Status: In memory of James Owen Sullivan, RIP. Finished.

She Lives in a Fairytale

Tell Me What You're After

“Make sure not to go too far!” Lilly yelled to me as I ran out the back door, Johnny at my heels.

“Yeah, yeah!” It was after breakfast and for exercise I talked Lilly into letting me and Johnny go out into the forest. Needless to say, Lilly didn’t want me to. I finally got her to agree though I would only get an hour. I don’t care though, I need some time away from being held up in that house. Suddenly Johnny lunged forward, leaving me in the dust.

“Hey!” I laughed, pumping my legs harder. In a matter of seconds I was even with him.

“Come on! You can beat me!” I taunted as I hopped over a log in my path. Johnny almost glared at me, letting out a growl. We continued, neck in neck, for at least two more minutes. At about the same time we slowed to a jog. Breathing hard, I noticed we stopped at a pond. It was about ten feet across with a huge surrounding. I sighed and plopped down on the grass. Johnny laid next to me as I petted him from the head to the middle of his back.

“Damn that was a good exercise,” I huffed. I could feel Johnny breathing deeply from below my hand. Obviously I wasn’t the only one out of breath. Suddenly something clicked in my head. I had just tied a race with a wolf who was running as fast as he possibly could. A bum leg couldn’t have been his problem since he had no injury. I just shook it off and rolled my eyes to myself. I think too much sometimes.

“I think I’m losing it Johnny,” I said more to myself. He looked at me and whined a bit as if saying, “how?”. “Well first off, I think I can understand you. Second off, I’m as fast as you. Three, I keep seeing this creepy guy and hearing a voice. If that’s not crazy, I don’t know what is.” Johnny just stared at me quietly.

“Ugh. I can’t believe I have to resort to talking to a dog. No offense but it’s not too normal to only make friends with animals when you’re human. It’s actually…weird,” I sighed. Johnny laid his head in my lap and I patted his head. I heard a twig snap and both Johnny and I turned our heads to the right of us. Johnny growled, pouncing to his feet and running into the forest there.

“Johnny!” I yelled. He ran through the trees, disappear from view. Just as I went to run after him a voice broke from the forest.

“I would just leave him if I were you. Just go home and say he simply ran off.” My eyes looked all around me, not seeing anyone.

“Who’s there?” I called. Suddenly a man appeared out of nowhere. He was about five foot nine inches. He was dressed in dark blue jeans, a black shirt, black boots, and a black trench coat. His hair was black and spiked, revealing his grey eyes. I took a few steps back as he stared me down. “What the fuck do you want?”

“Just to give some friendly advice,” he replied. His voice was so deep it ran chills down my spine.

“Yeah, like I’m going to believe the creepy guy who appears out of nowhere,” I hissed.

“Well Shiloh, it would be smart to,” he replied.

“How do you know my name?” I demanded.

“I know lots of things about you. I know lots of things about your Johnny too.”

“The stray?” I trailed off.

“Is that what he’s making you believe?” the guy chuckled. “He’s the farthest thing from a stray dear child. He actually planned all this. Him and his little so called friends.”

“Yeah, cuz you know how dogs can plan things and all,” I laughed. His glare made me shut up instantly.

“He’s not what you think. He wants to earn your trust and catch you off guard. Once he does he’ll let him friends come in and take you. Don’t fall for his tricks,” he warned me.

“Who are you?” I asked quietly.

“You can call me Nixon,” the man smiled.

“Okay Nixon, why are you telling me all this?”

“Because you are the one who will finally save my race. Our race. You’re the prophecy,” Nixon replied. My mouth fell open when I realized he was being completely serious.

“Whoa! What prophecy? What do you mean ‘our race’?! I’m human!” I cried.

“You're not. Your dog is coming back. Just read that diary you found. Don’t let Johnny near it, that’s what he needs to seal your fate. We will meet again Shiloh.” He kissed the back of my right hand before he disappeared. I looked around frantically, trying to absorb what I was just told. Suddenly Johnny stepped into the opening, making me scream. Johnny tilted his head and I looked away.

“Let’s just go home,” I whispered. I started off from where we came, not waiting for Johnny. I produced my iPod from my pocket where I had put it while leaving. I pressed shuffle and “A Little Faster” by There For Tomorrow started. As I got into the song, I started off into a jog which soon became a run. Not too much longer I was in our backyard. I yanked open the back door, almost hitting Johnny with it.

“What crawled up your ass and died?” Lilly asked from the island where she sat looking at some papers.

“Nothing. I’ll be in my room,” I replied, already walking up the stairs. I could hear Johnny right behind me. I turned around while I was in my doorway, blocking Johnny’s path.

“No. Stay out,” I demanded. Johnny whined and I snarled. I quickly covered my mouth with both hands as Johnny looked up at me with wide eyes. I slammed the door shut, locking it too. I quickly walked over to my chest and sat on my knees in front of it. I quickly unlocked it with the key around my neck and yanked up the book.

“Property of Zachary James Baker,” I read out loud. I flipped to the next page to see the same cursive writing all over it.

“December 12th, 1842?“ I read in disbelief. A sudden light assaulted my eyes. I looked up and saw a candle that sat on my desk had set itself on fire. I walked closer and saw a note under it.

They’re coming for you tonight. Watch your back. - Nixon I stared at the nine words with a confused expression. I set fire to the note, watching it burn away.

“I don’t believe in this bullshit.” I quickly blew out the candle and laid on my bed. Even though it was only four in the afternoon, it wasn’t long before I passed out in bed, the diary clutched to my chest.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dramaaaaaa. [:
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