We Gamble With Desire


"Spencer Leigh wake your ass up!" Alex yelled at me, his voice slightly muffled by the pillow I had covering my head.

"Fuck you Alexander, let me sleep." I replied back mad.

"Not a chance, you've said that the last three times I tried to wake you up." He said pulling the pillow off of my head and allowing the noise of loud talking, music, and plates moving around in the kitchen to fill my ears.

"Alex, I'm tired." I said burying my head deeper into the…chair cushion?

"I know, but you have to wake up." He said softer

"I don't want to." I replied, knowing I sounded like a small child.

“Just get into the car, you can sleep then.” Alex’s voice tried to reason with me.

“I don’t want to.” I said gripping the blanket that was covering me.

“Do I have to carry you?” He asked getting closer to my face. I grumbled in response. “If I have to carry you, you won’t get breakfast or a shower…or clean clothes.” He said standing up.

“I never eat breakfast.”I said into the chair, knowing I’d have to wake up to shower.

“You do when Rian makes pancakes.” He said teasingly back by my ear.

“You’re a bitch.” I replied opening my eyes and removing the blanket from my head to look up at him.

“Morning sunshine.” He said laughing.

“Mm, morning…why am I on the chair?” I asked confused. I stood up and adjusted my clothes, realizing that my shirt was twisted around my body and my hair was a tangled mess hanging down in parts and sticking up in others.

“We fell asleep here during the movie.” Alex said as he took away the blanket and started to fold it. "You're beautiful when you wake up, Spencer."

"Alex, don't try to be funny." I replied back as we walked up the stairs.

"I'm not, you really are."

"You need to improve your lying skills." I replied back as we walked into our bedroom.

"I do not." He responded, flinging his body onto our bed. "Now shower." He commanded.

I went towards my dresser and pulled out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. "Did you shower yet?" I asked, stopping at the foot of the bed to look at him.

"Yes I did, you wouldn't get up in time to shower with me." He said sitting up, looking unhappy with me.

I frowned, "You're gay." I walked into the bathroom and closed the heavy door.

"I'm pretty sure you know I'm not." He said close to the door, I could hear the smirk in his voice. "Hurry up."

"I'm going, I'm going." I said as I pulled off my clothes and gave myself a quick look in the mirror before jumping into the shower.

Once I was done with the quick, cold, shower I climbed out and dried off. After I was dry, I slipped on the pair of dark wash Hollister shorts I'd pulled out earlier and then a gray t-shirt with a red heart-shaped peace sign on the front. Adding the rainbow studded belt and the gray scarf and started to wash my face.

As I was washing my face I was interrupted by a knock on the door. “Yeah?” I asked looking at the door in the mirror.

“Let me in? I need to get ready too.” Alex called back. I rolled my eyes at him and backed up, while putting my hair up in a pony tail, to unlock and open the door. Walking in, he set down two mugs of cappuccino on the sink’s counter. When I noticed he wasn’t doing anything I turned to look at him in the mirror. Currently with two bobby pins in my mouth I couldn’t ask him what he was looking at so I simply gave him an odd look. “You’re supposed to make sure you get the soap off in the shower, Spencer.” He said chuckling at the white foam that was on my face.

Pushing the last bobby pin into place in my bangs I gave him an 'are-you-serious' face. “Shut up.” I said lightly pushing his arm as we both chuckled.

Silently Alex fixed his hair, using way more hair product than myself, and I finished washing off the soap and putting make-up on.

When I was finished I hopped onto the counter and pulled my mug towards me. Leaning against the mirror I drank my cappuccino and watched Alex push his hair from side to side to ensure it looked the right degree of ‘messy and I don’t really care.’

“Why are you watching me?” He asked looking at me out of the corner of his eye.

“Because you’re still working on your hair and I’m all done.” I said taking another sip of the warm drink.

“I’m almost done.” He replied defensively.

“Well, you need to hurry because I can smell the pancakes.” I said smiling at the thought of them. Rian made the best pancakes ever.

“I can too.” He said smiling at me then moving a few more random pieces. “Look good?” He asked looking at himself in the mirror rather than me.

“You always do.” I replied honestly looking at him.

He walked over to me, smiling widely, stopping in front of me. I sat up straight and uncrossed my legs, letting them fall on either side of his torso. I leaned in and kissed him lightly on the lips, smiling into the kiss. “You’re adorable Spencer, but not enough to make up for this morning.” He said walking out of the bathroom.

Stunned by his sentence I sat there a moment before hurrying to catch up with him. “Alex, you are such a butthead.” I replied simply before speeding up to get to the kitchen before him.

“No, no no.” He said pulling my hand backwards to get in front of me.

“Alex, too bad; I’m going to get there first.” I said racing in front of him and then down the stairs.

“Good morning Spencer.” Rian greeted me cheerfully.

I smiled tightly as I ran past to sit at the island counter. "Good morning Rian." I said huffing slightly and grinning triumphantly at Alex as he gave me a slight death stare. "Good morning Jackie!" I said cheerfully once I caught my breath. He attempted to reply, but failed miserably with the amount of food that occupied his mouth. "Jack, that's sick; swallow the food."

