Status: In memory of James Owen Sullivan, RIP. Finished.

She Lives in a Fairytale

You'll Be The Death Of Me

|| Shiloh’s P.O.V. ||

The next time I woke up I knew it was much later. I groaned, my stomach feeling like it had been lit on fire. I forced my eyes open and everything seemed blurry. I shut them once again and waited a minute. When my eyes opened again all I could see was the sun setting through a window. I turned on my other side and screamed.

“Calm down! It’s just me,” Johnny defended, his arms raised. I let out a shaky sigh and calmed my heart that was beating way too fast. Johnny sat on a chair next to the bed. His hair was wild and he had bags under his eyes showing he hadn’t slept. I slowly sat up. I hissed in pain when my stomach constricted. I quickly fell back onto my side, feeling the tears prickle my eyes.

“Just lay still. It will hurt for a little while. You might want to stay in bed until tomorrow afternoon.” I slowly opened my eyes and looked at Johnny who had a sympathetic look. I sighed and shut my eyes tightly.

“What happened?” I reopened my eyes to see Johnny looking out the window. My question must have caught him off guard. He waited a moment or two before finally speaking.

“What’s the last thing you remember?” It was my turn to fall silent. I tried to think, but it hurt. I forced myself to think anyways.

“I was chasing Brian and Jimmy….I….Well I came across the pond. The only thing I could think about was finally burying Lilly, as she deserved. It took me a while, but I finally made a hole big and deep enough. Once she was in and covered I just wanted to change. But my room was destroyed. I was so angry. Then…then…..I-I can’t remember,” I chocked out. I could feel the tears overflowing. It angered me that I had no idea what happened to me. I could feel the weight on the bed shift before I was slowly picked up.

“It’s okay Shy, it’s okay. I’m here.” I clutched Johnny’s shirt and took deep breaths. I couldn’t find out why I’m crying. My emotions were set on high and wouldn’t come down. I could feel Johnny rubbing my back and mumbling sweet nothings.

“What happened to me?” I cried. Johnny ran his hand through my hair as he tried to shush me. I finally grasped myself enough to stop sobbing.

“You got my power too. You can transform into a wolf. Something about our kind is that our emotions control our powers. Anger, sadness, or confusion can cause us to change into our other forms. Strong happy emotions cause us to heal, things to change. I can’t explain it to you right now, but your emotions before just multiple tenfold.” I let out a shaky breath and calmed myself down.

“So how did I get this?” I asked quietly.

“That is for another time. Right now you need to get food. You sit here and I’ll go get something.” I simply nodded. Johnny leaned me against his headboard before walking out, shutting the door behind him. I looked out the window and saw the sun disappear behind the trees. My head quickly turned to the door as I heard the doorknob slowly turn. I held my breath while it creaked open.

“Well what are you waiting for?” I could hear Gio whisper.

“What if she’s asleep?” another girl asked. I raised my eyebrow in interest.

“She can wake up!”

“The poor girl just turned into a fucking wolf Gee. She’s in pain dumbass.” Suddenly a girl screamed out when the blonde was forced into the room, falling on her stomach. She quickly turned her head to glare at Gio who stood in the doorway with her hands raised in defense. A lightning bolt flew threw the air and Gio barely ducked before it could hit her.

“Geeze, cool it. Let’s all attack the girl with no powers. That’s all even,” Gio muttered.

“Hi?” The two quickly looked at me. Almost seeing as if they forgot I was in the room. The person they came to torment. Well…at least Gio did.

“Oh yeah! Shiloh, this is Skyvy Reece. Also known as Sky or V. She is Matt’s slave,” Gio introduced as Sky dusted off her jeans. Her head turned to look at Gio again, a spark of lightning dancing around her head.

“Slave?” She hissed.

“Okay, fine! Girlfriend. Whatever,” Gio corrected with a roll of her eyes. The lightning around Sky disappeared and she grinned at me.

“I love having a friend that’s human. So easy to trick them,” Sky giggled. I smiled back and saw happiness shining in her eyes. “Well as Gee said, I’m Skyvy. Everyone but Jimmy tends to call me Sky. Jimmy is…special. No offense Gee.”

“Yeah, I’m used to it. I know he’s special,” Gio replied with a wave of her hand. We all laughed as Jimmy screamed out a ‘hey!’. Suddenly Matt stepped into the open doorway.

