Status: Currently not writing this story as it has bored me XD

I Will Burn for You

Soul Stolen

Teddy’s POV

I saw Alex in the corridor and before that with Kira in his arms.

“You have her in there don’t you Alex! You know she’s dangerous!” I shouted.

“She's got hypothermia and she's homeless what was I supposed to do; let her die?! And she is not dangerous Ted’s get that idea out your head!" He screamed at me.

“Yes you were Alex.” I muttered and walked off. Didn’t he get it? She was the Abbis how could I be the only one to understand that. I walked into his bedroom.

“Hello Abbis.” I said calmly.

“Ah, hello Hetherton.” She said. “I needed a proper feed.” With that she jumped at me and pinned me to the floor kissing onto the space between my eyebrows – my glabella- and sucking. It hurt and I screamed in agony. Dan ran in while in wolf form and leaped onto the Abbis. He bit her on her neck and pushed her onto the bed. She fell asleep. White-hot pain shot through my veins and I kicked and screamed on the floor.

“Dan! Dan help!” I sobbed. “It hurts…”

“You’re okay teddy… I’ll get Ed, he’ll help you.”

“No! Don’t make him hurt himself over me!” I yelled but Dan was already gone. Minutes later Dan and Ed entered the room. Ed placed his hands on the Abbis’ head and breathed in my soul since it was still fresh. He finished and came over to me, resting his hands on me and giving me my soul. We both choked back the pain. Ed’s hands fell off me.

“Thank you…” I said sitting up. I stared at Kira. “She’s going to hurt Alex real bad…I know it.”

“Well we’ll protect him!” Ed said with a cheeky grin.

“Damn right!” My little brother yelled. I ruffled his hair. This wasn’t going to end well for any of us. If she got to Ed none of us could save him; then we were all doomed.
♠ ♠ ♠
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