Status: In memory of James Owen Sullivan, RIP. Finished.

She Lives in a Fairytale

You Could Crush Me. Please Don't Crush Me

Just as I was about to jump out of bed and run to the front door, I was already there. I blinked confused and rubbed my head. I quickly shook my head before yanking open the front door. In front of me stood a shocked couple. They looked exactly like the two people in the vision or whatever it was from the mirror.

“Mom? Dad?” I whispered.

“Ellie?” Caroline asked, tears shining in her eyes. I was suddenly brought in a tight hug. I hugged my mother back just as tightly, burying my head into her neck. I began to silently cry, not believing what was happening. My parents were alive and here!

“Carrie, Oli.” My mother and I parted to turn around. Zacky stood their with a look of disbelief. My mom ran up to him, hugging him tightly too. She kissed his cheek and smiled gratefully. I was brought into another hug while Zacky and mom began talking. I wrapped my arms around my father’s waist, letting my face rest in his stomach.

“It’s been so long Ellie.” My father breathed. I nodded in agreement, still hiding in his chest. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see my mother smiling down at me.

“Ellie? Do you want to introduce me to your friends while Zachary and father talk?” I nodded and grabbed her hand. I walked into the living room where I knew the others were. Johnny, Jimmy, Brian, and Lilena all looked over from the couches.

“Guys, this is my mother Caroline. Mom this is Brian, Jimmy, Lilena, and Johnny. They’re friends of Zachary and I,” I introduced. Lilena was the first to reach. She stood and walked towards us.

“It’s nice to finally meet you,” Lilena greeted, holding out her hand.

“It’s nice to meet you too. Thank you for taking care of Ellie during my absence,” Caroline replied, shaking her hand. Lilena’s face twisted with confusion for a second, but it was quickly gone with a smile.

“No need to thank me ma’am. I have only just arrived. Johnny, Brian, and Jimmy should be thanked. I would add the rest but they are gone at the moment,” Lilena corrected. Brian walked up and smiled, shaking Caroline’s hand.

“Really it was no problem. We love Ellie,” Brian told her with a smile. He gave me a side hug which I gratefully returned. Soon Jimmy and Johnny were to their feet, also shaking my mother’s hand. I watched as they walked back to the couch, talking with her. I smiled before walking into the hall, planning to go find my father. Just as I was about to head to Zacky’s study I heard someone clear their throat. I turned around to see Johnny walking forward.

“I’m glad you have your parents back Sh- I mean Ellie,” Johnny corrected.

“Thanks Johnny.” I fell silent as a tension filled the air. I rubbed my arm nervously and cleared my throat.

“You know? Brian told me something. They want to take you home to Maryland,” Johnny practically whispered. My jaw dropped open in surprise.

“Seriously?” I asked, slightly excited. He gave a solemn nod. My smile instantly disappeared at the sight of Johnny looking so down. “What’s wrong?”

“Can we talk outside?” Johnny asked awkwardly. I slowly nodded and walking towards the kitchen. Once inside we walked into the backyard. He motioned for me to sit down on the wooden bench that was in the middle of the grass. I sat and Johnny began to pace in front of me. After two minutes I huffed.

“Johnny? What did you want to talk about?” He stopped in his tracks and looked at me sheepishly. I tilted my head to the side as he sighed, running a hand through his short hair.

“Shiloh, I know that’s not your name but I feel just weird calling you Ellie. Shiloh, this is going to sound so wrong, but you have to understand. We were born in different times, this is normal for my time,” Johnny thought out loud, starting to rant and pace again. I stood and took a hold of Johnny’s arm. He quickly turned to look at me.

“Just calm down Johnny,” I cooed. He let out a shaky sigh, closing his eyes. He opened them again and looked straight into my eyes.

“Shiloh, I love you. Not just like a little sister or even a daughter either. Like how Sky is with Matt or Lilena is with Zacky. I love you.” My jaw fell open and I took an unintentional step back. He stepped forward, pain showing through his eyes.

“Johnny I’m only sixteen! You’ve been twenty-two for like…ever! This doesn’t seem right,” I blurted out. He sighed and ran another hand through his hair. He looked away, taking a step back.

“That’s six years. And I’m not even legal. No one would ever look at us the same,” I pointed out.