“I knew I heard my babe,” Matt exclaimed. He took Sky into a tight hug, giving her a passionate kiss. Gio snuck over to my bed and sat next to me.

“I always found it funny. Matt, the man who can freeze stuff and set shit on fire is dating the girl who can use lightning. It’s like they were made for each other,” Gio whispered. I giggled which made Sky and Matt look over with a glare.

“What shit is she talking now?” They asked in unison. Before anyone could reply, Johnny walked into the doorway. He raised an eyebrow at everyone who froze in their spots.

“What are you-”

“I plead the fifth!” Gio screamed while running from the room with her inhuman speed.

“Agreed!” Matt and Sky shouted, following just as fast. Johnny turned to me with a questioning look, but I just shook my head. He shut the door with his foot before walking over to me, a tray in his hands. Once he placed it down I smiled at the plate. He had made grilled cheese and put some fries that looked like smiley face.

“The royal treatment I see,” I joked.

“Only the best,” Johnny replied with a wink as he sat next to me. I happily started to eat my fries with a grin. After a few my stomach suddenly twisted. I quickly turned the side of the bed Johnny wasn’t on and grabbed the trash can, vomit coming from my mouth. I could feel someone pull back my hair as my stomach contents emptied. Once done I set down the trash and rested my forehead on my hand.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s up with my stomach,” I apologized.

“It’s okay, it’s more my fault. I forgot that after the first change eating is bad for at least a day. You need plenty of liquids though,” Johnny said, patting my head. I nodded and he picked up the tray, placing it on the floor. Like if he knew he was gunna forget, he pulled a water bottle out of nowhere. I wordless took the bottle and chugged all of it. He tossed it in the trash before holding it as far away from himself as possible. “You go back to sleep and I’ll wake you up tomorrow, okay?”

“Yeah. Night.”

“Night.” Once he was gone I slowly slid myself into a laying position. Before I could even think of anything else I was out cold.

I awoke laying in the middle of a huge opening in the forest. I don’t think I’ve ever been here before, but it seemed so familiar. I stood to my feet with no pain in my stomach. I looked down to find myself in what looked like a medieval dress. With confusion, I picked up the skirt a bit feeling that it was real.

“What kind of dream am I in?” I muttered, rubbing my head. I had a sudden urge to start forward which I allowed my feet to do. Soon I was in front of the pond that was on the other end of the opening. I sat down next to it and ran my hand through the crystal clear water. Suddenly it turned blood red and I gasped, shooting my hand out. The forest suddenly darkened and I jumped to my feet. I heard a dark laugh behind me, causing me to turn so quick it gave me whiplash.

“Hello again,” the tall man said. He stepped out from the shadows and I saw it was Nixon.

“You! What are you doing here?!” I demanded. Well, my body did. I actually had a few more choice words for him, but that was all that left my mouth. I wanted to run at him but my feet were planted.

“You know why I am here Shiloh. I am here to take my wife,” Nixon replied, taking a few steps towards me. Again, I wanted to sock him the face, but I simply stared at him.

“I told you I would never marry you even if my life depended on it. Kill me now if you wish,” I stated, my arms extended to either side of me.

“Come on love, don’t be like that. All I ask is your hand in marriage,” Nixon said. I simply make fake puking noises. A glare grew on his face, rage dancing in his eyes. Suddenly he was in front of me, holding my wrists tightly.

“Let go of me!” I screamed, thrashing in his grip but no budge came.

“Never you little brat. You will marry me,” he hissed.

“I must have my father’s consent which you will never get. My mother and father would never allow it,” I snapped.

“You can’t get consent from those no longer alive,” Nixon whispered cruelly. Rage filled me and I spit on his face. He threw me into the blood filled pond which made my white dress red. Before I could get up he stood over me, squeezing my throat tightly.

“You…..will suffer,” I chocked out. My breathing was getting harder as he grip tightened.

“And I will be back for you eventually. You are what will bring an end to this pathetic world.” Those were the last things I heard before my breathing stopped and it turned black.
♠ ♠ ♠
Skyvy, character of MakeLoveNotWar.

Finally an update!
Sorry it was kinda short, but it was better than nothing. :D
This has been one of the best, worst weeks ever. (:
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