We Gamble With Desire


Laughing as Jack ran down the steps I turned to Alex. "You might want to follow him…"

"But I still have to pack?" Alex replied confused.

"Okay but Alex, Jack…in our house…alone?" I asked trying to make him see my point.

"Oh god, well pack Sebastian's stuff okay?" He asked.

"Fine, just don't mess up anything or you have to clean it." I called after him as he ran down the stairs the same way as Jack.

I laughed at both of them as I packed Sebastian's few toys that entertained him and his leash. "Think we'll have a fun time Baz?" I questioned the small dog as I was zipping up both Alex and my suitcases. He barked happily. "I'll take that as a yes." I chuckled and picked the small dog up.

As I descended the stairs towards the living room I realized how quiet it was. That cannot be a good sign. I thought looking around for the boys.

"Alex?" I called into the open space. "Jack?" Sebastian barked with me, then wiggled in my arms. "Don't leave me too Baz." I whined as he jumped free of my arms.

Sebastian then started to walk back towards the kitchen, I decided to ignore him assuming he was after more of his food from his bowl.

After a few more minutes of cautiously looking for the two boys I heard snickering coming from the direction of the kitchen. Hurriedly I walked as quietly as I could.

Once in the kitchen I couldn't hold back my laughter at the scene in front of me; Sebastian had cornered Jack licking his leg as Jack tried to push him away all the while trying to muffle his laughter. "Jack, what in the world are you doing?"

"Well you're dog attacked me while I was hiding." He said pointing at Sebastian who continued to lick his leg.

"Now that's what I call dog sex." Alex said laughing, coming up behind me. Jack glared at him. "Good job Baz." Alex cooed at the small dog as he searched for a dog treat.

"What were you two doing?" I asked after a moment.

They both looked at me like I was asking a ridiculous question. "Playing hide and go seek…" Jack finally responded as if it was the most obvious thing ever. "New game?"

"Yes, you're it." Alex responded running off.

"That's not fair Gaskank! You didn't find me, your dog did!" Jack yelled, I laughed at him as I took Sebastian away from Jack.

"How long does it take to get to Alex's super secret spot?" I asked randomly after Jack had been sitting with his head in the corner for at least a minute.

"About three hours, maybe a little more. Why?"

"Just wondering, thinking about making some CD's for the car ride." I thought as I sat at the kitchen counter.

"Oh cool make me one." Jack said happily.

"Alrighty." I said cheerfully as I stood up and walked towards the computer room that held the house's only Mac desktop. Searching through the cabinets of the small windowed room for blank CDs was hell. There were at least ten drawers on the desk and five cabinets above. Finally in the last cabinet I found a stack of them.

Sitting down in the large black chair and set to work making fun CDs for the endless car ride.

After an hour I had four CDs filled with a mix of Blink, Cobra, Jack's Mannequin, Lil Wayne, Boys Like Girls, Motley Crue, Fall Out Boy, We The Kings, Hey Monday, Never Shout Never, and The Beatles.

After printing off the track list for all the CD's I set to work making the CDs look pretty using sharpies.

For the first one I drew an underwater scene, complete with fish, seaweed, corral and completely colored blue ocean water. The second one I wrote random quotes and song lyrics all over it in different colors. The third CD was decorated with random monsters and other little pictures. By the fourth one I started to get bored, I colored it with peace signs, hearts and other shapes.

"Whatcha doing baby?" Alex asked coming up from behind me as I was placing the last cap on the sharpies.

"Just doing some drawing." I answered cleaning the desk space up.

"Oh I love when you draw."

"Why?" I asked turning around to face him, still sitting in the desk chair.

"Because you're amazing at it." He said smiling.

"You're such an over-exaggerator."

"No I'm not, you're really good at drawing Spence." Alex replied leaning down to kiss me, his hair brushing my face.

"Fine." I replied attempting to hide my yawning.

"Tired?" He asked extending his hand for me to take.

"No." I lied getting up to walk with him.

"Yes you are, you keep yawning." He said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Only because you bore me." I joked.

"Oh well fine then, you can sleep down here with Jack."

"But he snores." I said attempting to look scared.

"Should've thought about that before."

"Please Alex?" I begged looking up at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Oh fine." He said laughing. "Movie first though?"

"What movie?" I replied as we walked into the living room where Jack was already hogging the couch.

"I don't know, I think Jack's watching My Best Friend's Girl."

"Only if you make me some hot chocolate." I said smiling up at him as I sat down in the recliner.

"You're such a mooch." He said as he turned around and headed back towards the kitchen. "Jack, do you want anything?"

"What're you making?" He asked lazily, keeping his eyes fixed on the screen.

"Hot chocolate." He replied as the sounds of clanking glasses erupted from behind him.

"In the summer?"

"Hey, I'm cold." I said as I pulled my knees to my chest.

"How about popcorn?" Alex offered still messing with stuff in the kitchen. Jack replied with an enthusiastic yes and turned back to face the TV. In the kitchen I could hear Alex slamming the fridge for milk, rummaging the cupboards for chocolate mix and popcorn, slamming the microwave and pressing loud buttons for both the hot chocolate and the popcorn.

At least ten minutes later Alex returned with two bowls of popcorn, two cups of hot chocolate and three bottles of water. "Thank you baby." I said to him as he handed me my mug and sat down next to me in the large recliner.

He set the waters on the coffee table, reclined the seat back, and took a sip of the hot chocolate before responding. "You're welcome babe." He wrapped his arm around me and rested his chin on my shoulder. "Are we all packed for tomorrow?"

"Yes." I said sleepily, as I leaned into him. "Jack you don't need any extra blankets or pillows do you?" I asked making sure everything was taken care of.

"Nah, I have the one on top of the couch." He replied muffled as his head rested in one of the pillows.

"Kay, night Jack-O" I replied turning back into Alex.

"Love you baby." Alex said, sounding alert, as I was falling asleep.

"Love you too, Alex." I said before yawning.
♠ ♠ ♠
Blah, sorry for the wait!
Boy problems and school
have left me totally unambitious.
But all's better :D Tell me what
you thiink! Plus any predictions
PS: Happy Christmas/New Year!