"Sorry." He said after he'd swallowed and taken a drink of his orange juice. "Good morning." He said smiling at me.

"Spence, how many pancakes?" Rian asked holding the pan close to my outstretched plate.

"How about five?" I suggested looking at the semi small pancakes.

"Alright." He placed a dollop of butter on each pancake, separately, before putting them on my plate. "What about you Alex?" He said turning to face Alex.

"Well since Spencer's a pig, I guess I'll just eat the remaining three." Alex said looking at the few pancakes remaining.

"Don't call my Spencer a pig!" A voice scolded from the livingroom.

Recognizing it instantly, I jumped up from my seat. "Kara!" I said as we wrapped our arms around each other.

"God, it feels like forever." She said looking at me. "You haven't grown." She teased.

"Just because you're all giants does not mean you have to pick on me." I teased back.

"Gosh, I missed you." She said again. "Well this is going to be fun, your first trip up to the secret spot." She said giggling as we made our way back into the kitchen.

I sat down in my spot as she continued over to Rian. "Except for the company." I took a bite of my syrupy pancakes.

"What'd you mean?" She turned around confused.

"Melissa?" I said more as a question than a statement.

"I thought you said she wasn't going." Kara said, directed at Rian.

"Oh shit man." Alex said ducking his head into his plate.

"I'm sorry, she just decided at last minute and I didn't want you to get upset." He pleaded her.

"Well, you could've called and told me plans changed." She then turned to me. "You could've warned me too." She smiled.

"I thought you knew." I said defensively after I swallowed another mouthful of pancake.

"Anyone want the last ones?" Rian offered up. Both Alex and Jack wanted more, I decided that my five would be enough for one morning.

Once the last of the pancakes were distributed and the dishes were in the sink Rian and Kara disappeared off to some other room in the house.

"Well we wont see them for a while." Jack said as he put his plate in the sink. I laughed in response as I did the same with my own plate.

When Alex was done with his food I started washing the dishes as he leaned against he counter, watching me. "Are you all packed?" He asked me.

"Yes I am, so are you and so is Sebastian." I said proudly.

"Good job baby, thank you." He said leaning in to kiss my cheek.

"You're very welcome." I said turning off the water and drying off my hands.

We stayed silent for a little bit, leaning on opposite sides of the counters. "Ready to get going?" Alex asked extending his hand.

"Yes, I am." I smiled, pulling on his hand to stand up straight.

"Good, how about you get Baz, Jack and yourself into the car and I'll get drinks and Kara and Rian." He offered once we got to the hallway.

"Sounds good to me." I said walking off to locate the small dog. "Wait, where's Zack?" I asked, pausing in the doorway.

"We're picking him up on the way." Alex said from the kitchen, where he kneeled on the floor packing sodas and waters into two separate coolers.

"No alcohol Al." I warned him. "What about the monster?" I asked, using the name Kara and I referred to her as.

"I won't, and she's with him." He replied over his shoulder.

I nodded my head and turned around to walk away. I grabbed Baz off of the floor and started walking towards the livingroom again when I horrifying thought hit me. "Alex, where is she riding?"

"We haven't really decided yet…" Alex admitted standing up to look at me.

"I can decide for you." Kara said smiling as she stepped off the last step on the stairs.

"No worries Kar, I think Alex and me got this one under control." I replied smiling back at her.

"Spencer, I haven't seen Rian in forever! Please?" She asked, giving me a pout. I widened my eyes, trying to convey the message of 'and-I've-seen-Alex?' "Well, okay I know you haven't either but you at least got to spend last night together."

"But we already have Jack." I said pointing at the stick thin boy sitting on our couch.

"We can take him." She offered quickly.

"Well I guess you'll have to ask Jack…" I said looking around to see that all of the boys had left.

"Rian?" Kara called out, noticing the same thing as me.

"Alex?" I called, loudly. "Jack?" When they didn't reply I looked at Kara confused. "Maybe they went outside?"

"Probably." She chuckled and followed me out the front door. "Rian?" Kara called when we got outside.

"Yeah?" He asked back cautiously, sticking his head around his car.

"Well we were wondering…" I started out looking at Kara to finish.

"Where's Melissa riding?" Kara filled in, barely giving me room to stop talking.

"Well since Alex's car can hold more stuff…we figured it'd be best to put our luggage and stuff in there and then take Zack and Melissa in my car." He said not making eye contact with her.

I gasped quietly. "I'm sorry." I said quickly looking at her.

She looked at me with a temporary death glare at my easy out, her look quickly turning to a pleading expression. "Save me?" She begged.

"We have an extra seat, call when you need something." I said giving her a reassuring smile.

"You guys ready to get going?" Alex asked, just as Rian slammed his trunk closed, as he and Jack walked out the door.

Kara grumbled in response and gave me a quick hug before she got into Rian's car. "We're ready." Rian responded getting into his car.

"What about you baby?" Alex said happily, drawing out the 'a' in baby.

"I am too." I said smiling up at him, as he laced our fingers together.

"I have a surprise for you by the way." Alex said, kissing the top of my head before closing the my door.
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Sorry it took so long...tell me what you thiink? :D