Flowers From The West

The Rest is History


It’s been two month since I met Jack Gold, and I never got a text since that good night text. I’ve never seen him either. Lucy says it’s just because he’s self conscious, but I just don’t see it. Ever weekend I make excuses to go to one of Lucy’s parties, and every time I catch a glimpse of Jack, and he turns and melts into the crowd. I would have given up if it weren’t for Lucy swearing to me that Jack Gold is scared away from those he really likes. I think she’s lying, but it’s appreciated anyway. This weekend I went to Lucy’s party once again, and she went to all the usual measures of getting us ready. We came out looking, well, hot. I gasped at the girl in the mirror.

“Lucy! What did you do? I look amazing!” I spun around and hugged her.

“I did minimal make-up tonight, you’ve gone natural. I just put some emphasis on your best qualities.” I loved my new look. As we descended into the party I heard a whole spectrum of wolf-whistles and suddenly I wasn’t so comfortable with my new look. I tried my best to forget my uncomfortableness as I danced with about 10 different guys. Ironically they all shared classes with me, and they all asked who I was. I lied, making up a name and simply enjoyed the entire night. Until I spun out into Jack.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” I spoke with an under current of giggle, until I saw who it was. My face shed it’s happy look and quickly formed into a serious mask. “Jack,” I breathed.

“Taylor, what are you doing here?” Jack asked, surprise evident in his voice.

“What do you mean? I come to Lucy’s parties every weekend.”

“Can we talk?” Jack asked in a whisper.

“One sec.” I leaned over and described to my dance partner that I have to go. Jack led me out side and we walked in silence. I absorbed the moonlight bouncing off of the bird bath, the sounds of a lonely bird, the smell of honeysuckle wafting from the honeysuckle patch, but not Jack’s voice.

“Taylor, let me explain. I’m sorry to have been kind of, a jerk. I didn’t think you wanted to talk to me when you didn’t text back that night. I have seen you at the parties, I was kind of shy and I thought you were gunna tell me you weren’t interested when you called and I really like you and I wanted to cling on to whatever fantasies I had before you told me that you weren’t interest. I’m sorry.” I was shocked. He thought I wasn’t interested?

“Jack. I’m sorry I didn’t text back, but I fell asleep the moment I reached my bed. I kind of liked you too, but then you avoided me so I honestly don’t know what to think of you.” Jack hung his head. “I’m willing to be friends first though,” I added. Jack looked back at me and smiled widely. Then he engulfed me in a bear hug. I laughed a suddenly care free laugh.

“So would my newest friend like to hang out tomorrow and study.” He asked, and with mid-terms coming up I honestly couldn’t turn it down.

“Sounds good.” Jack smiled again and then we turned and walked back into the party, arm in arm.

We danced for a while, coming close to kissing a few times, but we were always interrupted. Secretly I was glad and disappointed at the same time, stupid conflicting emotions. I like Jack, but I’m not ready to go beyond friendship yet.

“Listen, I have to go Jack but I’ll see you tomorrow. Where do you live?”

“I live at 510 Yarg road.” I laughed.

“Yarg road? Really?” I asked skeptically, feeling like he might be playing a trick on me.

“100%. It’s a side street and the person who made it thought it was funny to name it Yarg.” I laughed but wrote it down never the less.

“See you tomorrow then.” I walked away and didn’t see Jack run his hands through his hair and go to find Lucy for some advice.

Over the next few weeks Jack and I become inseparable. I even thought of a name for Jack so that I could keep my story straight. His female name is Jackie.

“Jackie, really? I can’t believe you told your parents my name is Jackie!” Jack said in mock dismay.

“It was that or something totally outrageous. Listen, I’ve got to go, my parents are calling me,” I told Jack as I heard my parents calling my name.

“Wait, meet me tomorrow at 1 o’clock. It’s important,” Jack requested with a sense of urgency in his voice. I agreed and we said good bye and hung up the phone. I rushed down the steps.

“Honey, I was wondering if you wanted to go over to the air and space measume today.”

“Sure mom,” I said it with as much joy in my voice as I could muster, seeing as I had been to the air and space place so many times that I can often tell the tour guides things they don’t know. It’s sad.


It’s 12:30 and I’m heading out to Jack, he left a text telling me to meet him at the park, and that’s a little while away, so I left a little early. When I got there, I saw Jack standing a little ways away and I took off at a run towards him.

“Jack!” I said with enthusiasm.

“Taylor,” he replied softly, because I had closed the distance by now. When I reached him he picked me up and spun me around, like in a dance.

“Why did you want to meet me here?” I asked once we had finished with our movie moment.

“I wanted to ask if you might want to go out, like exclusively,” Jack asked with nervousness in his voice. I then choose this moment to connect my lips with his, and it was perfect. I could feel his surprise, and the happiness. “Is that a yes?” he asked in the cutest way possible. I nodded vigorously and I kissed him again.

“You know what this means? I have to meet your parents now,” I laughed. He was right, but I just wanted to Jack to myself for now, because to me, this is heaven. And the rest is history.
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Not my best work, it felt a little rushed to me but I guess that I wouldn't be able to fit the story in the condensed space other wise. Comment please! And special thanks to Mr. Dee for letting me know about the paragraph glitch. Any typos or error you see you can feel free to report.