Status: Currently not writing this story as it has bored me XD

I Will Burn for You

Take My Life

Ed’s POV

I briefly hugged Alex while he slept. This wasn’t me being gay – we were all doing it. Trying to have some good memories of him in… in… in case he died. I did have an idea how to save him in case it all went down the plughole but it would endanger both of our lives. I knew I was going to do it to him if he didn’t gain consciousness in an hour – he had been asleep 48 hours.

I ran downstairs and grabbed his multivitamins for once I helped him. I nudged Dan on his shoulder and pulled him into the kitchen.

“Dan, can I tell you a secret?” I mumbled

“Yeah, sure mate!” He smiled at me.

“Well, to be honest I need to show you. Please don’t shout or scream…” I pulled off my t-shirt and let who I really am show. Huge, white feathery wings grew from the panes of my back. It hurt as much as any of the other times… Dan let out a strangled scream. I shushed him. The others couldn’t know.

“Why did you show me this?” Dan choked out.

“I want to save Alex. Its part of the angel thing to… to be able to give him my health. It’d make him better but it could kill me… so would you be able to get Alex out the room if I pass out? I wouldn’t want him to see… if it killed me…” I explained to him. He went rigid.

“Ed don’t hurt yourself for him, he’s improving.” Dan yelled. I ignored him and pulled on a coat to hide my wings. Alex needed help; it was my job to help him. I ran upstairs and into Alex’s room. I gently placed my hands on his cheeks staring into his blue eyes.

“I’m sorry if this hurts at first.” I murmured as I started the transfer. I saw him start to heal and gain weight. He looked so healthy. My vision clouded and I screamed in agony. The guys ran in to see what was happening. Blue light was streaming from my eyes into Alex’s and my wings were showing.

“ED! YOU CAN STOP! HE’S WELL ENOUGH TO PULL THROUGH!” Dan screamed. I wouldn’t listen; he needed to be very healthy. My vision was awful now; I knew I would pass out soon. He started to reach a healthy weight as I passed out. I fell my hands fall from his face.

Dan’s POV

I tried to get him to stop before he got hurt; I really tried. As I watched him fall to the floor, human again, he was really deeply asleep. He was underweight, shudders passed through his body making him spasm on the floor. I screamed at Ali to call 999 while I forced Ed’s body down against the floor.

He had given his life to save Alex. But now he needed to survive. For everybody’s sake.
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Yes Ed is an angel, i chucked that in just for Emily :) the little hero risked his life for Alex :D comment (should Ed survive?)