Status: In memory of James Owen Sullivan, RIP. Finished.

She Lives in a Fairytale

Let's Play Pretend

“Ellie?” My mother popped her head into my room where I sat in my chair, practicing my cello. I used to play when I was a lot younger until me andLily my watcher needed to pawn it to pay. I didn’t mind then, I wish I wouldn’t have now. I stopped and turned to her with a smile.

“Yeah mom?” I asked with a grin. I still love saying that.

“Your father and I need to go out for a while. We’ll only be an hour or so,” mom replied.

“Okay. See you later.” She gave one last smile before disappearing, shutting my door behind her. I waited a moment before I let my bow glide across the strings. I swayed with my instrument as the notes rung throughout the house. In all honesty, I was just making this up as I went. Pretty good for not playing in seven years if I say so myself. I placed my cello back in my case that stood in the corner of my room.

“I think I deserve a snack," I spoke to myself. I've been doing that a lot lately. I guess I'm just not use to not having any of the guys around yet. I let out light sigh before walking out of my room. I started off down the hall when I heard a yipping. I turned around to see a light brown and white corgi.

"Hey Sebastian. Where've ya been buddy? I haven't see you since breakfast," I cooed. While my mother and I were walking around town two days ago we found him. All he had was a tag with his name on it. We figured he was a stray and took him home. Call us selfish, but I adore dogs. Especially corgis!

"Hey! Where are you going?" I called after him. He was walking down the hall, the opposite way of the stairs to the first floor. When he barked one solemn bark, I huffed and followed him. Soon he was at the closet that was a tiny bit ajar.

"That's it buddy. Just a closet," I told him. He barked again and forced himself into the tiny room. I smiled and shook my head as I opened it wider so I could get in myself.

"Come on Sebastian!" I called. I stepped forward expecting to hit the wall right away. I didn't. I took two more steps, the coats blocking my view, and still didn't feel my fingers touch the back wall. I pushed the coats out of my view to see Sebastian sitting in the middle of a small hallway.

"This better not be none of this Narnia stuff," I muttered as stepped forward. He ran off and disappeared into the darkness. I began walking after him, my fingers running along the walls on either side of me. Soon my face connected with a door. Quite hard might I add. I groaned, moving to grasp the doorknob. I tried to turn it only for it not to budge.

“Sebastian?” I called. I could hear the answering bark on the other side of the wooden door. I knocked on the wood, my face twisting in confusion. How’d he get to the other side? I tried the door again only for it to remain in place. I huffed and kicked it in frustration. A light bulb went off in my head, a smile slowly spreading over my face. I closed my eyes and pictured myself on the other side of with Sebastian. Suddenly I felt the familiar feeling of a dog running between my legs. I snapped them open and let out a cheer when I saw Sebastian looking up at me.

“I did it! Zacky came in use,” I laughed. Sebastian barked at me, seeming to agree. I rolled my eyes before finally looking up at the room I stood in. All round me were pictures of myself, Lily, my parents, Johnny, Zacky, and all the rest of the guys and girls. My eyebrows scrunched together as I looked at them all. I traced my fingers over a picture of me in wolf form. I slowly walked over to a computer that sat on a desk. I looked down at Sebastian that was staring intently at the electronic equipment.

“Whelp. I guess going on a computer in a creepy hidden room in the back of a closet is always the way to go,” I muttered, booting up the computer. I plopped down on the wooden chair, my back already protesting. I stared at the screen with curiosity. There was only one lonely folder without even a name. I opened it, seeing at least twenty word documents. Slowly I clicked one the one titled “family information”. Reading over it, all I read was stuff I already knew. I closed out of that, my eyes wondering the rest of the titles.

“Mater plan? Seriously? That sounds like something Jimmy would put,” I muttered, double clicking the document. Really, Jimmy would put a master plan on a computer without an access code. Even then I know the damn answer would be ‘ducks‘. I scrolled over the words in front of me.

“Honestly, it looks like it’s written by Jimmy,” I stated, slapping my forehead. This person literally put ‘Phase One’ in bold and underlined. I rolled my eyes before beginning to really reading. I now wish I hadn’t.

“Find where Shiloh lives now? Trick her and man named Zachary? What the fuck?!” I screeched. Suddenly I heard the door leading into the room start to unlock. I quickly flicked off the monitor before running and hiding behind a huge mirror that leaned in the meeting walls at a corner. I covered my mouth as two hooded men walked into the room.

“Where is she? Nixon sensed her here,” one man hissed. I quickly recognized the voice as one of the men that had been at my home when the Lily impersonator was killed. I had to bite my lip from attacking him. I saw the other one stiffen up, looking over towards my corner. I mentally slapped myself, knowing he saw me.

“There.” Told ya. I shoved the mirror, making it fly on it’s wheels at the two. I made a mad dash for the door, sprinting down the small hall. I shoved the coats out of my way. I felt one of the men make a grab at my hood. Even though I missed it still threw me off and made me slide into a wall. I quickly scrambled back to my feet. I decided to just jump over the railing instead of running down the stairs. I landed on my feet before running out the back door. Suddenly I was taken into my father’s arms.

“What’s wrong Ellie?” He demanded, worry apparent on his face.

“There’s these men-” I was cut off by running feet coming out of the house. My father’s grip tightened on my arms as the two looked at him.

“Good Nixon, you got her.” I looked up with terror at the man who called himself my father as he shook his head.

“You two are horrible at catching a simple teenager. She hasn’t even used her powers,” he scowled.

“What the fuck?!” I yelled. Everyone looked at me as if they had forgotten I was there. Suddenly the image of my father and was replaced by Nixon’s. I squirmed in his grasp which made him chuckle.

“My apologizes Shiloh dear. I forgot to mention, it was all a lie. I played the role of Oliver and my mind’s illusion played Miss Caroline. I hope you will join our play again.” I spit in his face which made him growl at me. I felt a sharp pain in my head and the world become dark.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, that sucked.
Really I'm going to hate how this ends, but there is nothing else I can think to do for this story.
Maybe two chapters, don't know if that's including an epilogue or not.
Sorry and please don't hate me! D: