Jonas Is a What

Flash Back Potter/Jonas


What if you lived your life as a different person then who you really are? What if right now I was to tell you I was Jonas but then I was really a Potter, you would freak right. That's exactly how I had taken to the news. Wanna know where I am right now? I bet you do, do you. Well for starters I'm smashed in the middle on a couch between to really hot twins at house called the Burrow.
The truth is I'm really freaked out. They are totally staring at me weired and then looking at each other with evil smiles, as if they were planing something mischievous prank to pull on me later when I'm a sleep across the room. I had learned everybody name from Harry, that's my twin brother. Lets I think they were Fred and George Weasley (Twins) always liked to prank people. Ginny Weasley (Youngest of the 7 siblings) likes pigmypuffs and quidittch. Bill Weasley (one of the oldest brothers) works at gringots(A bank for wizards.) Then there's Charlie Weasley he works in Colombia with Dragons( He's also one of the older sibling brothers.) Than there is Molly and Aurthur Weasley, the parents of all seven Weasley children. (Wow that's a lot of people to remember)

"Alex you ok?" I nodded at one of the twins who had asked. It was still hard to tell them apart, only cause I haven't known them that long so don't kill me jeez(smiles.)

"Whats with you two?" I asked them " it looks like your planning on murdering someone." she joked and they laughed.

"Lexi." Harry scolded I just shrugged. "How can you joke about something like that." That was the first time I heard him speak sense he found me. Ok so your probably wondering how I became a Jonas/Potter ok well here it goes.

***Flash Back***

"Alexis can you come down here for a moment." I ran out my door and ran down the stairs falling on the last step. You see my name is Alexis Juliet Lillian Jonas(Present/ Well now Potter) I finally made to the living room were I saw my family and a boy with a man standing by the door.

"Hello Miss Alexis." The guy with the long beard said.

"Hello." I said politely back and turning to face my parents. "Who's this?" I asked pointing with my thumb towards the guy in the hat.

"Honey your adopted." My mother said 'wait what'

"Adopted?" I asked stunned. Everyone nodded.

"And this" my dad continued for my mom" is your brother Harry Potter and the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry Albus Dumbledore." (present/ and you pretty much know the story on how Lilly and James Potter and Harry Potter goes.)

***End of Flash Back***

And that's how I ended up here and a Potter.
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Thank you Falling.Down who is the wonderful Creator of I'm a Jonas and a Witch?? and Catch me for giving me this wonderful idea.
PS. I really love your stories they were the inspiration on writing this one and I will here by not copy Miss Falling.Downs stories never ever. Well I hoped you like the story it has a little twist if you didn't noticed already. Please review and continue reading thanks.

Draco Malfoy will be in later chapters.