Status: Currently not writing this story as it has bored me XD

I Will Burn for You


Teddy’s POV

We had to sit in the waiting room as they tried to save Ed. Alex had been let in to report back to us and apparently they were pumping water out his lungs, trying to kick start his heart and get him breathing again. We knew that there wasn’t much hope for him. I should really tell you what everyone was doing…

Dan was sat on a green plastic chair with his head against the wall. Silent tears were dripping down his cheeks and the room was so silent that you could hear the splashes as his tears hit the floor. His arms were wrapped around his chest as if he was trying to hold his chest shut and start his heart dropping out. The expression on his face proved this wasn’t working.

I was pacing the small area next to the chairs nervously and talking to myself, reassuring myself. My legs felt like jelly and my head hurt but I kept pacing. My hands were clenched in fists at my side defensively.

Alex was the worst of all us. He sat on the floor with his arms wrapped around his knees which where against his chest. His eyes seemed hurt and as if all that meant to them was gone. He was staring at the wall opposite him and he wasn’t making a noise. Not one tear fell from his eyes but we knew he was crying inside. He was shaking but he obviously didn’t care that he was.

A doctor came through to see us, a worried look spread over his face. I sighed, this would never be good. He explained to us Ed was alive but would most likely not be in an hour. They had listed him as one of the certified dying. Alex shook even harder hearing this. The doctor explained that there was much they could do for Ed but we should say goodbye to him while he’s still able to hear it. Dan was crying harder now and feeling like a protective brother I wrapped my arm around him and held him against me. He rested his head against my chest sobbing onto me.

“Dan, Alex calm down. If this is actually the day he’ll die we want to see him? ‘Cause I know I do…” I said trying not to cry. It felt like the worst walk of my life as I took step by step the journey to Ed’s room. I opened the door and we went in. Ed was lying against the bed, as white as the bed sheets covering him. Blood was dripping from his ears, lips, nose and eyes. We could see his veins, an icy blue colour against his skin. Ed was shivering in his deep sleep. Alex knelt by Ed’s side and held his ice-cold hand. I had my arm around Dan’s shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. Alex was mumbling a soft goodbye to Ed, apologising for all the things he’d ever done wrong to Ed. He finished talking, hugged Ed lightly and left to go back to the waiting room. Dan and I said bye next and that we really hoped he’d pull through.

He slipped deeper asleep and we left. None of us wanted to watch him die. We got told on the way out he was in a comatose state (he didn’t have much chance of waking up) but that we shouldn’t give up all our hope. We went home knowing there was nothing more any of us could do for Ed apart from keeping our hearts on him.
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