Status: Currently not writing this story as it has bored me XD

I Will Burn for You


Dan’s POV

I had been having a bad day. But hey, that was expected for a 13-year-old boy in his first year at high school. My brother, Teddy, was the king of popularity and advice. If you had a problem he would always help you. It gave me a hard act to follow – everyone expected so much of me. Way too much considering how crazy I was. Always hyper, that’s the description of me.

I ran down the school steps being chased by Teddy. I screamed in delight and sugar rush. I fell down the rest of the stairs and crashed, head first, into the rubbish skip. Great. I saw a worried expression cross Ted’s face as I climbed out the bin. That’s when I saw what was happening around me. Teddy’s friends, Ali and Ed, were knelt next to Alex, his other friend, assuring him Cara would be okay. I knew Cara; she was a sweet young girl. Teddy ran to Alex and got filled in on what had happened by Ed. Cara had been in an accident and was now in a coma? Poor Alex… I stood by Teddy’s side. We promised to go check on Cara while Ali calmed Alex down then to call with news.

Ali’s POV

After we talked to Teddy I hauled Alex to his feet. He was really underweight because of how he and Cara are orphans: they couldn’t eat often enough. I carried him to my house reassuring him about Cara’s fate. I wasn’t sure whether to sign him up for therapy or not – this had hit him really badly. As I unlocked the door and laid him on my sofa I considered how this could make him… Alex would never be suicidal but then again, this was his sister.

I watched him fall asleep. He was really pale so I put a blanket over him. After that I turned on Kerrang! and sat at his feet watching it. I was really concerned for him, he was my friend and I didn’t want him to leave me.

Teddy’s POV

Dan and me went to the hospital after we had left. Cara was still in a coma but her vitals were stabilising. We called Ali and told him this to help calm Alex down. They just didn’t know how to wake her up.
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