We Gamble With Desire


Alex's POV

We walked into the familiar room, the large windows letting in plenty of sunshine. I looked down at Spencer as she looked around apprehensively, I pulled her in closer to me. "Come on, they'll be outside." She nodded her head and we walked through the stone kitchen towards the outside deck that looked out to the large forest preserve that was our backyard.

I opened the sliding glass door slowly and stepped out, Spencer following behind me tentatively gripping onto my hand as if it were a matter of life or death. I turned back and gave her a reassuring smile quickly before calling out to my parents that were sitting at a small table on the other side of the deck.

"Alex!" My mom called to me, her accent thick. "My dear I haven't seen you in ages." She pulled my face towards her and gave me a kiss. I attempted to refrain from rolling my eyes.

"Hey mom." I hugged her back quickly and reached for Spencer's hand again as she looked on nervously biting her lip. "Mom, this is Spencer." I said the words slowly watching as Spencer looked up and smiled cautiously up at my mother.

"Well hello there, I've heard so much about you." My mom, being the most affectionate woman I'd ever met, crossed the gap between them and wrapped her arms lightly around Spencer. "Sorry dear, if there's one thing you must learn if you're to be with my son; I'm a hugger." She chuckled and Spencer did as well.

"That's fine by me." Her words were quiet but she sounded comfortable.

"Well why don't you two come say hello to your father." She said addressing me again as she took the lead. I squeezed Spencer's hand and followed her as we made our way across the deck towards the table where my father was sitting surrounded by lemonade.

"Alex," he said happily standing up. "How are you?"

"Great just finished our newest CD." I said quickly, still excited.

"Congrats, I assume we'll be able to hear it soon?" My dad asked as my mom poured us each a glass of lemonade.

"Yeah sure, I've got one of the first copies in the car." I took a quick sip of my lemonade and looked at Spencer as she sat trying to look like she wasn't nervous; sadly, she failed she was fidgeting and shaking her leg so violently I didn't know how it didn't simply fall off. "Dad, this is Spencer; my girlfriend." I smiled widely at the two of them, so proud that she was, in fact, my girlfriend.

"Well it's nice to meet you finally." My dad said extending his hand for Spencer to shake.

I smiled knowing she actually had a great handshake, firm. Something her parents had instilled in her. "Yes, I'm sorry it's taken so long." Her cheeks turned a bit pink, and I worried someone would bring up the matter as to why this was the first they were meeting her. But surprisingly they left the matter alone and started a conversation. Spencer kept quiet for the most part, but followed along and began to look less and less worried throughout. She even began to add her own comments and her usual sarcasm. I was thrilled to say the least.

"Oh, it's been like an hour…no matter how much of a mess Jack is when he eats they can't eat ice cream that long." I said standing up.

"Oh goodness no, well bring them back here; I can't wait to see all of them." My mom gushed as I stood up, waiting for Spencer to make her way out of the heavy chair.

"We'll be back in a few." I assured them and took Spencer's hand as we walked away.

"Alex…I'm sorry I've put this off for so long." She looked up her eyes were sad.

"Not a problem babe." I leaned down and kissed her lips quickly and then made my way to my car.