Always and Forever

Ghosts of the Past

Chapter 3

I kissed the top of Andy's head as I heard her breathing even as she slipped into sleep. I've been sleeping beside her on random nights since we were young. I remember the first time I slept beside her,it was three months after she moved beside me and it had been two weeks before my mother had commited suicide, my parents used to fight alot before it happened.


I could hear my mother screaming at my father as I climbed out my bedroom window, I bet half the neighborhood could hear it too. My dad told me she wasnt always like this, but the funny thing is I could not imagine her any other way. My mother was unpredictable, moody and she always seemed to be angry at me and my dad. There were times she would just stareout the window looking out and seeing nothing and then there were the times she would just start yelling and screaming. It used to be that the only thing that could help me escape reality and see the world the way I wanted it was taking picture and then Andy moved in beside me. I thought that ike most of my friends, once she saw the chaos I lived in. But she didnt, she stuck around and that alone made her my best friend.

I climbed up the tree and into her bedroom window, I saw her paint set in the corner and on the table beside her bed, it had a picture I took of us, we were standing in front of her house with the goofiest expressions we could make on our faces, I smiled. She is my favorite subject, my own personal master peice. I went over towards the bed and saw her peaceful expresiion she looked like an angel with the moonlight streaming down on her perfect features and inky black hair. I wish I had my camera to capture her beauty.

I shook her awake, I didnt want to wake her parent with my voice it was squeaky, and very embarassing. My dad said it was because I was going through puberty, I thimk it's god playing his own private joke by reaking havoc on my voice. She opened her eyes slowly, drowsily. They went wide when she saw me."What are you doing here?" she whispered sitting up and tucking random strands of here behind her ears.

"My parents..." I let my sentence trail off, she understood what I was saying. She nodded." Can I sleep here?"she nodded again. She scooted over on the bed to make room for me, but I shook my head, I didn't want to take advantage of her hospitality. I went to the floor.I was there for only a couple of seconds and I could hear Andy moving around on the bed behind me, I figured she was going back to sleep, then I felt her body land behind mine I turned around to see her lying beside me."What are you doing?" I asked in a hushed tone. She didn't answer she just shook her head and scooted closer, this time wrapping her arms around me drawing me closer, then she closed her eyes. I understood what she was telling me.' If I was gonna sleep here I wasn,t sleeping alone'. I smiled and rested my head against her.That was the exact moment she became my ultimate escape.


That was so many years ago but nothing has changed.Well, almost nothing.

Andy moved in her sleep climbing right onto my throbbing erection, I groaned. She was going to kill me.The truth is I've always been attracted to Andy but who wouldn't be? She is the most beautiful woman, inside and out, but I've always prided myself on the fact I've never acted on my more baser instincts. If Andy was just another bimbo then it would be different but she's not, she's one those women you take home to meet your family, the type that settle down and marry and have 2.5 kids and a white pickett fence, but I just don't see that in my future. But that doesn't stop my body from reacting towards Andy's natural sex appeal.

She moved again climbing even more onto my cock abd I felt it become even harder than it was before. God, help me.


I woke up the next morning to see the bed empty beside me . I brushed my teeth and dragged on a shirt. There she was in the middle of the kitchen, wearing one of my shirts unbuttoned, with a tank top uderneath and a pair of daisy dukes, she was barefoot. She was cooking whle dancing around and singing along to the radio, I felt my cock jerk, but managed to hide it before laughing , which startled her enough for her to drop the spoon she was using to stir something she had in a bowl, pancakes, I guessed.

She smiled when she saw me. "Do you have any clothes of your own?" I asked clearly talking about her choice of apparel. She laughed.

"Well , if you didnt want me to wear them you shouldnt have left them here"I gave her a mocking glance, then I joined her in cooking breakfast, like i,ve done a million times before.