Status: In memory of James Owen Sullivan, RIP. Finished.

She Lives in a Fairytale

No Hiding Any Truths

Suddenly I was dropped to the floor. I caught myself with my elbows before I hit my face on the ground. I groaned and rubbed my stomach.

“Thanks a lot dick,” I hissed as I looked up at the fedora guy.

“Actually, I would prefer Brian,” he stated. I flipped him off. The aviators guy offered me a hand. I studied it for a second before taking it. He pulled me to my feet and smiled, showing off his dimples.


“No problem. Name’s Matt,” he added. I nodded before Zacky cleared his throat. My attention went to him and he motioned for me to follow him before walking down a hall. I looked towards Matt who just nodded his head. I started after Zacky, goosebumps crawling up my skin. I rubbed my arms, hoping to produce some warmth.

“Sit down,” Zacky said, motioning towards a chair. I noticed we were in what looked like a study. Bookshelves were all along the walls, covered in books. There was a desk that had a huge roller chair behind it and two wooden chairs with red material in front of it. I sat in one of the chairs while he sat behind the desk.

“Why do I feel like I’m in the principal’s office?” I muttered to myself.

“This is very important Shiloh. You have a lot to understand.”

“Obviously. Let’s start at the beginning. What are you?” I asked bluntly. Zacky sighed and leaned back in his chair. He pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. I let my eyes wondered around the room, seeing statues above the bookshelves.

“Well.” My eyes snapped back to Zacky who was still leaning back in his chair. His arms were crossed in front of his chest and was studying the ceiling.

“We really have no name. Ever seen the show “X-Men”? We are like them, mutants. But we don’t have the stupid jumpsuits. You do not want to see that. We all have super speed, strength, and don't age after we've become mutants, whatever way we did. But we each have our own power. They are extremely obvious in case you haven’t seen.” I just nodded.

“Is it just you five?”

“No. Our ‘group’, I guess you can call us, is much bigger. We are all across the world. You have to understand, some of us have been around for three hundred years or more. We need allies in other countries. Just in case.”

“Why does this sound like that stupid ass book Twilight?” I huffed. Zacky’s face scrunched up in disgust.

“Please. That book mocks us. We don’t run around and sparkle,” Zacky protested. I couldn’t stop my giggle from leaving my mouth.

“So who’s this Nixon guy?” I asked.

“He is a man of the dark. We’re not sure what made him or if he was just born, we know nothing about his race. All we know is they feed off of dark thoughts and acts. They want people to act on these so they can manipulate them into becoming a follower. He only recently began hunting for people. We think he’s making an army,” Zacky informed me.

“What about this prophecy stuff he was talking about? What do I have to with it?” Zacky sighed and stood.

“I was hoping he didn’t open his mouth,” Zacky muttered. I just raised an eyebrow as he walked to a bookshelf by the door. He grabbed a dark red book off the shelf before coming back to me. He sat in the chair on my left before he began flipping through the pages. He stopped on one and put it in front of me. I looked at the picture, my eyes wide.

On the page in front of me was a girl. A girl that looked just like me. She wore an corset, tight pants, combat boots, and a long black cape. The hood was up to where you couldn’t see her eyes. A sinister grin was worn on her face. In her hand was the Earth covered in a black mist. My mouth fell open when I saw her sitting on what looked like thousands of corpses. I looked up at Zacky to see him giving me a sympathetic look.

“Is this suppose to be me?” I choked out, running my fingers over her smile. It didn’t seem anything like me.

“Only if you were to be unleashed in Nixon’s world. If he were to get your consent and give you some of his power, this is sadly what you would become. The most powerful being on Earth. With him controlling you, you could destroy all of mankind,” Zacky answered.

“And I thought my life was fucked up enough. How I could I be this huge thing when I didn’t even know about it?” I demanded.

“Well it’s usually something that your parents would know.”

“There’s the problem. My mom and dad died when I was only three. Lilly’s been-” I cut myself off, feeling my throat constrict. I felt my tears build up. I coughed and blinked my eyes really fast. It took all I had for my tears to not fall.

“You can go if you want. I think this is all we need to talk about today,” Zacky told me softly. I nodded before standing to my feet.

“Thank you.” I walked out of his study and to the hall. Once I shut the door I sniffled and stumbled down the hall. Halfway I just broke down, sliding down the wall. I pulled my knees to my chest and began to sob into my arms. After all that’s happened, Lilly’s death, finding out who Johnny really was, finding out I’m destined for evil. I just can’t take it!

♠ ♠ ♠
Well this was mostly just a filler. (:
Now you can go around with the mental image of Avenged Sevenfold gang in the X-Men jumpsuits. *Giggles*
I like picturing Brian in Rouge's outfit. xD
So please comment.

I doubt there will be another update this week.
Lots of people coming up for Christmas and plus I'm big time sick.
Leave me loving<3