Always and Forever


Chapter 1

Justin Mallory walked out of the airport, with that same cool, confident demeanor he's had since high school, he could see the cute blonde that was on his flight still checking him out, under normal circumstances he would return the favor but not now. He had just returned from the Amazonian Rainforest and the only woman he wanted to see was his best friend Andy. Andy Scarletti and Justin Mallory had been best friends since she moved in across the street from him fourteen years ago.

He searched for a while longer then he saw a head of curly black hair."Andy!"he shouted.

She looked up and smiled when she saw him. God, she was beautiful. Andy was 5'2, she looked delicate and vulnerable but had the curves men fantisized about. She had olive skin from her obvious Italian ancestry, that ancestry was also responsible for her halo of curls that were so black they were almost blue.But to him her eyes were her most beautiful feature,sometimes they would look like a deep rich brown, at others they were a forest greenthat reminded him of the rainforest but his favorite was when they mixed to create a color that was utterly unique, like Andy. You'd think being that beautiful would make her conceited, but no, Andy doesnt seem to be aware of just how beautiful she is, as she ran ran up to greet me , I could see the heads of numerous men turn to watch her, nearly breaking their necks to catch another glimpse of Andy's beauty.

"Caro"she shouted running intohis arms. I picked her up off the ground and swung her around in my arms. She carried the scent of pecculli, the other supplies she used when she was painting, and that other scent that was completely and totally Andy, most importantly she smelled like home.God, he loved to hear her speak to him in italian." How was your flight?,How did your shoot go?, Did you have any trouble?"she bombarded him with questions as soon as he set her back on her feet.

"Calm down Mother Hen"he teased her."Your treating me like a baby, may I remind you that I'm a grown man and I can take care of myself ?"

"Yeah, thats why you eat breakfast at my house every morning"she teased back, with a twinkle in her eye."Plus you are a baby.Your my Justin. My bambino"she said giving me a kiss on my cheek. Anybody looking at us would think we were a couple. But we weren't , Andy was my best friend since we were kids,she knew me better than anybody else did, knew all my secrets, all my fears, she knew how damaged I was and accepted me the way I was , she didnt try to change me the way a girlfriend would.Thats why she's my best friend.

**********sorry I'm stopping so abruptly but I have to go.