Status: coming soon

I'll Fill the Empty Pages of the Story of Your Life

The First One

I wasn’t really sure what to make at first. I had decided to go to the store and try to find something that caught my eye. Nothing was really particularly appealing. I mean, this was my little sister. The evening had to be perfect. I had then decided just to make meatloaf. I remembered that my mother had copied my grandmother’s secret recipe for me before I came to LA, and that Demi liked that meatloaf. I grabbed the stuff and started walking home. The Wegman’s was only a few blocks away from the house and the weather was so nice today, not too hot and not too cold. I loved days like this, almost as much as I loved the light rain days.

Unfortunately, I hadn’t expected to have so much to carry back. My arms were full of bags. I turned onto my street and saw something golden running towards me. I was about to jump out of the way but it was too late. It collided head on with my legs. Luckily, I didn’t fall but I stumbled back, my hands flying out to balance me. The bags in my hands flew out and fell to the floor. The dog stopped then, barking and running in a circle around me.

“Elvis,” someone called out. “Elvis, bad boy!” I saw a guy running. He stopped in front of me, his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. “Dumb dog, sit,” he commanded. The dog immediately obeyed and the guy stood up straight, smiling at me apologetically. “Sorry about that,” he said. “He apparently runs off if you don’t hold the leash tight enough. I’m not that used to walking him, you know. That’s more of Nick’s territory. Stupid mutt,” he looked at the dog affectionately. Whatever he was saying to the dog, I could tell he loved it.

“It’s alright,” I said, looking around. My groceries were all over the sidewalk. “Shit,” I said, bending down to start picking them up.

He leaned down to help me too. “I am really sorry,” he said again.

“It’s fine,” I smiled at him to assure him. We had gotten everything picked up and stood. “Thanks so much,” I said as he held the other back. I went to grab it, but he stepped back slightly, shaking his head.

“Let me hold this and walk you home. It’s the least I could do,” he said, also picking up the dog’s leash.

I smiled. “Thanks that would be great.” They started walking towards her house. “So Elvis?” I grinned

“My brother named him,” he explained, smiling sheepishly.

I nodded, understanding. “I had a fish once. I named her Madonna.”

He laughed now. “A music fan?” he questioned.

“Guilty,” I smiled and looked at him as we reached my house. I walked to the door, fumbling for the keys. “Thank you so much – er – what’s your name?”

He smiled now. “You really don’t recognize me, do you?”

“Um should I?” I said cautiously. I started feeling guilty. Who was he?

He laughed, and shrugged. “No I guess not,” he said. “I’m Joe.”

I opened the door and we stepped inside. “Thanks so much,” I said as he put the bags on my kitchen counter.

“No problem,” he said sincerely. “I mean it really was the least I could do since my dog almost killed you.”

“It’s fine,” I said. “It’s scarred me for life and possibly just generated a lifelong fear of dogs but I think I’ll survive.”

He laughed. “Well as long as it wasn’t anything too life altering, I should be going. Nick will be worrying I ran off with his dog or ran him off a cliff or something.”

“Nick’s your brother?” I asked to which he nodded. “Well clearly he trusts you so much.”

He smiled. “With his life, I’m sure.”

I laughed and looked at the clock. It was already almost time to go pick Demi up at the airport. I would have just enough time to prepare everything to be ready to put in the oven when we came back. “Okay well Joe, it was nice meeting you and thank you so much for your help.”

“Is that your way of unceremoniously kicking me out?” he laughed.

I smiled apologetically. “I’m really sorry, I just really have to get going though. I have so much to do before I go pick my sister up at the airport.”

“Okay then,” he said, holding his hand out to me. “It was might meeting you.”

I took his hand and almost immediately pulled away. A shock had run through my body when his hand touched mine. Even now it was still tingling. He looked at me oddly, before looking at his hand. Had it felt it too? Oh this was not good, I thought. I was with Tom. I shouldn’t be having hand shocking handshakes with other guys. I tried to tell myself to calm down. It was just a handshake. I was cheating on him. I wasn’t doing anything wrong. “Okay well see you around,” I said.

He nodded and left, the odd look still on his face. Elvis was barking happily as they left.

I sighed and started preparing everything. What was wrong with me? I
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new chapter :] haha comments anyone?

The First One ;; Boys Like Girls