Status: Currently not writing this story as it has bored me XD

I Will Burn for You

I know what you are Edward Hetherton, I know what you are

Alex’s POV

I didn’t care what Teddy did to Ed. It made him stop screaming. We laid him on the sofa and I sat beside him. He looked so … angelic when he slept. I laughed quietly. How coincidencal; an angelic angel. I drank some coffee and went outside for a walk.

Ed was an angel and Dan a werewolf? If Dan was something … abnormal it meant Teddy would probably be. He didn’t transform into a wolf for a reason. What was the reason. I needed to work it out. His eyes…. His skin… The kiss that calmed Ed but made him so so pale. The only time I had seen Ed go that pale was when he lost a lot of blood from a cut on his arm when I broke his wrist when we were 14. That’s when I knew. Teddy must of taken blood from Ed to calm him down. The only way he could of was with the bite… He must be a vampire!

I sat on the bench stunned. Teddy, Ed and Dan weren’t human? It made sense, deep down. I walked back home, confused and wet from the rain. Teddy was waiting outside for me. I couldn’t be near Dan and Teddy! Vampires and werewolves were really dangerous. I walked up to him.

I know what you are Edward Hetherton.I know you.. you vampire! I can’t be near you, you dangerous … bloodsucker! Why would you do that to Ed? Goodbye. I whispered to him. I turned and ran down the road. Teddy was yelling. Why should I stop for a bloodsucker? I needed to go home, to my home.
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Comments, short but i thought it would have a better effect shorter