Status: Currently not writing this story as it has bored me XD

I Will Burn for You


Teddy’s POV

I heard Alex screaming, he sounded devastated – his screams cut my soul. Agonised. I ran into the room and looked as Ali as if to say did Ed pass? Ali shook his head. It must have been Cara then. Alex looked really bad. There was a knife next to Alex on the floor and he was screaming for it. His hand reached out and wrapped around it and pulled against Ali to his chest. He was seriously demented… I pulled the knife out his hand, unfortunately by the blade and ran downstairs with it. I put it in the bin and put a load of boxes on top. My hand was gauged open and really painful. Tears of pain ran silently down my cheeks but I ignored it as I deftly bandaged it up. I took some painkillers and went back upstairs. Blood was already soaking through the bandages.

Alex was desperately in need of Ed now. We all were. He was the only one that could help Alex now and it was 12 hours before we could get Alex to him. You could tell Alex barely knew we were there. We had doubted if he would manage through this – those doubts were right.

“Alex. Please mate, listen to me.” I begged. His blue, broken eyes stared into mine. I felt like I was going to cry just looking at him. “Last the night, Ed’ll help you… Just stay alive Alex.” I gave him a bottle of vodka. We were only allowed to let him have it when he was really, really upset and well – he was. He drank it down passing out after ½ the bottle. Ali and me dragged Alex onto his bed and slept on the floor next to him after locking away the vodka. We had a very bad nights sleep and woke up at 7. We could visit Ed in ½ an hour. I changed into a new set of clothes and then kicked Alex awake.

“Wha? Why wakin up?” He slurred at me. I gave him some milk which he drank then sobered enough to remember Cara and Ed. He burst into waves of girly tears; well we knew he was sober!

“Alex, we’re off to see Ed!” I said happily, pulling him to his feet and helping him dress. Alex was very funny drunk to be fair. Ali and me pulled him to the bus stop and then down the street to the hospital. We walked into Ed’s room.

“Why’s he been at the vodka?” Ed sighed.
“Cara’s… Well she’s dead. Alex was suicidal. We had to give him vodka to stop him stabbing himself.” I explained. I was watching Alex get down medicines.
”ALEX GET OFF THOSE!” I yelled at him. He put it back crestfallen. “Get a hug from Ed you old moose!” Alex crawled into bed beside Ed and hugged him, tears dripping onto Ed’s shoulder.
“It’s okay mate…” Ed cooed to Alex, singing gently to Lexi. Alex sobered right down and within seconds was crying on Ed.

“She was so young… I failed her as a brother Ed; I really did!” Alex sobbed.
“Shh… you were an amazing brother Alex. It was just her time to leave us...” Ed said. “I’m allowed to leave today so we’ll get you cheered up”

I was amazed how Ed was still optimistic that Alex was listening to him.
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