Status: In memory of James Owen Sullivan, RIP. Finished.

She Lives in a Fairytale

There’s A Place We Gotta Go

|| Brian’s P.O.V. ||

I let Shiloh walk off, hoping we both could blow off steam. She was right, I did fuck up. I shouldn’t have broken that mirror. I let my anger get the better of me and ruined it. But then again. I fucked up before that. I should have just left Shiloh alone. She would be the only one stuck in here.

“You don’t mean that. You’d be worrying with everyone else.” My head snapped at the familiar voice. I looked up to see….myself? Well, a younger me. He had short, black hair lazy spiked up. The only difference was that he was dressed in white pants, shirt, and shoes.

“What the hell are you?” I demanded. I was already in a defensive stance, but my fists just tightened even more. The other me rolled his eyes and crossed his arms across his chest.

“Man, all you do is fight. This is probably why you have no close ties with your friends,” he muttered with a smirk. My smirk. I glared and tried to punch him. It went right through which threw me off balance and I toppled to the floor. I whipped around and stared up at the me that was laughing.

“Shut up! Are you a ghost or something?” I asked.

“You’d have to be dead for me to be a ghost. I’m more like a mirror image. Well, the old image anyway. What I’m pretty much here for is an epiphany. Here’s what I noticed, you don’t seem to be worthy of anything you are given,” the brighter me said with a shake of his head. I scoffed as I stood to my feet.

“What I’m given? You mean my family being murdered? My wife being ripped apart? Me not being able to die with her because some freak turned me into this? Living with a fucking brat?” I yelled.

“No you dumbass. The friends you have. The life you’re living. The fact you are moving on. Do you think your wife would want you to sit around only mourning her for a hundred and fifty years? She’d want you to move on be happy.” I fell silent and looked at my boots. Maybe he’s right. Suddenly a blindly light erupted around me and I couldn’t see.

|| Shiloh’s P.O.V. ||

When I finally caught up to Ellie she was just standing and smiling. Before I could question anything, all around became blinding bright. When I finally opened my eyes and adjusted to the lighting we were somewhere else. It was an old, Victorian style home. Ellie was staring up at it with a smile.

"Is this where you live?" I asked with curiosity. Ellie nodded and smiled up at me.

"My mommy, daddy, sister, and I live here. My room's up there," Ellie said proudly pointing. I looked up to see her pointing at a room with a bay window.

"I use to have one of those," I said excitedly. It was true. When I was little I used to have a bay window. I remember making forts with my stuffed animals on it. My doctor was still amazed since I was only two.

"Do you wanna go in my backyard? My mommy made a garden," Ellie said quite proudly. I nodded and she ran off into the back. I dashed after her and gasped when I reached the backyard. The flowers were wilting and weeds were everywhere. It looked as if no one had even touched the place in years. And there was no Ellie to be seen.

"Ellie?" I called. No reply was heard. I looked around the yard. There was nowhere to possibly hide and an iron fence surrounded the house. Suddenly a blood curling scream was heard from the house. I gave one last look around the yard before approaching the back door.

"Hello?" I called out stupidly. Someone was just screaming bloody murder, I don't think someone will reply and ask you to join for a cup of tea. I need to stop thinking British.

"No! You can't take Ellie!" a woman cried. I followed the voice and was led into a living room where a woman stood holding a toddler. Her maroon hair fell to her chest, her green eyes glaring at the dark clothed man in front of her. A man sighed and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. She stiffened up and jerked out of his grip.

"No Oliver! I can't let them have some random person raise her. I won't do it," the lady hissed. She smiled softly downwards and ran her hand through the two year old's brunette hair. She simply stared at up her mother without speaking.

"Ellie?" I called. No one even turned to look at me. It's like if no one could even hear me. Or at least chose to ignore me. The dark, hooded figure took a step forward and cleared his throat.

"Carrie, I know this will be hard for you but this is for you and Oliver's safety along with Ellie's safety. I promise she will be safe. It's you two I'm worried about," the man told them. After a few moments he spoke again.

"Look I can have someone who looks just like your late daughter Lilly to watch over her. She could live a mostly normal life," he tried. A girl suddenly appeared, looking just like Lilly. The toddler automatically reached out for her. She smiled before taking Ellie and cooing. Caroline bit her lip as Oliver gripped her hand.

"I'm trusting you Zachary. Only because you are our friend. Please don't make us regret this," Oliver told him strictly. Zachary nodded before the couple disappeared.

"What now sir?" Lilly asked as she bounced the toddler who giggled.

"Take her somewhere safe. Use the credit card I gave you. Protect her. And we need to change her name to be extra sure. Elizabeth, you will now known as Shiloh." The toddler stared up at the shadow with confusion.

"Shiloh?" It question, testing it's own voice.

"Yes young one." The lowered his hood to reveal the familiar face of Zachary James Baker. "Shiloh."

"I'm Ellie. My parents are alive," I gasped. Suddenly the room became so bright I had to cover my eyes with my arm. The next time I awoke I was laying on the floor, everyone standing above me.

"Are you okay?!" Zacky asked with panic. I glared before pouncing at him. I grabbed his shirt in my hands as I screamed at him.

"I'm Ellie! That girl wasn't really my sister! Where are my parents?!" Brian pulled me off as I kicked and screamed as Johnny helped Zacky stand to his feet.

"I guess you know then. I curse the day he made that mirror," Zacky cursed. Everyone (but me who was still trying to fight out of Brian's grip) stared at him in confusion.

"Explainnnn," Brian trailed off.

"My friend made a mirror a long time ago. As punishment he'd shove me in until I realized what I did wrong or what he's hid from me and didn't have the guts to say. I don't know how Shiloh-"

"My name's Ellie you fucking lying shit!" I screamed. Zacky sighed before I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my neck. My vision got fuzzy and right before I passed out I could hear someone mutter an apology.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dun dun dunnnnnn.
What will happen now?
Find out when you comment. [:

It seems like the titles lately haven't seemed to relate. :/
And this is soooo fillerish it pisses me off. d:
I didn't really proofread so I'm hoping this sounds okay.
Leave me loving.