Status: Currently not writing this story as it has bored me XD

I Will Burn for You

knowing that we will never go our seperate ways

General POV

Dan had just finished school and was walking down the path. A younger girl from his year, who was barely 13, had fallen and dropped papers and files everywhere. She was called Emily but known as Ducky by most of the people in school. Dan knelt down helping her pick everything up. He had never been this close to her before; she hung at the back of classrooms alone and never talked.

“Hi, I’ll give you a hand.” Dan said with a laugh.
“Th….th…thank you…” Ducky stammered.
“Its fine…Glad to help.” Dan explained grinning. Ducky looked up and stared into Dan’s eyes about to thank him. Dan stared back at her falling in love with her at a glance.

“Hey do you want to go out sometime?” Dan said, feeling outspoken and nervous straight after he asked.
“That would be nice, here…” Ducky wrote her phone number down on a piece of paper out her pocket, gathered the rest of her things and walked off. Dan smiled, stuffed the paper in his pocket and ran back to Alex’s house.

Ed was sat on the park playing some random chords on his guitar. A girl came over and watched him.

“Your music is wonderful…” She awed.
“Thank you, I’m Ed, Ed Minton.” Ed smiled and shook the girls hand.
“Oh I’m Emily. Sorry I didn’t mean to disturb you.” She laughed turning to go.
“Wait I’m a bit lonely here, do you want to go get some tea?” Ed offered.
“Oh I would love to!” Emily laughed. “Though I have to go to my work for a bit… band photos you see… here’s my number, call me when you’re lonely again.” Emily said winking and running off down the lane. Ed smiled his life had just improved.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just for emily ;)