Status: Currently not writing this story as it has bored me XD

I Will Burn for You

Freedom To Fly

Ed’s POV

Alex was sitting on the kitchen counter singing when the phone went off. I answered it swifly.

“hello, Ed Minton here.” I answered.
“Good afternoon, I am Kira. Put Alex on.”
I looked at him sitting on the bench drunk. “He’s busy. Can I take a message for you?”
“Yes. And don’t make a mistake.” The harsh voice commanded bitterly. I grabbed a pen and swiftly wrote out her message.

Alex. A woman named Kira called. She asked to meet you at the pub next to the largest pub in York in an hour. She said she’ll have a round ready when you get there! Ed M, 2pm

I stuffed the note into his pocket. I needed to fly, I felt so clostrophobic. I pulled off my shirt and ran into the cold winters air. I leaped and flew through the clouds feeling the wind sweep through my hair make my eyes sting. My wings needed a good stretch, I hadn’t used them for a long time.

A girl was screaming and blood dripped from her shirt. She looked about 10 but there were no adults around. I flew down and hid my wings.

“Are you okay?” I asked anxiously.
“Father stabbed me…” The girl sobbed. I picked her up, stretched my wings and took flight so I could get her to A&E.

“You’re flying. You angel!” She gasped. “I didn’t know any angels existed, wow!”

“Not many people think this a good thing…” I indicated to my wings. “I can give people my energy if they are ill so they heal or take it from them if they are hyperactive so it’s a danger to others. If someone tried to stab me I could make them tired so they fall asleep.” The girl was amazed.

“You’re beautiful…amazing.” She whispered in awe. “How could anyone fear you… Are there others like you?”

“A few like me yes. About 100 around europe. I have friends that are… different too. We call ourself abnormals. We don’t like being called mutants… There’s lots of varieties. People call us monsters and threw bricks at us when we lived in London so we moved here. I miss home but I cannot go back. Ever.” I explained.

The girl apoligised for asking so many questions as we landed. I pulled my wings into my back, skin regrowing to cover the tears.

“Does it hurt, when they come out?” She asked quietly.

“Every time…” I mouthed as I handed her to a paramedic. I walked off as she shouted for me. She didn’t know my name so she just yelled angel. The doctors just declared her delirious. For a laugh I released my wings and flew, my t-shirt ripping along the seams. People gawped as I flew back home. I felt so free.

I landed on the doorstep. Alex had left to meet Kira or Kara, what ever she was called. I hoped he would be okay, that girl was suspicious.
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