Status: Sequellllllllllll! :)

My Words Are a Matter of Pride

I'm on a plane

"Wow, we've been gone for so long-" Harlee said as she sat down in one of the chairs by one of the boarding gates at the Adelaide airport.

"It's been three weeks," Avara said to her, not looking up from the magazine she was reading as she too sat down in one of the chairs. Harlee continued as if Avara hadn't spoke.

"-that it feels like I don't even have a home anymore."

"It's been three weeks Harls," Avara repeated, turning the page of her Girlfriend magazine, a magazine she hadn't read since highschool, but it was the only one available at the newsagency in the airport that didn't contain half naked girls or motorbikes.

"Will my mum even know who I am? Does she remember that I even exist?" Harlee went on. Finally, Avara dropped her arms, with the magazine, to her lap and looked up at Harlee in annoyance.

"You were on the phone to her this morning." Harlee looked a little offended at Avara's tone, and Avara smiled apologetically. She was anxious to get home and every minute spent waiting to board the plane was agony to her. As a result, she was loosing her patience. At that moment, Holly arrived with a steaming foam cup in her hands.

"What's that?" Harlee asked.

"Hot chocolate," Holly answered before taking a sip. Avara saw her wince and guessed she must have burnt her tongue.

"Where'd you get that from?" Avara asked.

"Dome," Holly answered. She took another brave sip.

"Dome?" Avara asked, looking left and then right, "Where?"

"Downstairs," Holly said, finally taking a seat next to Harlee. "Near check-in. I saw it when we came in." Avara frowned, not wanting to go downstairs and then have to go through metal detectors again on the way back up. They made her nervous. She turned back to her magazine as Holly spoke again.

"Where's Tadem?"

"Downstairs waiting for the boys," Halree told her. Avara looked thoughtful for a moment and then pulled her phone out to text Tadem and ask her to bring up a hot chocolate.

"Where's Trav and Jake?" Holly asked.

"Trav's with the Short Stackians, and Jake is MIA," Avara said.

"He's in the loo," Harlee corrected.

"Jake's in the loo," Avara repeated to Holly.

Ten minutes later, Tadem came running towards them, flailing her arms. When she got to them, she stopped and stood infront of them as if she'd been there all along. "Soundwave line up is up."

"How d'you know that?" Holly asked, her jaw dropping slightly because she had been checking the website daily and it was already about a month late. Going to Soundwave was like a ritual for her and Avara, who had been every year since they were 15. Soundwave was like the Australian equvalent to America's Warped Tour.

"Shaun told me," Tadem told her.

"Where's my hot chocolate?" Avara asked, suddenly worried that Tadem had forgotten it.

"Shaun's got it," Tadem answered. Then, right on cue, Shaun, Andy, Bradie and Travis came and found them. Shaun handed Avara her hot chocolate and she looked at it suspiciously, removed the lid, replaced it, handed the cup to Harlee for safe keeping, and stood up.

"Diviney," she scowled, stepping towards Shaun, "Why is my hot chocolate half empty?" Shaun cowered behind Tadem.

"You told me she would'nt notice," he whined to her.

"I lied," Tadem laughed. Avara walked toward him, ready to bitch slap him, but he ran away.

"I'll buy you one on the plane," he said, "Just don't kill me."

"Buy me two," Avara said thoughtfully.

"I'll buy you two," Shaun nodded, "Two it is. You got it." Avara stared him down for a second further, then returned to her seat to quietly sip the rest of her hot chocolate.

"Attention passengers: Flight 812 to Perth is now boarding at Gate 7. Flight 812 to Perth, Gate 7.

Harlee jumped up in excitement, partly due to the fact that she was excited to go home, and partly because she loved planes. Tadem follwed her to the gate with much less enthusiasm. She didn't like planes.

"Don't worry Tadem, like Harlee told me at the last airport we were at; If the planes crashes, its 1, 2, 3 dead," Holly laughed. Tadem stared at her.

"Wow, that makes me feel loads better," she said sarcastically as she handed her boarding pass to the lady at the gate.