“Who cares what everyone else in the world thinks! Matt, Jimmy, Brian, Zacky, probably even your parents were born in a different time. Back then this was normal. And plus, love is love. Do you even care about me this way Shy?” Johnny practically begged. In the back of my mind I knew the answer. I looked down, not sure what to say. Johnny stepped forward, picking up head by my chin. Johnny’s eyes searched mine, looking for something to show my feelings.

“You don’t, do you?” I let tears fill my eyes and had to bite back a sob. Johnny let go of me as if I was on fire. He took a step back as turned his head.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered. I knew he was trying to hide his tears, I could hear them on in his voice. Just as I was about to say something he turned into his wolf form and ran off. I watched him run into the forest with sad eyes. I heard the backdoor open and slowly turned to see Lilena standing there.

“Hey Ellie, your mother- What’s wrong?” Lilena asked with concern, walking up to me. I noticed I was crying and quickly wiped them away.

“Nothing. Nothing at all,” I tried to cover but my voice cracked. I winced, hating my emotions showing through. Lilena gave a look that clearly said she didn’t believe me, but didn’t push it.

“Your mom and dad want to speak to you. They’re in the study.” I nodded and quietly thanked her. I hurried through the backdoor and slowly shut it when I saw Lilena wasn’t following me. Through the glass in the door I saw Lilena turn into a coyote, disappearing the way Johnny left. I sighed once more before leaving the kitchen. I went to the door I knew was the study, knocking on the wooden door.

“Come in Ellie,” Zacky called. I opened the door and quietly shut it behind me. Zacky sat at his desk with my mother and father in front of him, smiling at me happily. Zacky’s own smile looked forced. My father stood and approached me with a bright grin.

“We have a very important question to ask you Ellie dear,” my father started. My mother walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

“How would you like to come with us to Maryland? We could be a family again,” Mom said excitedly. Even though I already knew it was coming, I faked shock.

“Really? Maryland?” I asked. My mom nodded happily. I looked over at Zacky who had his head bowed. My heart tugged, but as I looked at my parents’ smiling faces I knew what I had to do. For them.

“I would love to,” I replied with a bright smile. My mom squealed before bringing me into a tight hug. My father joined in. After a few moments we separated. Zacky walked over and smiled painfully.

“Well, it was nice to know you Ellie. We will miss you,” he stated, trying to be strong. My smiled faltered and I took him into a hug. He hugged me back tightly, trying to bite back tears. Once we untangled ourselves my father cleared his throat.

“How about you go pack and say goodbye Ellie? Your mother and I will wait in the car.” I nodded. “Good. We will miss you Zachary.”

As they said their goodbyes I left the study wordlessly. I walked slowly down the hall and up the stairs. This would probably be the last time I saw this place. I slowly pushed open the room that I had called mine the past seven days. I saw a hard suitcase already sitting on my bed. Inside was all my clothes, shoes, and accessories. I locked it shut and picked up my iPod that had been placed back on the nightstand. I slipped it into my pocket before picking up the suitcase. Casting one last look around, I left the room and shut the door behind me. At the entrance hall, Brian, Jimmy, and Lilena stood there. Brian was the first to hug me.

“I’ll miss you brat,” Brian said jokingly as he ruffled my hair. I smiled sadly, nodding in agreement. Next was Jimmy who practically crushed me in his arms.

“I’m going to miss you best friend,” Jimmy cried dramatically. I laughed hollowly before smiling up at him. Lilena brought me in for a hug before splitting wordlessly. She looked at the floor as she rubbed one arm.

“Tell the others I said goodbye and I’ll miss them.” Everyone nodded and an awkward silence filled the air. I sighed before walking to the front door. Gripping the doorknob, all the memories of this house flooded into me. I had to squeeze my eyes to stop the tears trying to leak out. I quickly walked out the door and shut it forcefully behind me. My father stood from his leaning position and took my bag.

“Just get in the back and I will put this in the trunk,” he told me with a smile. I smiled back before following his instructions. My mom smiled at me before turning right in her seat. Once my dad started up the car and started off, I turned around in my seat. I saw the three watching from the window and watched them until the house disappeared from view. I turned back and looked out the window. I put on my iPod and watched as the forest slowly disappeared.

“I love you too Johnny.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, Shiloh kind seems like bitch.
But in her mind she knew she was leaving,
she couldn't tell the truth and ruin him even more.

I realize this whole thing is a bit random,'s all I got.
There's a whole plan in my head.
Guess I'll let you know, this is ending in about four chapters.
Maybe less, maybe a little more.

Comment? Rant? I like rants(: