We Gamble With Desire


"Spencer, baby?" I heard Alex's voice, it sounded muffled and far away. "Spencer come on!" Alex said trying to sound forceful, but losing it with the smile I could hear in his voice.

"I'm up." I called, keeping my eyes shut.

"Oh no, you have to actually open your eyes and WAKE UP!" He said very loudly, in my ear.

"Alexander!" I said holding in my laugh. "That was my ear."

His face dropped as he leaned over the empty space and towards my face. "I'm really sorry." he whispered before giving the space before my ear a large sloppy kiss.

"Oh gross." I said whipping away the slobber. "You're lucky I love you." I started laughing as I reached for the door. I got out and pulled my bag with me, walking around to Alex's side of the car. "Why are you still in the car?" I asked laughing again. "You basically shove me out, and now you get to just sit in there? Not fair, Gaskarth."

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me pulling me close to him. "I love you Spencer." He whispered, his voice husky.

"I love you too, Lex." I leaned up and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"I have to tell you something…" he said scratching the back of his head.


"Well, this is my parent's cabin, and umm, they're inside, they kind of want to meet you." He finished refusing to make eye contact.

"WHAT?" I practically screamed once his words processed.

"Well…you said to just not tell you." He said, his voice sounding sad.

"Yeah, when we're at home and I don't look like I just spent five hours straight in a cramped car." I said looking at my face that was covered in sweat and seat imprints from lying against he door for so long. Not to mention that my hair was sticking up in odd ends and unbearably curly.

"You look beautiful, Spencer." Alex said turning me around to kiss my lightly. I rolled my eyes at his obvious lie. "Come on, it'll be fine; they don't care what you look like."

"Yes they do." I protested as I furiously finger combed my way through my hair.

"No, they really don't; they just want to meet you." he continued to protest as I grabbed my bag to touch up my make up and add a fresh spritz of Victoria's Love Spell to my body.

"You are so going to pay for this when we get home, Gaskarth." I said as I attempted to flatten out my dark purple puffy shirt.

He smirked at my threat, clearly unfazed. "I wouldn't have it any other way." I playfully shoved him and started to walk towards the door.

I stopped after a few steps, noticing the lack of cars and lack of screaming. "Where'd everyone go? Did you finally kill Jack?" I asked, feigning hopefulness. Alex simply nodded his head. "And you didn't even let me help burry the body?" I laughed with him.

"I"m sorry love, maybe we can dig him up later and you can rebury him." we both laughed again as he reached my side. "Nah they all piled into Rian's car and headed towards town for something."

"Oh…why didn't they take me?" I groaned as I looked towards the cabin.

"Because you have to do this." Alex replied grabbing my hands in his. "Don't worry okay? It'll be easy, they're on their best behavior; I made them promise. Plus, they're not judgmental, they'll be happy if you make me happy."

"Alex…" I said burying my head in his chest. He leaned down and kissed the top of it. "It doesn't make things any easier."

"Why is this so hard for you?" He asked, as his pointer finger turned my face to face his.

"It just is Alex." I replied, my voice clipped, in hopes that he'd drop the subject.

He took the hint, kissing me once more he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the front door. "It'll be fine." He squeezed my hand and opened the front door.