Status: Currently not writing this story as it has bored me XD

I Will Burn for You

Discover why love hurts

Alex’s POV

I can’t believe Ed. He apologised for being ill? If he hadn’t saved me this wouldn’t of happened. I owe him my life. As visiting hours came to their end I made my good-byes to Ed and left. I wanted to stay with him but if it was going to make him ill I wouldn’t.

I walked home with the guys. We were really silent; no one wanted to talk. We were all going to stay at Ali’s place since it was closest to the… to the hospital. We went to find Dan curious to know what had happened.

“Dan, Ed nearly died.” Teddy explained to his brother. Dan looked terrified. “He’s okay now but well we don’t know if he’ll last the night.” Dan’s body trembled and erupted with heart-broken sobs. “I… didn’t … get to see… him! What…. If.. he… d…d...d...dies?” Dan stammered. Teddy pulled his brother into a hug and we all stumbled to leave them. I lay on my makeshift bed crying out my woes. My best friend, since I was 8, might die tonight. I couldn’t bear the thought. If he dies, I’ll die I thought. I knew I would kill myself if he did. Cara or no Cara.

My phone went off. A doctor, Ed!! No… NO! Cara couldn’t be dead! I screamed in agony and fell to heap on the floor smashing my mobile off the wall. Agonised screams rippled through me. Ali ran in.

“Is Ed…” He didn’t need to finish his sentence.
“No… Cara is… she… they lost her, Ali, my sister died!” I screamed in pain. How would I live without my baby sister? I reached for a knife ready to plunge it into my ice-cold heart. Ali restrained my arms against the floor.

“Pull yourself together mate!” He shouted. “Yes she was your sister, you loved her I get it! But would she want you to be suicidal because of her? Imagine if Ed could see you now! He’d think you so … so STUPID!” He yelled at me. Every word cut deeper than the knife could. The knife dropped out my motionless hand and I fell into Ali’s arms crying. There are no words to describe the pain I felt that night – there never will be.
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awwww D: