Status: Currently not writing this story as it has bored me XD

I Will Burn for You


Ed's POV

I sat in a cafe with Emily. We had discussed ever detail of our lives to each other and she did truly seem lovely. I had missed this feeling, to be appreciated; loved. It was amazing to feel like this, it was like I melted at the sight of her.

"So do you have any room mates I should know about? Anyone you should compete with?" Emily said with a wink. I ignored the last question.

"Eh- Dan and Ed, a.k.a Teddy, Hetherton, Ali Paul and Alex, or Lexi, Davies all live with me, all morons too!" I laughed. Emily gasped.

"Is Dan going out with a girl called Ducky, or Emily?..." She inquired.

"Yeah he is, do you know her?" I asked, deeply confused.

"Yes I do, I did a photo shoot of a band called Twenty Twenty in the asylum where she lives."

"Hang on... Asylum?" I blurted out.

"Yeah, you know a loony bin? She can see the future so they locked her up claiming she was terminally delusional! She's nice." Emily explained. We decided to go visit her.

It was a long walk to Pocklington, about a mile away, but it was nice to be with Emily. When we got to the asylum it was terrifying. The asylum was a massive, grey-brick building with no windows. It had huge cast iron gates and brick walls so high you could barely see over.

Ducky's POV

I was told I had guests, weird no one knew I was in here. The door opened and I saw Emily in the doorway. There was a stranger next to her, he looked to be 1/2 Japanese. I hadn't seen them coming...

The stranger was looking at my drawings. He was being so rude, staring at them, reading the future from my walls.

"Hi Ducky!" Emily said cheerfully. I shook with nerves.

"W...Who's he?..." I asked, trembling.

"Ed, my boyfriend. He's Dan's friend." She grinned. I was still suspicious. I stared at him.

"An abusive drinker, it may lead to health problems. Something terrible will happen to him and.... EWW! He stinks of death." I wrinkled my nose. Ed looked worried but Emily calmed him with a glance. "It's nice to meet you Ed." I smiled. We talked for a while until they had to go. Something wasn't right at that moment. Images of the future flashed erratically before my eyes and a high pitched screeching noise rang through my ears. I can't remember what happened next but I woke up on the stone floor when the sun was high in the sky... last thing i remembered it had been night time...
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