Status: In memory of James Owen Sullivan, RIP. Finished.

She Lives in a Fairytale

Something's Gone Terribly Wrong

I sprang up in bed panting. I'm not sure what, but something had woke me. I looked down and saw the diary was missing. I jumped up, scanning my room. The door was still lock and everything was in it's spot. I looked out my window and noticed it was still in the middle of the night. Just when I thought everything was asleep, I heard someone walking downstairs. I froze, listening closely. I closed my eyes and it seemed as if my hearing magically got better. I could hear two men whispering.

“Who are we here for?”

“That girl Nixon told us about. She's this so called prophecy,” the other whispered.

“What about her?”

“Just leave her.” I snapped my eyes open, not liking the sounds of any of this. I quickly tip toed to my door, silently unlocking it. I quietly ran across the hall and hid in the extra closet. I slipped in and under a long coat, holding my breath.

“Where is she?” One of the men snarled.

“Nixon told me to look in the attic.” I heard them walk up the attic stairs and I ran down the stairs. My eyes got wide and I had to bite back my cry. Lilly laid on the floor, her neck twisted in an unnatural way. Blood pooled around her while her eyes stared blankly at the ceiling. I backed up, covering my mouth as tears fell down my face. I suddenly bumped into something solid behind me. I whipped around to see Nixon standing there.

“What happened?” I croaked out, biting back more tears.

“I told you. Johnny and his “friends” did this. See? There are even the bites wounds.” I looked and sure enough, there were two puncture wounds on her neck and what seemed like millions of claws marks.


“They need you to end our race. They'll kill anyone who could get in their way. Your sister was included,” Nixon told me sadly. I looked down and wiped my tears away. “I'm sorry, but I have to leave you. I will make sure to come back for you.”

“Don't-” As soon as I tried to grab his arm he was already gone.

“What was that?” My eyes got wide when I heard the two men running down the stairs. I yanked open the back door before running as fast as I could into the woods. I pulled to a stop at the same pond as earlier as I breathed hard. I couldn't hear any footsteps so I fell to the ground right next to the water. I couldn't believe all that happened!

“Shiloh.” I turned around and fell backwards, almost falling into the water. A guy about twenty-four stepped out from where I had ran from. He had short black and blonde hair that was slightly spiked. His brown eyes looked almost sympathetic. All he was dressed in was black jeans and black converse, shoving off the tattoos on his chest and arms.

“Wh-who are you?” I stuttered.

“It's me, Johnny.” The man said, pointing to his chest. My eyes flared with rage and I ran at him. I began pounding on his chest, him not fighting me back.

“You fucking dick face! You tricked me! You earned my trust! You killed my sister! I hope you fucking die!” I cried. Johnny grabbed my wrists and looked confused and hurt at the same time.

“That wasn't me! That was Nixon's men,” Johnny defended.

“Liar! You've given me no fucking reason to believe you. You never told me you were actually a human. You told me nothing! Nixon told me everything. You're just going to kill me off aren't you?!”

“Never!” Johnny screamed. Suddenly running feet was heard. Johnny pulled me to his chest and pressed his back against a nearby tree. He had a hand covering my mouth to silence my yells. I trashed wildly but it was all lost in the night.

“Damnit, she's gone.”

“Let's just go back to headquarters.” After a minute Johnny let me go. I punched him in the ribs even though it didn't seem to faze him.

“We need to get out of here,” Johnny advised me.

“No! I'm not going anywhere with you,” I stated. He sighed out of frustration and ran a hand through his short hair.

“Shiloh, this is not the time or place. They will be back.”

“Good! They call kill you for me.”

“They'll kill you!” Johnny screamed out. I glared at him before stalking off in a random direction. Suddenly a tall guy showed up in front of me. He looked down at me with a raised eyebrow.

“She's a lot shorter than I thought,” he remarked to Johnny.

“Not now Jimmy!” Johnny sighed.

“Well Matt decided you were taking too long. Cue me coming to hurry it up. Hello, I'm Jimmy. Nice to meet you.” As he finished his last sentence two more clones of himself appeared. My eyes got wide and I turned around to run off, but one of them tossed me over his shoulder.

“Let me down!” I cried. I banged my fists on his back and kicked furiously. The scenery flew past me as Jimmy ran, the other two of his clones closely behind.

“Sorry squirt, no can do. Just enjoy the ride,” a clone said to me. I continued to struggle until Jimmy pulled to a stop inside a living room. A man with aviators sat on the couch while looking through a newspaper.

“That was quick,” was all he stated, looking back at the paper. Jimmy stood me on the ground but his two clones held me in place with each arm.

“So now I'm going to be held captive?”

“Hardly. If we were going to do that we'd toss you in the cage downstairs,” the original Jimmy replied, playing with his labret. I glared and he shrugged, showing it was true. Footsteps were heard from upstairs and I automatically started to fight off the two clones. Shockingly I actually did fight out of their grasps. I punched each of them, making them both disappear. I turned to run but ran into another chest.

“Hello doll. Did you miss me?” My eyes widened at the familiar brown eyes.

“You fucking dick!” I went to punch him in the jaw but was suddenly floating into the air. I let out a squeal of surprise, feeling a knot in the pit of my stomach. “Put me down!”

“Well I'd rather not seeing as how I think you're going to try to kill me,” the man shrugged.

“Put the girl down. I have a lot to explain.” A man with black and purple hair stepped into the room. He had snakebites, a bullring, and beautiful green eyes. He was dressed in blue jeans, black Nike's, a white muscle shirt, and a black button down shirt that wasn't buttoned.

“Who are you?” I demanded.

“I believe you found my diary. Zachary James Baker at your service. But please do call me Zacky.” He grinned at me with a childish wink.
♠ ♠ ♠
And hereeeeeeee's Nixon! :D
Just kinda picture him with his hair spiked up.

Like it? Dislike it?
Pick the later and I kill ya. [;
Haha, just kidding....or am I?