Status: Currently not writing this story as it has bored me XD

I Will Burn for You

Give me my christmas miracle angel boy!

Ali’s POV

I picked up Ed; he was lighter than Alex had been. I carried him outside so we didn’t have to let paramedics into the house. I lay him on the pavement. Since he was topless it was very visible how light he was you could see bone pressed against his skin, his rib cage was the worst, every rib visible. He looked so breakable.

I could hear the sirens coming closer as I turned him over and ran my finger down the segments of his spine. A paramedic took his limp body from me and strapped him onto a stretcher. Alex, Teddy and myself went in the ambulance with Ed. We decided Dan had gone through enough for one night. He had known what was happening while it was.

Alex was crying hysterically, I couldn’t blame him. If Ed died…well Alex would blame no one but himself, secretly – I would blame him too. Alex held Ed’s pale, still hand rubbing it between his hands trying to warm it back to its normally lively, cheeky self. What would we do with out Ed?

When we arrived at the hospital they got him straight onto life support. I fingered the IV that dripped cloudy, white liquid into his veins. His eyes were flickering but wouldn’t open. More like couldn’t. His heart was beating slowly and unsteadily. Tears were streaming down Alex’s face and he was screaming in emotional agony.

“ED! YOU HAVE TO SURVIVE! Do it for me… I’m begging you.” I rested a hand on Alex’s shoulder “He’ll be okay Alex, I promise you he’ll be alive tomorrow.” I had to stay optimistic, for Alex and Ed. I watched his heart start to drop lower and lower so I whacked the emergency button. A doctor ran into the room and started crash carting Ed. Tears streamed down Alex’s cheeks.

“Come on my angel… give me one of your miracles…” I whispered. The doctor was just about to stop by then and I don’t know if it was a coincidence or not but when I said that his heart started beating again. Alex pulled me into a tight embrace. I didn’t fight it.

Ed’s POV

I was glad I had saved Alex, and I knew I had. But now it hurt so much, I felt like I was falling down an elevator shaft. My chest ached and I felt like the air had left my lungs. But then it all stopped. Finally I was at peace, like I was floating on a lake after drowning. That’s when it started. Pain thumping through my heart, beating around my whole body. I couldn’t help opening my eyes to see the cause of this pain.

I saw Ali and Alex hugging each other. Ali held my hand and started sobbing.

“Thank you for giving me the miracle. Thank you…” He cried. I didn’t understand.

“Wha… What... miracle?” I said as the words scratched my throat.

“You survived.” He said between heart-broken sobs. “You almost died on me Minton! How could you do that to me?”

“I… I nearly died?” I yelped in shock. No wonder Alex looked so upset.

“Yeah, they were just about to give up when you restarted your precious little heart Angel-boy.”

“Oh god… I’m sorry” I anxiously pushed

“Don’t worry, just recover.” He begged. I nodded.
♠ ♠ ♠
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