The End of the World

Chapter One - The Beggining of the End

one fine day in harlem there was a pimp called prince, and he was walking along 4th street, hand down his pants, trying to look as cool as possible, cause he knew there was this maaaad hot chick that walked home along this street every afternoon. So hes walking along, looking for this chick, and then he sees her. and he freaks out right, hes like AAAH! and he ducks into an old antiques shop. she walks past with her friends, turns the corner and heads down her street, through her front gate and into her massive mansion.

hi... =P

your a complete noob, you know that ;D

i know, im so irresistable ;)
yeah in your head
hahaha, and in the mirror every morning ;D

lol morning!! lol
nice towel

hahaha, go die.awwwwwww.
would you come to my funeral??
id be like dead as well, id fully kill myself if you died

if you got kiled, i'm osorry but i wouldn't be able to come to your funeral ...
thats ok, no one would come ;)

i'd be in jail for killing the person that killed you lol=P
ah yes..

nawwww, how romantic ;Dyou wwanna hear a really sad pick up line??

have sex with me?
tha's not sad...that's just gross, and brainles, and pathetic, and also sad but that's beside the point.

did it hurt falling from heaven??

no, but it fuckin hurt bein spat up from hell ;)

that can't be true cause you have got to be an angel sent to me straight from heaven...

yep, im that badass gabriel mofo, hes sick with guns ;D

umm dude he' gay
ah well ;(
that's why he got kicked out...he was gay and god doen't really like same sex relationships. i dnt really see the problem but that's what it says in the bible.

the bible is a good source of wisdom ;)


i'm catholic...but not luike devout. as in not going to church every sunday and i dnt want to become a nun

haha (:
ive been a christian since i can remember, and im not a very good one, granted, but yeah
im not going to become a nun either

it's kinda hard really get into a religion when your born into it.
i geuss so
like how the preachers son is always the first into drugs ;)
you always hear abou the preachers son being the total rebel but then their rents are like always to consumed in their own lives to care about them... or they just get so sick of total control that the first chance they get they get out of it.

yeah i geuss so

i dont really know about that, ive never been forced to accept my parents, well, my entire familys religion, and my fathers parents are athiest, so ive gotten a good go at everything, and i reckon that god is a cool dude to have a round

that's like me but caus ei go to a catholic school they are always saying that to be a real catholic you have to go to chuch every wed and sun and you have to fast for 40 days completely before easter and christmas and that your like not allowed to look at boys and have a life outside the church, home or classroom. and then i think... well i dnt do that so t=does that mean that i'm a bad christian??

your not a christian, your a catholic, one of the most bigoted and mis informed religions there is ;)

yeah, like your not just gonna float around after you die forever

like i've got in my family, my dad's church of england and my mum doesn't realy believe in anything. but i live next door to a nun bording house so i grew up with them. yeah, i reckon catholics are too strict, like as a christian i feel like god is there for me, specially when im like bout to get smashed or something ;)

but seriously, i also feel hes there for the good times as well, and you have to let him be a part of your life, he can do amazing things with broken people

i know i do cause i've gone throuhg a few rough patches in my comparititively short life and he has been there for me and i'm really thankful for that but there have been some times when i fell as though he hasn't been there and then when i realise that he was always there i fell as though because of my dout i've done something wrong. but then again... that's what i've been tough to think and believe since like primrary school.

he is always there, even when you think hes not, and sometimes satan can feed off of your sadness and anger, and cloud your emotions so you dont feel him there with you. i just pray, and pray some more, and eventually i get through, and the feeling goes away and i feel heaps better, and ive been alright through some pretty crappy patches ;) because of that, cause i can be happy knowing that he is only a call away, metaphorically speaking