somthing Juliet wanted so badly.

"I remember every look upon your face
The way you roll your eyes
The way you taste
You make it hard for breathing
'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away
I think of you and everything's okay
I'm finally now believing,"

An eighteen year old Juliet watched her boyfriend of two years, Brian, try to fix a pool table leg. She loved how almost every ten minutes he would curse and roll his eyes. Brian looked so cute when he was angry.

An eighteen year old Brian tried to focus on fixing the pool table, but kept looking over at his girlfriend of two years, Juliet. He memorized every look on her face, he knows if she is bored or if she is content. Right now, she is amused at his behavior.

Finally giving up on the table, Brian got up and wrapped his arms around Juliet. He kissed her hair and hugged her close.

"I love having you in my arms," Brian smiled as Juliet wrapped her arms around his waist.

"I love you taste," She grinned placing a kiss upon his lips.

Before Juliet knew it the song was over. She was so out of it, she was surprised she could still sing.

Maxwell nodded her off stage, knowing that she had no intention of doing another song. Juliet slomped down in a booth waiting for a round of drinks to be sent to her.

A twenty-five year old Brian looked up at his ceiling. His once happy loving house is now filled with one night stands and wild parties. The red head on his left was clinging onto him for dear life. He remembered how Juliet used to be on his right, always laying her head on his chest and tangle her legs with his. It would make him smile in the morning smelling her strawberry scented shampoo under his nose, waking him up. The other girls never smelled as nice as her. They smelled of booze, cigarettes, or sweat.

He swug his legs over the right side of the bed. He felt at peace on the right side. Brian never let a one night stand sleep on Juliet's sode of the bed - that would be hurtful to him.

The red head smiled and stretched, "Mornin' sugar," She said with a thick Southern accent.

"Don't forget to lock the door on your way out," muttered Brian as he got out some clothes to wear.

The naked red head sat up in bed. "Excuse me? Do I even get to make you breakfast or somethin'?"

"No, it's five at night and I don't like sluts preparing my can't trust them," He snapped.

Fire blazed in the red head's eyes, "I have been your girlfriend for a few weeks now and you callin' me a slut?"

"I can't even remember your name!" Brian laughed bitterly, "What is it? Mandy Rae?!"

Her scrawny legs swung over the bed and jumped her up. She approached Brian with her body bouncing. "Its Chelsea...and this relationship is over!" She grabbed her clothes and stomped out.

"Again, lock the door on your way out!" He called. "Fucking whore,"

After a shower of scrubbing himself clean of the red head's germs, he got dressed in a pair of jeans and a black shirt. He put spikes in his hair with hair gel and put his pack of cigarettes in his back pocket.

Ian Brady walked through Brian's master bedroom. "Bri!" He called out and sat on the messy bed, "C'mon, we are gonna be late for the opening set of Sins for Mary," Ian whined, "Get your fucking ass out here, bro!"

Brian flipped off Ian, "Don't call me that, only one person can call me that, you fucktard"

Ian frowned. He knew Juliet could only call Brian that but she wasn't here anymore. She ran away somewhere. For months him and Brian had tried to find her but she just....disappeared out of thin air.

Soon Brian had a couple of drinks in him and Ian had a brunnette on his lap. Brian turned down five girls so far. He hasn't found one to top Carry...or was it Chelsea? He shook his head and laughed.

"I remember what you wore on our first date," He heard and suddenly realized that voice. He saw his Juliet up on stage singing. She might have dyed her hair, but that's her voice. She always used to sing in the shower while Brian would be brushing his teeth.

After the song, he was in such a daze he didn't realize that he was walking over to Juliet's booth. He slid in on the other side of her and handed her a drink.

"Juliet," He said in a strained voice.

She looked up to see the brown eyes of Brian. Her blue pools widened as she tried to get out of the booth.

"Please, I just wanna talk...please Jewls," He breath, closing his eyes.

"Fine," She snapped and sat back down, "You have five minutes."

"Jewls," He began, "That night when you walked in on me and GiGi, wasn't really what you think. I didn't just fuck any girl I saw, GiGi was Ian's girlfriend. He broke up with her and she came to me for advice...sorta like help. I told her she needed a guy who will provide for her and love her. She took it the wrong way and she thought I liked her but then I told her I had you." Brian took a deep breath, "We started drinking and she started getting touchy and started saying how I needed a woman who was there for me, not going on tour all the time with her brother. Then she kissed was my fault for taking it further but I want to let you know that I never stopped loving you."

Juliet's eyes began to water. She thought that he would have moved on, gotten another woman and family going by now.

"I must admit, I searched for you for months but you just...disappeared. Ian told me to give up after twelve I did. I assumed you found another man and started a family. I thought you moved on...and it killed me. I started having one night stands and parties trying to fill the hole in my heart but it didn't work...nothing filled it. And-and when I heard you singing just now, it brought back so many memories and it filled the hole temporarly,"

She just blinked. Her heart fluttered for the first time in years. She didn't want to loose this feeling again. Juliet sat next to Brian and kissed him.