Bakugan Ice Dragon A New Atribute

Its a Bakugan!

It was the hottest day in Japan, where a young 12 year old boy named Taku was going to get a glass of lemonade from his friend at Burch Street.When he saw a glowing light next to the trash cans.He thought it was dangerous, but he still wanted to check it out. He has heard of the bakugan and the Bakugan Battle Brawlers,but he has never had a bakugan in his life.Taku was an adventure kind of boy but his mom told him to never go anywhere dangerous.Then when he got near he saw a little ball shaped thing and Taku got closer to it he picked it up and saw that it was a BAKUGAN!!!!!
" Wow a real life bakugan!" Taku said," I've always wanted one now I have!
Then he ran to his friend's house and when he ran to the corner, ran into a girl.
"Excuse me, I'm sorry for bumping into you." Taku said.
" Its okay I always bump into people." she said
( She had blue pony tails and is wearing a yellow jacket)
Taku had no time to talk and when he ran he dropped his wallet with only two dollars and twelve cents.
" Hey wait, you dropped your wallet," said the girl.
But it was too late,Taku left. She looked inside and saw a picture of the Battle Brawlers and she said........
"Just like old times huh Dan,"
I finally have one! A bakugan that looked like it will be the strongest!Hey,I wonder what Jon would say about my new bakugan. Oh well I'm running to his house anyway to show him this so I bet he'll love to see it.Hey look I'm here and Jon just got home because his curtains are open, ha! he always open and close it when he leaves and comes home. Well I'm here.
Knock Knock Knock
Hi Mrs Travis but is Jon home?
Yes, Yes he is Taku
Thanks Mrs. Travis
Pant Pant Pant
Hey Jon look what I found a bakugan!
(Jon) Wow is it a girl or a guy? Huh Taku.
(Taku) Its a um um um I know let see if it can talk.
(Jon) Yeah...Hey bakugan can you talk?
(Taku) Yeah can you talk like the ones that the Battle Brawlers have huh?
Then it opened and said that it can.
(Taku) Whoa so you can speak.
(Jon) Yeah and whats your name huh?
My name is Ice Flare.
(Taku) Wow thats a nice name....Oh wait so if your name is Ice Flare you must be a girl bakugan.
(Jon) Well duh she is a girl bakugan dumbo!
(Taku) Hey wanna come to my house and have a sleepover?
(Jon) Yeah if my mom lets me which of course cause she is best friends with your mom!
Well ok its settled SLEEPOVER TONIGHT!!!
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Can you guys comment please I just wrote this and I haven't written a story in a long time!