Status: In memory of James Owen Sullivan, RIP. Finished.

She Lives in a Fairytale

Kick Me Like A Stray

I gasped and sat up straight in bed. All I could hear throughout the house was my fan turning from my left. I touched my forehead to feel it covered in sweat. All I could remember from mydream nightmare were those brown eyes and that smile from this afternoon.

“Cool it Shiloh. He’s nothing,” I muttered to myself. I looked at my phone that was charging next to my bed. 2:27 AM. I sighed and climbed to my feet, straightening my tank. I ran a hand through my hair as I walked out of my room. Goosebumps crept up my bare legs because of the short shorts I was wearing.

“I need something to drink,” I spoke quietly to myself as I rubbed my bare arms. How could I burst into sweating when it was this cool? I descended down the steps. The only light that entered was the moonlight that bled in through the windows. I entered the kitchen that no longer had any boxes. We had unpacked all of the kitchen and the living room right before bed time. I grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge before taking a huge gulp. I froze and lowered my bottle as I heard a noise just outside.

“What the hell?” I mumbled. I placed the bottle onto the cabinet. I opened the back door and peeked out. The noise came again, a whine. I looked into the woods, squinting against the shadows. Suddenly a huge dog appeared. I’ve never seen such a dog before. It looked like a wolf but there was something…different about this one.

“Why hello,” I automatically cooed to the black furred animal. It’s golden ears flickered at the sound of my voice. It looked me straight in the eyes to reveal yellow eyes looking back into my blue ones.

“Come here,” I called, patting my thighs. It started to me without the slightest hesitation. Once it was close enough I petted it’s head, feeling it’s soft fur. I began looking around it’s neck for a collar but found none.

“I’m going to assume you’re a boy cause I’m surely not checking. I’m also assuming you are a stray. Looks like you’re staying here tonight. No telling my sister though,” I joked. I saw the dog’s eyes sparkle with what seemed like amusement. Must just be the tiredness.

“Come on.” I walked into the kitchen, the dog right behind me. After locking the door I opened the pantry. We always had extra dog food just for the soul reason, I always fed strays. Just as I pulled the dog food out, the dog growled. I looked towards it to see it shake it’s head.

“Fine. No food,” I agreed, placing the bag back. “Water?” It nodded. I poured the rest of my water bottle in a bowl and put it on the floor. It quickly slurped it up before I tossed the bowl into the sink. I started up the stairs and heard as the dog’s claws clicked on the wood. Once in my room, I shut the door as the dog looked around at the boxes still piled in my room.

“Yeah, I need to unpack. Then it’ll look like a real room.” I laid on my bed and pulled my comforter over myself. The dog laid at the foot of my mattress. I smiled as it got comfortable.

“Goodnight no-name.”

|| Next Morning ||

“What is that doing here?!” I rubbed my eyes to see Lilly standing in my doorway looking behind me. I turned my head to see the dog sitting and watching her right back.

“I found it last night. No collar, no tag, and I’m hoping no fleas,” I replied, laying my head back on my pillow.

“Shy! I told you, you can feed strays, not take them in! We’re not an animal shelter!” Lilly cried angrily.

“I know! It’s one dog, not twelve. Come on, he seems obedient. He hasn’t done anything,” I yawned, sitting up. As if proving it, the dog licked my cheek and barked happily. I grinned to Lilly who sighed and leaned on my doorway with crossed arms.

“Fine. Any funny stuff and it’s gone,” Lilly warned.

“Got it.”

“So what’s his name?”


Johnny. I blinked twice and looked around. I could have sworn I just heard a guy say something. Like it was right in my ear.

“Earth to Shiloh.”

“Huh?” I looked back to my sister who gave me a weird stare. “Sorry. I named him Johnny.”

“Johnny? I like it. Well come down for breakfast in a bit.”

“Okay.” Once Lilly had left I stood on my feet. I actually looked around my room and behind boxes. Johnny followed me with his eyes the whole time. Coming up empty handed I simply shook my head.

“Alright, I’m not mental. Just….have a good imagination.” I nodded in agreement with myself. I pulled open a box, finding my clothes right under the flaps. I pulled out some blue skinny jeans, a Guns N Roses halter top, ankle socks, and some black Nike kicks. I peeked over at Johnny who was looking right at me.

“Um…Stay?” I said weakly. He simply laid back on my bed. I went into the hall and then to the bathroom. I started up the shower, making sure it was nice and hot. After taking care of all that I got dressed into my new clothes, tossing the old ones into the hamper. As I walked back to my room I heard Lilly downstairs whistling a random tune. I rolled my eyes and walked into my bedroom. When I got back Johnny was still laying on my bed and looked to be sleeping. When I picked up my brush through he was quickly on his feet in pouncing position.

“Whoa! It’s just me!” I cried. He physically relaxed and sat down. I took out all the knot and thanked my parents for straight hair. Once my eyeliner was applied I smiled, pleased with my appearance.

“Come on Johnny,” I called. He followed me back down the steps and to the kitchen. As soon as we got there the smell of eggs and toast filled our nostrils. I grinned and sat on a stool at the island. Johnny sat on the floor next to me, panting happily and his tail hitting the floor. Lilly turned around and laughed at the two of us.

“I’m kind of glad I made three people’s worth. I think Johnny here likes people food.” As if in reply, Johnny barked gladly. Lilly laughed and place a plate in front of me and a bowl in front of Johnny. Needless to say, we both dug in.
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