Status: Currently not writing this story as it has bored me XD

I Will Burn for You


Ed’s POV

I couldn’t believe Cara had died. Alex lay with his head on my chest groaning in sadness. I wrapped my arms around him and reassured him for hours. He really stunk of vodka to be honest. I sang to him, knowing that silently was the only thing that made him calm down. Its why I pursaded him to put it on the album. I was so scared for him, he was my best friend. I wouldn’t let him leave me.

He was drenching my hospital gown but I just cradelled him against me.

“Come on mate… Pull through…” I murmered to him.

“I can’t… believe… all my family is dead now… I feel so alone.” He let out in a strangled voice. I cradelled him closer. “You have me mate. I’ll never, ever leave you.” He nodded and lay next to me in silence listening to me singing to him. Teddy looked relieved to see Alex calming down.

“Teddy, will you go ask a doctor if I can be discharged mate?” I asked him. I needed to be alone with Alex. Teddy left the room.

“Alex, how are you feeling?” I asked concerned.

“Healthwise.. I’m fine.. But Ed it feels like my heart is ice…”

“It will … I’m so sorry for you. You can stay with me and Ali as long as you like. Just heal that heart.”

“I will Ed. I will. I just I can’t believe it yet. I feel empty.” He moaned.

I hugged him and assured him I would be there for him. A doctor came in and started reading my moniters and feeling my chest to see how my ribs were hidden. I was still a bony mess but I was good enough to survive. He felt along the cracks in my spine from where I had fallen. They had healed enough for me to be able to move alright. Teddy swung me out of bed and carried me to the enterance. Even I knew I couldn’t walk well enough. Alex hung onto my arm like a young child. I loved him when he was on vodka, he was so adorable.

Teddy got us down the street to Ali’s place and we went inside. He lay me down on the sofa, Alex still clung to my hand. Ali and Dan both gave me hearty hugs. Dan got me some food so I ate it. IV’s may give you nutriets but you don’t half feel empty! I ate starved then drank my green tea, ahh I love the stuff! Alex was clinging to a bottle of vodka… I pulled it off him and chucked it in the fire so he couldn’t drink it.

Alex hugged my leg that hung limp off the sofa. I saw a shoot of red flash through Dan’s eyes and screamed as loud as my painful lungs would allow.
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