Status: Currently not writing this story as it has bored me XD

I Will Burn for You


Teddy’s POV
I walked downstairs holding Ali’s hand. I was holding myself back from pushing him down and kissing him. The bruise along his cheekbone put me off since I had done that to him. We had more important tasks at hand. We stepped into the living room where everyone had gathered.
“Guys we have some news…” I said proudly. Ali was mine, I was in love, why couldn’t I be proud of this?
“Don’t take it bad…” Ali explained with a gentle shudder. He was so scared it was making me nervous. I saw Ed shudder.
“Ali and I… well we’re going out…” I smiled. Ed murmured something that seemed to be ‘they’re doing a lot more that going out. A lot more than making out too.’ Dan had looked at him in shock then at me in disgust. Ali scowled as I blinked away tears.
“Don’t judge us… please…” I begged.
Alex came over and hugged us both. “I’m happy for you!” He said with a grin. Ed nodded, over himself now and Dan smiled, yet still looking confused. We smiled at their acceptance. Ed saw a text crop up on his phone.

“Oh! That’s Emily I have to go.” He said smiling in joy.
“Who’s Emily?” We inquired.
“A girl… I met… and kind of…. Love… “Ed laughed.
“Ah cool!” Alex said. Ed rushed out the door. Dan smiled, explained about his new friend Ducky so went to meet her. We stood awkwardly in the living room.

“Eh I’m gonna go… meet… Kira.” Alex said and walked out. I kissed Ali. We had peace.

Alex’s POV
I walked down the street lonely. Kira was at work. I saw a girl with bright red hair run out the local collage. Funny she looked like a girl I had known in middle school called Jessica. She had moved away... The girl fell with a sickening crunch and her ankle was stuck out at a weird angle. I ran over to help her up. She was crying.

“Are you okay?” I asked as I crouched next to her.
“It hurts…” She said sobbing.
“I’ll call you an ambulance… what’s your name?”
“Oh I’m Alex… Davies.” I smiled.
“Alex?!?!?! Oh my god it’s been years!” Jessica smiled.

“Trust us to meet while you’ve just broken your ankle!” I laughed as I picked her up in my arms and carried her down to the hospital. They fixed it up, bandaged it and let her go. We exchanged phone numbers promising to meet again to catch up.
♠ ♠ ♠
for jessica since she wanted one of the boys ;)