Status: In memory of James Owen Sullivan, RIP. Finished.

She Lives in a Fairytale

Aint Got A Care In The World

I peeked out from my arms, seeing Johnny walking towards me with a concerned frown. He had put on a Metallica shirt now to cover his chest. I just rested my head back down, studying my thighs. I really didn’t want to face him right now. I’m scared I’m going to cry in front of him. It was a weakness I didn’t want to show.

“Shy?” I stiffened up when I felt his hand on my shoulder. “Are you okay?”

“Just tired,” I choked out. That wasn’t a complete lie. I mean, I got woken up at two o’clock in the morning. Then all this bullshit went on. I’m fucking exhausted.

“I can show you where you can sleep.” I nodded and stood, staring at my feet. I saw Johnny’s shoes turn around and walk off. I quickly followed. I looked up just in time to see Johnny start up to stairs. I peeked around and saw nobody around, the door right behind me. The thought of running away went through my mind for a split second.

“Why would you wanna do that?” I jumped and turned around quickly. Brian leaned on the doorway to, I believe, the kitchen.

“Do what?” I asked innocently. He glared at me.

“Cut the act. I can read thoughts. We have done nothing for you not to trust us and run away,” He responded. I returned my own glare. “Okay, minus me dropping you. You tried to attack me,” he countered.

“Touché,” I muttered.

“What’s going on?” Johnny asked. I twisted my neck to see him at the top of the staircase.

“Nothing,” Brian said and left. I watched him leave before finally starting up the stairs. Johnny gave me a weird stare before continuing down the hall. He opened a door to reveal a room that was painted black with pictures of bands and people in it.

“This is my room. You can sleep here until we get an extra room set up,” Johnny responded. I nodded, my eyes scanning the pictures. As Johnny turned to leave I called him. “Yeah?”

“Thank you. For everything.” Johnny looked down at me before nodding. He began to leave again, but I ran up behind him and hugged his waist. “I’m sorry….for what I said.”

“It’s okay.” He skillfully turned around in my arms and hugged me back. He placed a kiss on top of my head like a father would do. After a moment he let go and smiled at me. “I’ll be back to check on you later. Get some sleep.”

“Alright.” Once the door was shut I sat on the edge of the bed. I untied my shoes and placed them right next to the nightstand. I got under the comforter and practically melted. It was so warm and soft. It felt as if as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

|| The Next Morning ||

The next time I woke up was because of loud thuds and bangs. I sighed and rubbed my eyes, hopping this was just a dream. Suddenly a shout of “Knock it off!” made me jump. I groaned knowing I should probably get up. When I finally opened my eyes I almost freaked out. I shook my head when I remembered all that happenedlast night early this morning. I looked at the clock that sat on the nightstand. 11:23 AM.

“Damnit. Oh well,” I yawned. I stood to my feet, deciding to not put on my shoes. I opened Johnny’s door and peeked out. No sign of anyone in the hall. That means all that noise is downstairs. Fun. I walked down the steps and stood in the entrance.

“You’re cheating Jimmy!” Johnny yelled.

“It’s not cheating if you have long legs and can just happen to kick your ass and still play,” Jimmy retorted. I rolled my eyes before slowly approaching the living room. The sight could make any person laugh their asses off.

They were playing Rock Band, “Ballroom Blitz” might I add. Jimmy was wildly playing the drums, kicking Johnny in the ass once in a while. Johnny was playing the bass while trying to jump out of Jimmy’s reach (which failed). Brian was rocking on guitar, a bit too realistically. And by that I meant he was head banging while kneeling on the floor. Matt and Zacky must have been wise because they just sat on the couch, Matt laughing and Zacky reading a book. My laughter made everyone pause and look over.

“Is this what you guys do every afternoon?” I choked out.

“Only on Wednesdays,” Jimmy said coolly.

“It’s Monday dumbass,” Brian remarked. Jimmy opened his mouth but quickly shut it. After a moment of silence he just stuck his tongue out at Brian. He simply rolled his eyes in reply.

“Well you guys go back to playing. Come on Shiloh. We’ll eat,” Zacky said with a smile. Jimmy, Brian, and Johnny obliged as Zacky led me across the hall to the kitchen. He motioned for me to sit on a stool at the island. My heart sunk a little as he went to the fridge. It was just like the day before but instead of Lilly it was Zacky. Zacky turned around with bread, cheese, and butter in his hands only to frown when he saw my face.

“What’s the matter Shy?” Zacky asked as he placed everything on the counter.

“Nothing. Just still a bit tired I guess,” I covered. Zacky slowly nodded before smiling at me.

“Grilled cheese sound okay?”

“Sounds great,” I replied happily. I am in love with grilled cheese sandwiches. Don’t hate. I laid my head on my crossed arms while Zacky made the food. I must have dozed off because the next thing I knew, Zacky was shaking my shoulder.

“Wake up Shy. I have your grilled cheese,” he sang. I slowly sat up and stretched my arms above my head. My eyes sparkled when I saw two grilled cheeses on a plate with a glass of milk.

“Thank you!” He nodded before I dug in. Zacky walked over to a drawer and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. I studied him as he placed the white stick into his mouth and lit it up with a match. After he let out his first drag, he looked back to me. I was staring right into his eyes, a sandwich paused right in front of my mouth.


“Smoking’s bad for you.” That was all I said before taking another bite of my sandwich. Once that was gone I took a big sip of my milk. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Zacky put out his cigarette on an ashtray. I grinned to myself, feeling very accomplished.

“Gio’s coming,” Brian said loudly. Zacky sighed as I heard loud thuds and bangs. Just as I was about to question it Jimmy ran in.

“She can’t steal my best friend!” Jimmy suddenly cried. He yank me up by my waist just as I was grabbing my last sandwich.

“Jimmy! Put Shy down!” Johnny yelled as Jimmy ran upstairs.

“Hey! I thought I was your best friend! When was that changed?” Brian called.

“When you dropped her on the floor,” Jimmy replied. I just blinked as Jimmy ran into a room I had not been in yet. It was a pigsty! Clothes and wrappers littered the floor. Everything seemed thrown around over the years and never touched.

“She’ll never think to look in Brian’s room,” Jimmy said to himself, nodding in self agreement. He ran us into a closet that had clothes leaking out. He went all the way to the back of the walk in closet and sat us in the corner. He moved the clothes on the short rack in front of us and tossed some clothes to cover our shoes. He ducked his head to rest on his knees as I just stared dumbstruck.

“What the hell? Why are we in here?” I asked, motioning around me.

“The evil best friend stealer is coming. She will steal you and I will be left to have to be best friends with Brian. I can’t have that happen,” Jimmy whispered. He reminds me of Caboose off that thing “Red VS. Blue” my friend showed me a month or so ago.

“Hey! I heard that!” Brian yelled.

“I’m going to keep going with this only cuz I am so freakin’ lost,” I announced before taking a bite off my sandwich which was still in my hand.

“Shhh! It’s her,” Jimmy whispered.

“Where is he?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy New Years!
Comment please. (:

So I was gunna go hiatus for like forever and disappear for....a reallly long time.
But I decided, Jimmy wouldn't want me to do that.
He wouldn't want anyone to do that.
He'd want us to let him stay alive through our stories and stupid ass things to do in normal day life. You know, "Jimmy" moments. [;
So I don't know about you, but this year will be lived in dedication to Jimmy.
Do crazy shit and don't ever stop ya stallion ducks!