Status: Currently not writing this story as it has bored me XD

I Will Burn for You

Blood drinker

Ali’s POV

I sat on the kitchen bench watching Teddy. He came over and kissed me. I couldn’t control myself. I transformed into a different being, I chose a dove this time but my default was normally a mouse. Teddy yelled. I stared then transformed back human.

“You… you…. That… well that was beautiful…” Teddy gasped.
“It’s so stupid!” I groaned punching the wall.
“It isn’t…” Teddy kissed my neck. “At least you’re not a murderer. Killing yourself to save others..”
“You’re a vampire. We know… but you never feed…” I whispered.
“I need to… I’m getting weak…” Teddy moaned.
“Then have a bite of me… it won’t do much… I promise...” I whispered back. Teddy looked very reluctant then I glared at him. He rested his lips gently on my neck and bit down. The pain was unbearable. I had to do this for Teddy though… My vision went black and white and blurred… Teddy stopped drinking and took his lips from me, wiping them on his sleeve. I was so dizzy.

“Oh my lord! Ali are you okay? I’m so, so sorry!” Teddy yelled. His voice was muted and I couldn’t really understand him. “Ali! Ali can you here me!?! ARE YOU OKAY?!” His voice cut and stung my ears. I shut my eyes, knowing that the pain would end soon. Teddy shook me. “Ali! Ali stay with me! Until we can get you a doctor! Just hang on Ali, hang on for me!” I felt arms wrap around me and carry me out the kitchen into the living room. “Sorry… I can’t say I drained your blood you need a cut… “ I felt something cold and sharp slit my leg. The little blood I had dripped out my leg.

Teddy’s POV

After I had cut Ali’s leg I called 999. The ambulance arrived as Ali was leaving me. HE COULDN’T LEAVE ME! HE COULDN’T! I was allowed to go with him. He lay on the stretcher so calm… Ali hadn’t ever shut up before but then I wished to hear his comments on everything and anything. I kissed his hand, pale and broken. I felt as broken as he was. It felt as if I was dead from the inside out. They took him inside the hospital and I followed helplessly.

They laid Ali on a bed and stuck three tubes in his skin. They dripped blood into him. Monitors were attached to him, beeping erratically. Then they stopped. All the monitors made a haunting noise. The noise of death ran around the room. Each final, quiet beep jumped out the monitor and whipped me. My lover was dying.

Electronic pads were rammed against his chest forcing his body to ripple with electric shock. They did it over and over until the monitors restarted. I sighed in relief. Ali opened his eyes. I cried happily. He had left me but then he had come back. I was so glad.

“What happened…” Ali moaned.
“You let me take too much blood… You were dying... Dead then saved…”
“Oh my lord… sorry Teds…”
“Its fine, your alive now. They’re ready to discharge you, you have enough blood.”
A doctor discharged him and I took him home. I got him a drink and apologised over and over for biting him. I would never hurt him again.