We Gamble With Desire


Spencer's POV

After getting into Alex's car we drove for a little while, holding hands and listening to one of my CDs, in silence as I watched the hundreds of trees zooming past the window. I smiled and closed my eyes and I reveled in the beauty mixed with the warmth of the sun that was streaking in and the breeze from the open windows.

"I'm sorry I sprung that on you." Alex said breaking the silence, looking worried with a hint of sadness and regret.

"Please don't be. It's probably the only way you'd have gotten me to go." I mumbled, ashamed at how I'd reacted previously.

"Why is that, Spence?" He turned back to the road for a moment and then back to me staring intently into my eyes.

"I really don't want to talk about it Alex." I replied automatically, the aforementioned smile now gone completely.

"Spencer…" He started before I cut him off.

"Let's talk about it later? When we have more time and we're alone?" I asked hoping to put it off as long as I could.

"Alright, but it'll be soon." He said seriously looking at me as if to make sure I knew I wasn't getting out of it.

"That's fine." I said trying to assure him of what I couldn't even promise myself.

"Good." He squeezed my hand slightly and turned his attention back to the road as he sung along to a Sublime song. I turned my attention back to the window but failed to feel what I'd felt less than five minutes ago.

Fifteen minutes later we pulled into a small parking lot. Getting out of the car I looked up at the even smaller building that resembled an old 50's diner. Alex walked around to my side of the car seen as I hadn't moved. "It's not much…" He looked up at it with me, sounding embarrassed.

"No, I like it." I assured him as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Really?" He asked his eyebrows raising up and his eyes opening widely.

"Totally." I said giggling as we started to walk towards it. As we reached nearer I could make out everyone in one of the windows laughing, except for Melissa who was looking particularly annoyed. We walked through the door and were met with loud cheers of welcome. The guys behind the counter joined in as well, saying hello to Alex. He said hey to both guys, calling them by name, and then pulled me in the direction of our group.

They were still laughing when we sat down. "What's going on?" I asked laughing and sitting in a chair next to Kara.

"Well Jack here had the brilliant idea to get some more ice cream, after finishing an entire sunday on his own--they're huge." Zack added for my benefit.

"And after giving the guys typical Jack, gay sex jokes crap he walked back towards us. On his way" Rian started explaining laughing as he did. "He tripped on his shoe laces and face planted right in his sunday." I laughed with them at the visual, Alex joining in as he looked at Jack. "Then as he's getting up he smacks his head on the table he'd fallen under and goes down again." The whole table had returned to fits of giggles as Jack looked proud of his recent stunt.

I was laughing with everyone when Melissa huffed a giant annoyed sigh. The laughing slowly stopped, Zack turned towards her "What's wrong Lissa?" He asked wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"Nothing." She said quickly. No one said anything for a few awkward moments "It's just old, he does the same damn thing all the time." She huffed again, looking at us all as if she was too good.

Kara and I exchanged an annoyed look. Zack started talking quietly to her as we all sat in silence. "Jack, you have ice cream in your hair." Alex said finally, laughing loudly at him.

"Fuck! It's all dried up now!" He wailed as he felt around in his hair. "Why didn't you guys tell me?!" He questioned the others looking very mad, Jack took his hair seriously.

We were all laughing again "Just didn't see it man." Rian said simply taking a large slurp of his soda.

I leaned into Alex, entertained by the scene unfolding in front of me. Comforted to be around these people. As Alex shifted I turned around to look at what he was doing, looking at his watch. "Uh guys, my mom wants to see all of you…and to probably feed you." He said making everyone chuckle. When my face still looked confused he smiled and said, "My mom is famous for feeding you until you're about to explode and then to pull out a pie that looks so good you can't help eating more."

"I gain at least five pounds every time that I come up here." Kara said laughing and standing up.

We were almost out the door when Zack and Melissa finally took notice to our absence. Zack looked around quickly, not wanting to be left. "Where are you going?" He called loudly standing up.

"My mom wants to see all of us." Alex replied for him.

"Oh sounds good, I could use some more food." He laughed and forced Melissa to stand up and follow, the sour look on her face returned.

We all piled into the cars, Jack switching with Zack and Melissa. I gave both Kara and Jack death glares when I realized what had happened, but smiled sweetly as Melissa walked towards me to get into the car. She gave me the worse fake smile in return, holding it for only a moment before it vanished and a scowl took its place. I got in the car and gave Alex a look that conveyed the shock and and annoyance that I was feeling. He simply took my hand and turned the radio on, wordlessly telling me to just drop it.