Status: In memory of James Owen Sullivan, RIP. Finished.

She Lives in a Fairytale

I'm Immature But I Will Stay This Way Forever

“What the hell man?” Jimmy quickly covered my mouth with his hand, quietly shushing me. I glared and smacked his hand off. I could hear footsteps coming up the stairs, a heavy thud as if someone was wearing boots. Jimmy hugged me as if for his dear life.

“You have got to be kidding!” Yet again his hand covered my mouth. I huffed and just stopped fighting him. I heard a door open and a sigh.

“Damnit Jimmy! Stop with these fucking hide and go seek games. You’ve been twenty-two for how many years and yet you’re still acting like you’re twelve?” A girl called out. In the shadows I could see Jimmy stick out his tongue in the direction of the door.

“Seriously Jimmy. Out. Now!” Jimmy just flipped her off. I could hear footsteps walk into the bedroom and a girl sigh. “Fine! I’m gunna go smash your drums then.”

No you don’t!” Jimmy yelled, dashing out from the hiding spot with inhuman speed. I fell forward to lay in the middle of the closet floor.

“Thanks you ass!” I yelled after him. I managed to save my grilled cheese which I angrily took a bite of. Suddenly black boots and black leggings appeared in front of my face. I followed up to see a red, plaid skirt and black tank. A girl with short black hair and blue eyes grinned down at me.

“I’m assuming Jimmy heard I was coming from Brian, kidnapped you, and hid you with him?” she guessed.

“Does this happen often?” I asked.

“More than once. You’d think after a few months he’d learn that his wife isn’t gunna steal his best friend of the week,” the girl laughed, shaking her head.

“Wife?” I choked. Jimmy didn’t seem like a married kind of guy.

“Oh yeah. Guess we haven’t been introduced. Name’s Gwendolyn Giovanni, but I have many nicknames. You can pick from Gee, Gio, Cookie, or Kitten. Well, maybe not Kitten. Jimmy has a weird thing of calling me that. Anyways, what’s you name?”

“Shiloh but you can call me Shy,” I replied.

“Well nice to meet you Shy.” Gio held out a hand to me with a smile on her face. I smiled back and grabbed her hand. She quickly pulled me to my feet before I took another bite of my food. Gio giggled at me and I just grinned.

“Well we should probably go warn Jimmy I’m not going to destroy his drums.” I followed her out of Brian’s room to the room across the hall. We walked in to see Jimmy sitting behind them like they were a fortress.

“You no go near my babies,” Jimmy said in a childish voice. He quickly hugged the drums awkwardly which I couldn’t stop from giggling crazily at.

“Those popped out your vagina?” Gio asked, pointing in disbelief.

“No, guys don’t have vaginas. We poop babies out,” Jimmy retorted. I literally fell to the floor laughing. Good thing I had finished my sandwich or it’d be so screwed. Jimmy gave a fake hurt face at me. “Don’t make fun of my logic!”

“It sucks man!” I exclaimed, tears strolling down my face. Jimmy’s bottom lip popped out in a pout. Gio awed before kissing him on the lips. He kissed back and grinned before standing to his feet. After a few more moments I just laid on the plush carpet. Jimmy stood over me with a grin.

“Comfy?” As reply I yawned dramatically and curled up with a pillow that laid on the floor. Jimmy laughed and soon three more of him appeared around me.

“Rape! Rape! Zacky! Johnny! Someone!” I screamed. Gio and the real Jimmy laughed as clone one and two picked me up. One had a hold on my ankles and the other one had my wrists. The third one ran on ahead with the other two running after.

“What shall we do with her Matt?” The clones pulled to a stop in the middle of the hall downstairs. The guy with aviators, Matt, gave us a weird stare.

“I was thinking something involving water,” clone one piped up from above my head.

“No!” I screeched.

“See? Too stiff. She needs to get loosen up if she wants to be one of us,” clone two agreed from my feet. I tried to kick him but Jimmy’s clone strength was as good as his normal strength. I groaned and glared at the ceiling.

