Status: In memory of James Owen Sullivan, RIP. Finished.

She Lives in a Fairytale

This Love This Hate Is Burning Me Away

So it’s been about a week from getting knocked out by Matt. The closest to communication I have made with any of them is when I thank Brian for the food I don’t eat. I know my stomach’s been growling and literally trying to eat itself, but I just don’t feel angry. I might be sulking a little but my whole world had came crashing down. I believe I have the right.

“Come on Shiloh, you gotta eat something,” Brian practically begged. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. He held the tray of food that he had brought in two hours ago, still untouched. I looked back out the window I sat in front of. It felt like I was Rapunzal waiting for her prince. At least I wasn’t locked up in Johnny’s room. I was actually in some extra room they had that was mostly black and green.

I hear Brian sigh before walking out of the room, the door clicking shut. Soon the sound of the key turning in the lock was heard. Oh another little tid bit they added. They told me they trusted me multiple times this week yet they fucking lock me in this room? Great ways of showing trust guys. A fucking plus man.

I let out a sigh before standing to my feet and walking over to where I knew my iPod was. It laid on the nightstand where it was charging from the wall. I unplugged it before laying on the bed that was cold from not laying in it in two days. I’ve been having insomnia so sleep hasn’t come. I curled into a ball while I slipped my earphones into my eardrums. Soon Linkin Park’s “Papercut” filled my head. I let myself get lost in Chester’s voice before finally passing out.

I was in a cold room. All the walls were a one way mirror. In the middle was a metal table, two seats on opposite sides. Something told me to sit in one of the chairs, which I did. Suddenly I was no longer alone in the room. Nixon sat in front of me. I growled, my fists tightening to where my nails were digging into my palms. He simply smirked at me and crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair.

“Long time no see Shiloh.” Nixon greeted.

“You killed me you dick,” I hissed.

“Oh. Always holding grudges I see. Just as stubborn now as you were then,” Nixon brushed off, rolling his eyes. I stood to my feet and slammed my hands on the table. My chair flew to the floor, making a loud clatter on the cement floor.

“Quit fucking with me. Why are you here?” I demanded. Nixon stared up at me blankly. He slowly stood up, stretching to his full height.

“I’m here to tell you I will find you. Thanks to your stupid psychic I can’t locate you while you are awake, not anyone in that house. While you’re asleep I can talk to you. So be prepared to see me quite a lot sugar.” He ran a finger along my jaw line and I slapped his hand away. He snarled and soon the table was thrown at one of the walls. It didn’t shatter but the metal table made a huge clang.

“I’m not afraid of you Nixon. You said so yourself, you can’t find me. I had no reason to fear you,” I spoke with venom. He smirked and grasped my upper arm. I cried out as a burning feeling spread throughout where he was touching me.

“Don’t be so sure,” he whispered in my ear.

Screaming, I sat up in bed. I could still feel my arm burning. I hugged myself trying to calm down and get a grip on my mind. Suddenly Zacky appeared out of nowhere, making me scream again. Once I realized it was just him a glare took over my features.

“What the hell do you want?” I snapped.

“Well sorry if screaming makes me come to whoever’s yelling,” Zacky said quite offended. I rolled my eyes and rested my chin in my palm. The elbow rested on a knee and I looked out the window, trying to ignore the green eyed man in front of me. “What’s that?”

“What’s what?” I mocked. He rolled his eyes before walking to me. He grabbed my left wrist and made me turn it sideways. I squirmed in his grip and tried to get him off but it was stronger than my own strength due to my no eating. He raised up my sleeve slightly to show a burn mark in the form of a hand.

“How did you get this?” Zacky demanded.

“I don’t know,” I said softly. The look Zacky gave me showed he didn’t believe it.

“Matt! Get in here!“ I went to pull my arm away, but his hand tightened. I glared at him which he returned. I sighed angrily before slumping over, giving up every fighting bone in me. Soon the familiar sound of the key turning in the lock filled the room. Matt opened it and walked in. Once the door clicked shut Zacky began talking.

“Is this what I think it is?” Matt stepped closer to look at my revealed burned arm. To be honest it stung like a bitch, but I wasn’t about to spill that one. One thing I don’t need: these two idiots worrying about how I’m feeling. It’s a little burn, I’ll live.

“That’s almost a third degree burn! How did you manage this?” Matt asked stunned. Okay, maybe it isn’t that little of a burn. I fucking hate Nixon even more than I ever have before.

“How can we fix this cuz it hurts if you haven’t figured it out on your own,” I snapped. Matt nodded before leaving the room. A silence fell over Zacky and I as we waited.

“Shiloh, you have to understand why I did what I did,” Zacky spoke suddenly.

“Oh yeah. Lying to me totally seemed like a good idea. Pretending you didn’t really know me when we first met? Even greater. I wish I was a genius like you Zacky!” I chirped sarcastically. You could literally hear the venom drip off my words. He sighed and looked to the floor.

“I know it was wrong of me, but it was to protect your parents and you. No, I’m not sure where they are anymore. They had to hide from some people they had come to mix with. Last I heard they were supposedly in Italy, but no one has seen them. I did this all for all of your guys’ safety. I didn’t want to lie to you, but I had to to keep them safe,” Zacky explained. Just as I was about to say something Matt was back with a first aid kit. My mouth formed a straight line and our conversation dropped.

“This might sting, but it will pass.” I just numbly nodded. I zoned out as Matt wrapped my arm up. Once he was done he left without a word. I looked over at Zacky who was concentrating outside the window. I watched as the grey clouds moved across the sky. Suddenly Brian stood in the doorway.

“Zacky? There’s someone here for you. They say their names are Caroline and Oliver,” he said unsurely.

“Mom and Dad?!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for another filler, I hate it.
I promise the next one won't be<3
Please comment!

Oh, hooray for self advertisement.
I have another story called A Withered Past And A Blurry Future.
If you like Escape The Fate you should read. [:

<3 Tina