Status: Currently not writing this story as it has bored me XD

I Will Burn for You


Alex’s POV

After being forced by Ed to eat I lay on the sofa groaning. My insides were so sore and I felt so dehydrated. My head was spinning and it ached like hell. I groaned in pain. Seconds latter Ali and Ed were at my side.
“Alex, what’s wrong?” Ed asked concerned.

“Ed... I’m fine, I’m just a bit dizzy and my throat hurts a bit.” I coughed quietly.

“Alex you really need to see a doctor, you can barely speak.” Ali said, worried.

“Ali I can’t….Cara… too busy.” I tried to argue but I didn’t get much choice as Ali had picked me up and was carrying me to the bus stop. People stared and I grumbled at him. We got out near A&E and he carried me the rest of the way. They got me a doctor straight away since it was quiet. Ali went in with me since Ed was slightly hysterical. The doctor sent me out the room with a nurse while he explained to Ali.

Ali’s POV

“Mr. Paul your friend is seriously dehydrated. He’s starved to the bone too, about 5 stone underweight – it doesn’t sound like much but it’s bad. It’s making his immune system fail. He doesn’t need to stay with us but if you keep an eye on him and make sure he eats and drinks often. 8 drinks a day and he should be okay.” The doctor told me. I was shocked; I knew he was underweight but seriously? I nodded and said I would keep him at my house until he was much better. I walked out the room to tell Ed. I explained to him and helped Alex out. Even if he wouldn’t enjoy our hospitality, he was going to have it. I had promised to help him get better and I was.

I helped him through the door after the bus ride home and back to the sofa. I got him a bottle of water from the fridge, he wasn’t allowed to have beer until he was better because of his tablets, and gave it to him. I explained to him what was wrong and my plan. He grumbled but could tell I wasn’t going to let him get away with getting ill. That was smart of him. Very smart.
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