They all managed to get seats relatively close to eachother on the plane, but there was still some swapping involed. Shaun made it loud and clear that he had to sit next to Avara because he had to buy her hot chocolates, so he swap seats with Andy, much to the annoyance of one of the flight attendants, who complained about the weight on the plane being thrown off. Avara didn't understand this though, it's not like anybody had weighed them before they got on the plane.

"Are we expecting Americans to show up in Perth?" Shaun asked Avara when everyone was settled.

"You've asked someone that on almost every plane Shaun, and we always so no, but they show up anyway.

"Lightbulb!" Holly called from behind them.

"Where?" Harlee asked, looking to her left and to her right. She was looking for a highschool friend she and Holly used to refer to as Lightbulb.

"No, I mean I had an idea," Holly said imaptiently. Avara was right next to the window and she found it difficult to see Holly through the tiny gap between the seats, so she stretched around Shaun to talk to Holly. He reacted to Avara's sudden invasion of his personal space by pulling on her hair, which she chose to ignore.

"And what's that?" Avara asked Holly.

"Well it was more of a passing thought really, but has anyone bothered to check their myspace for tour dates?" It was a legit question. None of them had thought of doing that. Shaun, trying to be helpful because he was crazy about Avara, pulled out his phone and brought up myspace. This earned him another dissaproving look from the flight attendant because they were close to take-off and all electrical devices were meant to be switched off.

Shaun searched for FTSK's myspace because they were the only band that really had a problem with. He like everyone from Paramore just fine and he got along with everyone in All Time Low, except Alex but he usually kept his dinstance. But he was insanely jealous of Jonathan and Caleb because while he was still trying to win Avara over after years of no success, they had both managed to do it a few short weeks. He didn't like Kyle at all either. He seemed like a cocky ratbag, even without the fact that he had completely messed Holly over. Shaun was very protective of Holly, almost as much as Bradie was. Shaun crossed his fingers in his pocket and he managed to get a quick glance at the tour dates on the myspace page before an announcement came over telling them to belt up and turn their stuff off.

"They have a show in Perth on the ...," he muttered, deflated because crossing his fingers apparently hadn't worked, " after our last show"

When the plane was finally in the air and Avara turned her phone on, she found she had a message from Holly.

I'm on a Plane (I'm on a plane)
I'm on a plane (I'm on a plane)
Everybody look at me 'cause I'm flying on a plane (flying on a plane)
I'm on a plane (I'm on a plane)
I'm on a plane
Take a good hard look at the aluminium plane

I'm on a plane motherfucker and I'm ready to dance
Straight flying on a plane, y'all look like ants
Busting five hundred K's, willing to take a chance
You can't stop me motherfucker cause I'm going to France!

"And that's why she's your lyracist," Shuan muttered, reading the message over her shoulder. Avara twisted in her seat and eyed Holly from the gap between her and Shuan. When Holly noticed her looking, she attempted to dance in her seat, making Avara laugh. She backed out of her inbox and created a new message.

Take a picture, click.
I'm on a plane, bitch.
We drinking hot chocolates,
And I'm feeling air-sick
I got my seat-belt
To keep me safe and crap.
So this plane looses air
I can finish this rap

I'm riding on a airplane, reading books and shit
The planes flying, getting people where they wanna get
But this ain't magic, this is real as it gets
I'm on a plane, motherfucker, on a real big jet.

Avara hit send and she heard Holly giggle behind her, followed by the sound of claps. She pictured Holly acting like Peter Griffin when he gets excited. Bouncing up and down, clapping her hands in a fit of giggles. After a few moments, Avara got a reply.

Your funny. I want apple juice

"Yo, D," Avara said addressing Shaun.

"What?" he asked.

"Get Hols a juice when you get me my hot chocolates."

"Right-o." Avara got another text and she opened it, expecting it to be from Holly. It was from Tadem.

I didn't finish what I was saying before. Soundwave line-up is up and guess which three bands will be going back to America in a week, and then coming back to Australia in 2 and a half months.

From the swearing that was going on behind her, Avara guessed that Holly had gotten the same message. Avara read it through again before shutting her phone and resting her head on Shaun's shoulder, where the last thing she thought was how weird it was that everywhere they went, FTSK would follow them. Then she fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sup homies?


There's going to be a threequel :]