“I’m not helping. Johnny will probably try to beat you up,” Matt replied, walking off.

“Keyword try. I know Brian will help!” clone three said, running down the hall. They pulled to a stop in front of a door. I could see Brian standing from his kneeling spot next to the bathtub which was filled with water. “Brian, my man!”

“Hello, psychic. By the way Shiloh, that’s a very mean thing to think,” Brian scowled. He took my iPod out of my pocket and placed it on the counter as I glared.

“Bite me,” I snapped. “Again, but out loud, you are a fucking ass and I hope you choke on a dick.”

“Well for that, dump her boys!” Brian declared. Before I could make any kind of protest, the Jimmy triplets had already tossed me into the freezing water. As soon as my head resurfaced I let out a bloody murder kind of scream. The clones quickly disappeared in a cloud of smoke and Brian ran out as fast as he could.

“JIMMY! BRIAN! YOU ARE BOTH SO FUCKING DEAD!” I screamed out of frustration. Suddenly the light bulbs in the bathroom popped, leaving me in darkness due to no windows. I huffed and climbed out of the tub, water dripping everywhere. I stomped out of the bathroom and into the living room. Matt, Johnny, Jimmy, Gio, and Zacky all looked over with wide eyes.

“Jimmy. You are going to wish you were never born.” Before I could even finish my threat Jimmy was out of the room and out the backdoor. I glared after him and cursed him for all he was worth.

“Hey Shy, cold?” Zacky joked playfully.

“Not now smartass,” I growled. Zacky held his hands up in defense and looked back at the TV. I grumbled random words to myself before stomping up the stairs. I heard someone run after me and I quickly turned around. Johnny held his hands up in defense.

“Just thought you’d might like some clothes is all.” I sighed before nodding my head. I followed him into his room and stood awkwardly in the middle of the room. I was seriously starting to freeze my happy ass off here. So much for being summer. I always did like summer. No school, more time to be out and about.

“Here you go.” I was quickly brought out of my thoughts by Johnny’s voice. He held out some clothes for me which I gladly took. “I figured my clothes were closest to best. Closest to my height and all. You might need a belt though.”

“Thanks,” I said as I took the black belt from his hand. He motioned for me to go to the bathroom which I had no argument. I walked across the hall and shut the door behind me. I locked it before tossing off my wet clothes into the tub. Somehow my undergarments didn’t get wet, thank god. I pulled on the pants and laughed as they fell straight back down. He wasn’t kidding when he said I’d need a belt. I yanked the belt through the loops and had to pull it all the way through the last hole. I tossed the black muscle shirt over my head before laughing at myself in the mirror. I looked like a rip off of Eminem in that movie “8 Mile”.

“What’s up dog?” Matt asked in a ghetto voice as I opened the door and he walked by.

“Not much homie. Yo. Word fool!” I said seriously. We both shared a look before exploding in laughter. Johnny came out and gave us some of the weirdest stares I’ve ever seen. Moments later me and Matt stood and walked different ways like nothing happened. I went to Johnny’s room to retrieve my shoes as Matt walked into his own room. I slipped on my socks and shoes before walking on. I passed Johnny without even giving him a second look.

“Is she gunna kill us?” I could hear Jimmy whisper. I walked off the last step to see Brian and Jimmy standing in the entrance hall. Their eyes widened when they saw me with my hands on my hips.

“Oh yeah,” Gio replied with a grin.

“You’re looking great Shiloh,” Brian commented. I growled and they both bolted for the door. I ran right after them, keeping them in my view the whole time. Huh, I wonder if I have powers too?

That’s one thing I have to ask Zacky.

After I castrate these two!
♠ ♠ ♠
Gio, character of Goodnightmoon .

Haha. I made this chapter upbeat again<3
Next one I might enter in some drama.
All depends if you commmeeeennnntttt. (:
Hint hint wink wink nudge nudge.