Runnig from a Vampires Kiss


Chapter 1

I was terrified . I mean who wouldn't be in my situation, but I would kill mysef before I let my fear show.

I worked up my courage and asked the question that's been burning through my mind 'Hey scary dude , could you get off me please ? ,It's really hard trying to run from something that's pinning you to the ground'

I think that shocked him out of whatever trance he was in , because his eyes turned from completely pitch black to lightening silver. He looked really confused for a second, before uttering an even more confused 'What ?'

'Well, your on top of me . And it would really please me if you would get off'. I'm a bit suicidal when scared out of my mind.

Then one minute he was on me the next he wasn't. I got up and brushed the leaves off my shirt.

'Thank you. Now if you don't mind I'm going to go commit myself . Because I have obviously gone completely insane .Goodbye'. He seemed to find this funny because I saw the beginnings of a smile on his face.'This is funny to you ?'. I asked getting annoyed, crazy people do not enjoy being laughed at.

'Yes actually. I find you very amusing for a human' .His voice was smooth and cultured, I detected a slight accent , though I couldn't place it.

'Well thank you, I always enjoy making my hallucinations laugh'. Then something occured to me .I'm standing here talking to a figment of my overactive immagination.' Well I have to give myself some credit. When I make up an imaginary guy , I have good taste. Your hot'. I saw no point in beating around the bush , he's my imaginary guy and I could admire him all I want , after all he is a figment of my imagination. And in my defense he is the hottest guy I've ever seen.

He had black hair that was softly tousled arond his aristocratic face. His silver eyes were surrounded by a thick fringe of long, dark lashes that any woman would die for. His skin was pale , deathly pale actaully. He had high cheekbones, and and those lips! that was a mouth that was made to do wicked, wicked things. And his body was well muscled . Thats an understatement, he was huge, I'd say he was around 6'5. To me was a giant, considering the fact that I was 5'2 and short enough as it is ,I did not need to be reminded of my horizontally challenged state.

'Anyway, bye.' I was not staying around any longer, i did not need anymore confirmation. I have gone nuts.But before I could take a step he was right in front of me . As you can tell I was no longer upset , after all he isn't real. And maybe if I keep telling myself that I would actually begin to beleive it.

'Aren't you afraid of me?'. He asked in that smooth voice of his.

'Do I look like I'm afraid of you ?'. I asked. I was the queen of evasion.

' That's not answering my question'. Rats!

' Well since you don't really exist I have nothing to be afraid of, now do I ?'

'You don't actually beleive you made me up do you?' I could hear an amused tone in his voice. Laughing was good, at least he's not killing me.

' I was hoping you were, please don't destroy a young girl's hopes'

' I find you interesting and peculiar for a human'.

'I wish you stop calling me that'

'Why?, that's what you are'

'Yes, but you saying it like that implies your something different'

"I'd think it would be obvious by now, what I was"

Okay I was getting scared again.And that was not good for anybody. Espicially me, remember me, who when scared get's angry , open's her mouth and say's stupid things that tend to make the people around me angry.

' I'm sorry that but that statement does not apply to me. Just what the hell are you'. I said visibly peaked.

I saw his gaze turned preditory and he stalked towards me, gaze intent, and stopped so close to me that our breaths mingled. Then he leaned closer , just short of my lips and whispered.'A Vampire'. just before giving me the hottest kiss I have ever experienced.