Status: Currently not writing this story as it has bored me XD

I Will Burn for You

Last Month Of Earth

Ali’s POV

It was February 5th 2030. I’m telling you the date because this day is big in history. We sat in the cell with Ducky – Dan, Teddy, Alex, Ed, Emily and myself were visiting her. Her eyes were tormented and the iris was changing colour from golden yellow to purple to crimson red. A straight jacket bound her arms to her back so she couldn’t move them.

“Ducky, can you hear me?” Dan said sitting next to her. She nodded briefly.

“When’s it going to happen?” Emily asked. Ducky took a pen from the floor and brushed dust off the cell floor. She drew a giant. 1 and an ‘m’. “A month?” I asked. She nodded. Alex was shocked. Ducky sobbed.

“It’ll be okay…” Dan reassured her, holding her against him in a tight embrace. Emily went and checked Ducky out the asylum.

“She can stay with me; It’s quite close to your house so it’ll be okay. She’ll just get more stressed in here.” Emily explained.

“How about we all go to my old house where me and Cara lived?” Alex asked. “It’s big enough to hold all 7 of us…” We all nodded. Emily unbuckled Ducky’s jacket. Between us Dan and I lifted Ducky up since she was a bit unstable. We got to Alex’s house and unlocked the giant metal gates. We put Ducky down on the path and unlocked the massive wooden door.

Inside Alex’s house was dark and dusty. After lighting the candles in the massive chandelier we looked around. The hallway was huge with a tall staircase twisting upwards. We carried Ducky inside and sat her on the stairs. Alex went off and lit all the candles.

It was hard to believe that the world would be destroyed in a month. I heard a knock at the door. Alex came into the hallway and opened it.

“Is Mr Davies here?” The cloaked character said.

“If you mean my father, no he’s not. He’s no longer with us.” Alex snapped.

“Oh… I meant Mr Alex Davies, not Mr Davies senior.” The person said.

“I’m here. What do you need?” He asked, interested now.

“Don’t you recognise me?” The person said flicking down their hood. It was obviously Kira. Her eyes were burning crimson though. Ducky screamed.

“The destroyer of our world stands before of us. Hatred and anger burning in her crimson eyes. Don’t stray close, for her vicious tongue, poisons us with lies.” Ducky chanted in a far-off voice. Alex looked back to see what she was on about.

“Kira’s my friend. She’s not going to kill us!” Alex explained.

“One dear mortal she stole will live, led astray by her fables. He must be rescued, returned to us, in order to turn the tables…” Ducky chanted. I went over to Alex.

“You heard her. That thing is dangerous. Come on Alex. Trust the little fortune teller.” I said with disgust. I slammed the door on Kira. Alex sighed then nodded. The door rang again… If that Kira wouldn’t give up soon she was toasted.
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Commentttz? :D :D :D :D :D :D *grovels and does puppy dog eyes*